Tuesday, December 16, 2014

valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    It's been a while! I had my hysterectomy three weeks ago. The first week was pretty miserable. I was basically unable to do much of anything. I've been slowly improving since then. But even now I can only handle so much activity before I get either headaches, exhausted to the point of almost collapsing, or I'll with full body aches. I'm not one to want to sit still so I get very frustrated with this. :). But I'm trying to behave myself and dreaming of the day I can put on my running shoes and hit the streets! End of January is when I'll be allowed to start training again. I'm starting to take small walks right now, making them a little longer to build my stamina back up.
    My in-laws also came to visit and while they were here my hubby's sister called crying. Her husband has apparently not been happy and they had a big fight where he talked about separation. For a few years now, my husband and I were concerned about them because his sister was basically refusing to listen to anything her husband wanted...especially regarding their kids and how they were being raised. He'd mention a concern and she would turn around and do something completely different. We knew that a marriage like that wouldn't last. But we love them both and are going to invite them down to Phoenix (they live in MN) to get away from everything and have a chance to talk without their kids interrupting. (Also, she seeks the advice of her mother and those two are basically keeping the husband out of the picture. It's not a healthy relationship so we would like to see them separated a bit as well).
    Finally, my grandma died and the memorial was this weekend. So I flew up to Grand Forks with my mom and drove up to Black Duck MN. It was good to see family but the weekend was incredibly draining for me. I got back about midnight on Sunday night.
    So that should catch you up on my life. Things should calm down a little bit now. I'm grateful that my husband and I are so close, and I've slept well being back in my own bed. I'm trying to get back into a routine again (minus heavy chores and training) to help feel a little less chaotic. So I should hopefully be posting here again regularly. :). I missed all of you and hope you're doing well!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I've missed you too, Valma. Sorry about all the upheaval in your life. Hope everything settles down to relaxed (as much as it can be with children around :smile: ) and happy and that you get back to running as soon as possible with your healing.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi val! Good to have you back. Sorry about the rough few weeks. It's really thoughtful of you to invite your sis and bro in law to visit free from kid distractions. I know from experience that having no help or escape from kids can really strain a relationship. I wish we just had one person who could watch our kids once or twice a year so we could go on a date, but we don't and it's tough. Hope you are healing well.

    Well my day turned out as expected, except son finished earlier than expected and then DH immediately went to the office, so either way I was stuck with kid or kids, so no gym. Will just have to see how tomorrow goes.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    I’m here and I’M NOT GIVING UP! DO YOU HEAR ME WORLD?? I’m fat. I eat junk food sometimes. I missed a bunch of workouts. But I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

    After a decent night’s sleep, I woke up feeling rested. I hopped on the bike for 20m and went to the grocery store this am on my way to work, tot in tow. Now we can eat at home and I just deleted the Domino’s app on my phone. HOW YA LIKE ME NOW?
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm here but barely, decided if we sell house I am taking until 2016 spring until I find part time job again to not work retail next Xmas! I would love to be able to say I want to work two days year round but that doesn't fly with retail.

    I am sure we will be here until fall so that won't be that long off.

    Tomorrow I promised my friend I will be at her nia class or probably would skip, too tired to move!

    The young owner who is 30 seems to think I can do as much as her at 58, I try I am not a slacker but I don't have the energy of those years. I went into menopause early at 37 so by now my body must be depleted! Lol

    I go back to my normal two days a week after jan 5, counting the days....