Thyroidless & Thyroid Diet? Sugar vs. Carbs vs. Calories

Happy holidays, everyone. I had medullary thyroid cancer, so my thyroid was removed. I gained 25 lbs. and my weight has been stable for years and now I am ready to make a serious effort to lose. MFP is new to me, as it dieting, and I am overwhelmed with the data available when tracking food. My question is, which do I really need to pay attention to? I was borderline GD in my first pregnancy and that has me freaking out about sugar, but should I be? I drizzle honey on plain Greek yogurt and on oatmeal, but even such a small amount of honey has tons of sugar. I make a latte every morning and am astounded with the sugar content in milk. The prunes I put in my oatmeal, sugar!!!

Also, having no thyroid and being on thyroid hormone replacement therapy, is there a specific dietary concern I should know about, i.e. do we process carbs differently, for example?

Thanks for any tips!


  • elizabethroyce10
    elizabethroyce10 Posts: 37 Member
    refined sugar is for me actually addictive. Like i crave it badly for about 3 days after i have it. Once it is out of system i can eat fruits and like with no problem. I dont think it has anything to do with thyroid but who knows?! The sugar that occurs naturally is much better than the refined stuff
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    According to the NIH (and my endocrinologist), there's no such thing as a thyroid diet. Eat whatever you want.

    I'm less hungry when I use MFP's default fiber & protein goals as minimums and ignore carbs & fat. It'll take trial & error to find what works for you.

    Eat "good" 80% of the time and fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Unless you have diabetes (or doctor's orders), ignore MFP's sugar goal.