Just joined!

hi I'm Chriss, I just joined the group and I have my VS scheduled for Dec 22nd. I'm very nervous but I'm excited for change. Hopefully this group will help with my transition into my new way of eating!!!!!


  • tedrapaige
    tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! Best of luck for your op! How are you getting along with your pre-op diet (if you're doing one)?
  • I'm actually doing well on it. They have me doing the Optifast diet 5 a day. My problem is getting all the water in. I'm nervous tho because I started on Tuesday and they want me to have lost almost 20 pounds by my final weigh in next Friday
  • tedrapaige
    tedrapaige Posts: 24 Member
    Ohh, that'll be easy. Just keep at it. It might help to put a timer on to help you remember to drink? I got an app called Bariatric Timer that might be helpful.
  • kittenincalgary
    kittenincalgary Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome! :) I'm Allison. I live up in Canada. My sleeve is scheduled for Feb 11th. This is an awesome group and you will find lots of interesting things to read in the various discussion threads. Best of luck with your upcoming surgery!
  • Thanks very much everyone!!! I'm going to download that app so it helps me to remember to drink....
  • benagek
    benagek Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I had my surgery in September and I remember those feelings of anxiousness. You can do this!
  • thanks for the support!!! i really appreciate it!!!! Monday is the big day!
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Congrats on surgery date! Good luck and best wishes.