Tuesday, December 23, 2014



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hey all! Hope those tips are helpful.

    Sons last day of school today, for two weeks, yay! As usual this time of year, the reindeer poop is hitting the fan in all the stores and I still have shopping to do, plus this lingering sinus thing. Poor DH is unlucky to work near the biggest, shiniest, new toy store in the city center, so he's doing the legwork, while I keep the kids busy. Anyway, doing some squats and stuff at home, but don't expect to workout at the gym til after the 26th (they close early 24, and close 25 and 26).

    Have lovely holidays!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Today is my last day at work until after the new year! Yeah!

    Stayed within my calories yesterday, even with a really nice lunch at a Japanese restaurant.

    Today is my trainer workout. It will probably be the last one for 2014. I'm switching days starting in January, probably to Wednesday, because I'm teaching a puppy class on Tuesday.

    My goal is 30-60 minutes of active exercise every day until Monday, January 5th. I've told Fells to get his running paws warmed up.

    Hope that everyone is able to relax and enjoy the holidays this year, yet still stay on the good food and exercise plan.