August mommas

AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
Any other August mommas on here yet? I haven't had my first appt yet, but I should be due August 1. This is baby #2 for me. I'm starting this pregnancy about 20 pounds lighter than where I started with my first. I also gained about 60 pounds with my first, and I'm shooting for only gaining 15 pounds with this one since I'm still slightly overweight. Feel free to add me. I'd love to have some friends to log with through the pregnancy!


  • ls8735
    ls8735 Posts: 53 Member
    I just had 3 positive home pregnancy tests yesterday and calculated my due date at August 2nd. I have my first doctor's appt. on January 2nd. This will be my first child. My husband and I are very excited. Everyone please add me!
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    edited December 2014
    This is also my second pregnancy due Aug 4. My first is 9 so I am worried that this is a whole different ball game.

    I am 28, 5'2 and started at 171lbs. I am 6 weeks and have gained 1lb so far. I am also only hoping to gain 15 or so lbs since I am still very much overweight. I am aiming to eat around 1800 calories so far and hopefully continue working out at least 4 times a week.

    Please feel free to add me as well. Would love to have some other healthy moms to connect with!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    LS, congratulations! It is so exciting! Have you told your families yet?

    Viglet, you're gonna be starting over completely with a newborn again! But hopefully your 9 year old will be a big helper :). Is your oldest a boy or girl? I have a 20 month old little boy.

    So far I'm trying to average around 2000 calories a day, and I haven't gained or lost. I'm also hoping to continue to exercise at least 4 times per week. I was doing 5-6 days per week, but I figure that will slow down as the pregnancy progresses.

    Would y'all be interested in doing a weekly weigh-in to hold ourselves accountable for our weight gain? I'll start if anybody else wants to jump on board!

    SW: 170
    Week 5: 169 (-1)
    Week 6: 169 (-1)

    -No gain until week 15
    -0.5lb/week weeks 16-27
    -1lb/week weeks 28-40
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    edited December 2014
    We told our parents and siblings this weekend. We are hoping to not tell anyone else until January.

    My 9 year old is a girl. She is SO excited! I am sure she will be happy to be a helper.

    I am down for the weigh-ins. I am so worried about gaining too much weight. I went from 228 to 159 over the past two years. When we decided to start trying, I gained over 10 lbs in 6 months!!! I stopped counting calories and began to slack on my exercise routines. So I really need to kick my butt back into the habit!

    SW: 171
    Week 6: 172
  • claire_donegal84
    claire_donegal84 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey, just back from the docs who confirmed my pregnancy, due approx Aug 9th with my second.
    My baby boy is only 9&half months old so I'm going to be so busy with a newborn next summer and him running around too!

    I gained far too much last time and hoping to keep gains to a minimum if possible! Christmas won't help though! No pregnancy symptoms so far!
    Sw: 160 :-/
    Week 6: 160

    Feel free to add me, great having mamma friends due the same time!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Glad to hear y'all are doing well! Claire, you will definitely have your hands full! Hopefully we'll get some more August mommas on board soon :).

    SW: 170
    Week 5: 169 (-1)
    Week 6: 169 (-1)
    Week 7: 170 (0)
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    So I have been counting. Have aimed to eat around 1800 calories and eat back any workout calories. So I am eating around 2000 calories or so. I think it might be a bit much still.

    SW: 171
    Week 6: 172
    Week 7: 173

    I think my weakness this season is the treats. I always gain wait around Christmas but bust my *kitten* in January to get it off. So now I am not sure how I am going to manage not gaining a bunch because I wont be able to try and lose it in January!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I'm wondering the same thing! I also always gain at least a few pounds around the holidays, then take it back off in January. But obviously that's not an option this time, so I'm trying to control myself. I've been way over my calories pretty much every day, but somehow I'm not gaining, so I've just been lucky so far honestly.

    It's neat we have the same SW. How tall are you? I'm 5'6.5" and I've set my calories to 2000/day + exercise cals, but last week I was like 2500 cals over total, and this week I'm almost 2000 cals over for the week :/. So I'm thinking my actual TDEE must be quite a bit higher than 2000.

    Anyway, here's my update:
    SW: 170
    Week 5: 169 (-1)
    Week 6: 169 (-1)
    Week 7: 170 (0)
    Week 8: 170 (0)
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Oh I am much shorter than you. I am a bit over 5'2, which is why I have my calories set to 1800. Before TTC, I was aiming to eat around 1350.

    How are symptoms coming along for you guys?
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I am muuuuuch more nauseous this time. If I don't eat. If I do eat. If I stand up for too long. If I think about food. I brought lunch to work today, and ended up eating something else because the thought of it made me wanna puke lol. Also more tired than last time, but I think that's just bc I'm having to chase a toddler around too :). What about you?
  • lhoff85
    lhoff85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm due August 23rd with my first =) I'm starting pregnancy about 15 pounds more than I would like to be so I'm hoping to minimize my weight gain during pregnancy with MFP. Would love to have other mommas for support!
  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    Hi ladies!! I'm brand new to this group. I JUST took a clear positive test this morning--haven't even made it to my doctor yet. If we convinced when I think we did, I will be due August 25th!

    I'm REALLY nervous about the whole pregnancy though. I'm still going to continue running since I've been running 4x a week consistently since early May. I'm at 5'6" 175 right now, down from 223 in January. I plan to ease myself into maintenance and then play with my calories from there. As of right now, I'm struggling just eating 1650 and eating back exercise calories since I've been eating 1300 for the last few months. I'm going to try to keep the weight gain under control as much as I can. I'd like to not gain any more than 20lbs, since I'm still overweight.
  • aliarmentrout
    aliarmentrout Posts: 7 Member
    I am so glad I found you guys. I am 5'6 was 200 lbs, down to 153 and now I am pregnant (due Aug 19ish). I have already gained 4 lbs and really dont want to go down this road again (gaining a ton of weight--cannot wait to be a mom again!). Need to get get it together. What are you guys doing to ensure you stay a healthy weight?
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    So glad to have some more mommas on this board! Congrats to all of you! Alair, I'm just planning to log everything I eat, every day, and continue to exercise 3+ times per week. So far it's working as I haven't gained anything (I think I'm a little ahead of y'all...I'm 8.5 weeks). I'd prefer to not gain anything at least through the first trimester, but hopefully for more like the first 15 weeks. I'd love to hear how everybody plans to stay healthy!

    Also, a side anybody else hoping to VBAC? That's extra motivation for me to stay at a healthy weight and as active as possible, so I have the best shot at having this baby naturally :).
  • Jlan11
    Jlan11 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello! I just joined this group. I am due August 22nd! I have a 9 year old daughter, and a 3 year old son, so this will be my third! I have gained a ton of weight, over the last couple of months, but now that I am pregnant, I am committed to eating healthy!

    SW 180
    5 Weeks 180
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 5: 169 (-1)
    Week 6: 169 (-1)
    Week 7: 170 (0)
    Week 8: 170 (0)
    Week 9: 170 (0)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everone! I am a July/August due date...according to my period I'm due July 29 but according to my ultrasound August 9. This happened with my son as well and I ended up having him 2 days before the first due date. The July board isn't too active so I thought maybe I'd keep up with you ladies
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    hey ladies, i just joined the group today
    im due about august 10th i think, will find out more at my scan on tuesday (had a bleed 2 weeks ago but was too early to see a baby on the scan, just the sac and the yolk)

    i have a 9 and a half year old, havnt told her yet as shes disabled and will just get her self worked up as shes been desperate for a sibling for years

    i used to weigh 387lb and over the last 18 months ive lost 154lb so i dont need to be gaining a whole bunch of weight

    ive lost 5lb since i concieved, 2lb in the last week (all day sickness is sooooooo fun)

    i had early cravings for cheese but thats swapped now for clementines, have to have bags and bags of them in the house the last few days just incase i cant get any. in fact i walked thru the snow to the supermarket today to buy 2 more bags as i was down to my last reserve bag lol
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    edited December 2014
    just realised im currently 3 stone lighter than when i concieved my daughter a decade ago

    im classed as a high risk pregnancy and will be seen more often, am seeing a consultant 13th january as im a wls patient, not quite a year out yet and because my daughter was born 15 weeks too early
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    had a scan today. could see baby and flickering heartbeat and next to it a little pocket of blood