Anyone starting Atkins Induction after the holidays?

mrsking218 Posts: 157 Member
I have been easing into LCHF over the holidays (mainly just trying not to gain) but am going to start the Induction phase of Atkins starting Jan 2. Hoping to do the full two weeks. Would love a buddy if anyone is doing same!


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I eat at induction levels all the time. You can friend me. I'll be eating at <20g of carbs a day for those two weeks as well.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    mrsking218 wrote: »
    I have been easing into LCHF over the holidays (mainly just trying not to gain) but am going to start the Induction phase of Atkins starting Jan 2. Hoping to do the full two weeks. Would love a buddy if anyone is doing same!

    There are any number of folks on this Group (LCD) doing either "atkins" or other versions of LCHF and many of them have their food diaries "open" for you to view.

    Some "open" them only to "MFP Friends", others open to all. (you can send them a friend request by clicking their ID and "most" will accept.

    You can "open" your own diary (settings) even if you'd prefer to keep the remainder of your info "private" and I would encourage you to at least consider doing so. Makes it much easier for group members to take a look at your diary if you ask for suggestions - but of course, it's your choice.

    Feel free to "friend" me as well if you would like - I'm pretty consistently under 20 Total Carbs and as of now at least, intend to remain so through the holidays. Not quite as low as Frob (usually), but lower than some others and any of the diaries can be big help when you are trying to figure out exactly "how" to meet your goals.

    In the meantime, I'd suggest spending whatever time you have available taking a look at some of the back threads - there really is a bunch of "good stuff" there and it's likely that at least "some" of the questions you might have would have been addressed there.

    If not - don't hesitate to ask.

    You'll find a great bunch of folks here, more than willing to help when they can (without "judging") be it questions specific to LCHF or "just" moral support.

    Welcome aboard, looking forward to your participation and Happy Holidays!!!
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Welcome MrsKing.
    I am trying for the 20 carbs or lower. I forget exactly when I started the LCHF. I did Atkins years ago but kind of starting all over again. Friend me if you like.

  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I had planned on this, however I am also trying to give up dairy too so I may need to allow myself some leeway with carbs. But feel free to friend me I do Induction levels periodically throughout the year, then increase as I feel the need to.
  • tped41
    tped41 Posts: 16 Member
    I am on a modified "Atkins" diet at all times. I lost around 75 pounds 1 1/2 years ago by limiting carbs and sugar. No bread, past, sweets, milk (you notice I didn't say cheese), fruit or starchy veggies. Recently, however, I added a few blueberries in the morning. I feel like my digestive system needed it. I eat lots of veggies and meat and I do not touch low fat anything. It's a way of life now. I love bean soup but I have found a ham soup recipe without the beans. This is something that I know I'll have to do for the rest of my life. I am 54 years' old and this is the only thing that has really worked for me and that I can do and maintain. I think I must have had an insulin resistance thing going on all these years--maybe gluten too, I just know that low carb, higher fat works for me. Good luck. I am hoping everyone, next year, does not have to make a New Year's Resolution to lose weight. Just a resolution to maintain.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    I'm not specifically doing Atkins but I do use Keto which is Atkins-level carbs but not paying attention to any restrictions. That low level pretty much keeps me close to Atkins Induction but I eat more fat and less protein and some nuts. Feel free to friend me. And good luck. :smile:
  • mrsking218
    mrsking218 Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement - will be friending everyone who offered! :)
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    mrsking, Since you know you will be doing this after the holidays you might just slowly start cutting back now so when after the holidays comes it will not be such a shock to your system to go cold turkey.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    mrsking, Since you know you will be doing this after the holidays you might just slowly start cutting back now so when after the holidays comes it will not be such a shock to your system to go cold turkey.

    Excellent advice.

  • mrsking218
    mrsking218 Posts: 157 Member
    That's a great idea - thank you! I've been cutting back a little bit, but could definitely be doing a better job!
  • Buttercupxxx
    Buttercupxxx Posts: 24 Member
    I have been doing the Atkins for the last month, down 14 pounds have 30 to go. I'll continue through the Holidays but hit it strong after. I may eat a cookie, I'm just not eating 2. :)
  • Snarkymom2005
    Snarkymom2005 Posts: 6 Member
    i will be doing it too. Feel free to friend me.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    edited December 2014
    I have been doing the Atkins for the last month, down 14 pounds have 30 to go. I'll continue through the Holidays but hit it strong after. I may eat a cookie, I'm just not eating 2. :)
    BCx & MrsK;

    "1 instead of 2" is a 50% reduction or massaging the "numbers" another way - a 100% IMPROVEMENT!!!

    "Baby steps" a "plan" that has worked for many and is "tried and true".

    YOU know best what is most likely to be successful for YOU and that is what matters most.

    Best of luck (although "luck" really has very little to do with it <s>) in the New Year and in the meantime, ENJOY the holiday season.

  • lucysmommy2007
    lucysmommy2007 Posts: 103 Member
    hi i am starting next week please feel free to add me
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    Yes, I am planning to do the induction starting on the 2nd of January. Add me too!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Some how over the years I missed the Atkins trend but have been reading more about his work. He was a very smart doctor in more than just weight loss I am learning and thought to be the 'modern' leader that lead to the current LCHF movement. He was more high in protein than much of the current Low Carb High Fat macros of today however.

    From what I read pound for pound and keeping it off his diet was very highly successful. Some of these other diets really seem counter intuitive and more into selling 'dieting' food.

    Best of luck. I can not see myself going back to living off of carbs and have another 35-50 pounds that is slowing me down still.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    I do not remember, as far back as it was, how I ended up going on Atkins. I know I had the book. I have always fought my weight and the usual diets were so ineffective. I must have bought the book on a book club promotion because I know back then I had very little money to be spending. Remember the old get 6 books free ad buy two in the following year. I was such a book fan then. Now it is Kindle.

    I do remember it worked for me right away and the weight just fell off with the only effort being to eat the foods he said to eat. I was never hungry. I did get to the point I did not have to be so careful with what I ate and could slip in carbs with out it causing me any gain. I thought a miracle. But I never ate cake or a cookie. Only carbs in vegetables. I am not trying this just yet. I hope to be able to add in the veggies soon.

    I hope to stay on this WOE as long as I can.
  • Jdkbs
    Jdkbs Posts: 98 Member
    I will be starting tommorow. Looking forward to getting all this weight off once and for all. This is the only plan that has ever worked for me.
  • ollielove1
    ollielove1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! New to MFP and this group. I have had so much success in the past with LC (30lbs lost), but need to restart. Would love to welcome some friends on here to hold me accountable! Best wishes and cheers to a healthier new year! x
  • mrsking218
    mrsking218 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Everyone - I think i have friended everyone who said they were interested. If I missed you, please feel free to friend me! I'm going to start an Atkins Induction Group - will go post it now. Please feel free to join! I'm going to start on Jan 2nd, but if anyone is starting before then, feel free to post any thoughts/advice!
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I am on day 2 of induction :) Going great so far! I have started a questions thread if anybody feels like sharing their experience with it! <3

    I added you :)
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    mrsking218 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone - I think i have friended everyone who said they were interested. If I missed you, please feel free to friend me! I'm going to start an Atkins Induction Group - will go post it now. Please feel free to join! I'm going to start on Jan 2nd, but if anyone is starting before then, feel free to post any thoughts/advice!

    I tried to find this group. Can you send a link? Please.
  • mrsking218
    mrsking218 Posts: 157 Member
    Here's the link:

    Hoping a few will join so I'm not posting updates to myself! :)
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Thank you!!