Anyone else feeling discouraged? Almost 5 months pp

My daughter will be 5 months pp next week. I was doing great at losing weight, now I'm stressed and hitting the food more. The problem I have is that I was getting big losses, and while I'm still losing (2 lbs in a month) it has slowed down so much. I'm 4 lbs from my (original) goal weight and I feel like giving up. I know what I'm doing wrong, I'm just caring less. My husband and I raced the last 5 lbs (I won! Ha! But it wasn't really a race as he's not trying). He asked what would motivate me for these last 4 lbs (and possibly 5 more after that as I'm still not liking what I see in the mirror). There was a pair of pants I want, but I don't NEED them...

So I guess my real question is: What's your motivation for right now? I know everyone needs to find their own, but maybe I can steal yours?


  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I had a hard time as the weight really flew off for me at first, to the point that I was 10 lbs. less than pre-preg weight, but THEN it just went right back up. I gained 20 lbs. since then. (My son is almost 9 months). Eventually I reminded myself that I am at increased risk for type 2 diabetes because I had gestational diabetes. I'm usually against "diets" but I've been reading the Hungry Girl emails and I really liked the recipes so I bought her Hungry Girl Diet and I've been doing that for the last week and a half. I've lost 6 1/2 lbs. so I'm now less than 3 lbs. above pre-preg weight. I follow the "diet" very closely. I've found it helps to buy my food ahead of time because even when I'm stressed and tired, I'd rather go home and use up the food I have than, say, stop at the drive through. Cravings were bad for awhile but now, not so much.
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    Ugh! ME! I lost about 20lbs within the first couple months, and then hit a wall where no matter how I ate and how much I exercised couldn't lose a lbs. I have been there since July and my LO is now 7 months old and I still have 20lbs to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. I pretty much gave up and stopped caring in July since I have not gained or lost any no matter what I do...but with winter and the holidays coming I know I need to get back in the game or I WILL gain...I told myself 9 months on, 9 months off, but at 7 months I am realizing I need to start making a lot more effort if I am going to meet that goal....and realistically I think I will need to give myself to her birthday in April, because losing 20lbs by Jan 11th is not very probable or healthy....So first birthday pp weight is my new goal
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Snap toothpastechica. I am giving myself until my baby's 1st birthday on May 1st.

    I am losing weight noticeably now, but I've been working my ar*e off at the gym since she was 6.5 weeks old, and I was getting very discouraged. I haven't weighed myself for about a month, but I've still got over 30lbs to go.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Well, my baby is 4.5 months old. I have gained 17 kg, lost about 8 right after and then 2 more. I have not lost any for about 2 months now. I have been counting non stop, back to exercise since 6 weeks pp but with no luck. I am so discouraged but I will give it more time, I have no other option.
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    I gained 55 pounds during my pregnancy.I lost about 40 and still have about 15 to 17 pounds to lose.My son will be one in April issue is finding time to exercise.I work full time and have a long commute.I live in the northeast 17 degrees is too cold to take him for a walk but I think I will start the 30ds even though I hate work out dvds
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Araromi, I gained about 55lbs, too! Last time I weighed, I was down 20, so I have 35lbs to pre-preg weight and then another 10-15lbs to my comfortable weight. (I'd gained 15 before getting pregnant). I'm trying to not feel discouraged yet b/c I"m only 8 weeks PP, but I had hoped that more would come off initially. Plus, I'm so busy that I'm finding it very difficult to plan in exercise. I have a 7 year old and 3 1/2 year old, I home school and run a WAHM cloth diaper business. I can't seem to do it all. Whenever I focus on exercise, the house ends up staying a wreck and I get behind with my sewing. If I focus on the house, school, and sewing work, I have no time to exercise. :( I'm planning on really stepping back with the sewing work after I finish my orders for this month. Hopefully that will allow me to focus on the other, more important things and give me the time and focus I need to exercise! I miss it!

    I've also found that physically, its been hard to get back into working out. I'm sure part of it is due to getting older, 3rd kid, and not sticking with exercise during my pregnancy. But I've had some major back issues and I'm even seeing a chiropractor regularly! I have horrible lower/mid back pain and get sharp spasms when doing things like jumping jacks or running, etc. High impact, which never bothered me before! I really hope it is b/c i"M out of shape and that it goes away soon! I did a jillian michaels dvd last monday and could hardly move for the next several days!
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Definitely feeling discouraged... 6 months post partum now and I am almost back up to my high pregnancy weight. I only gained about 12 lbs during my pregnancy considering I was obese to begin with, but I'm trying hard not to be beat myself up. I'm finding it hard to find a balance as a working mom. It's not my excuse, of course, but my time is so difficult to reclaim for myself anymore. I love my daughter to bits, but I'm losing more and more of myself. I feel guilty prioritizing my needs over hers or my limited time with my husband.

    I started working out again about a month ago but I hurt my knees by doing too much at one time. I guess my ligaments are still pretty lose from all the hormones. Then this weekend my lower back went crazy and it's hard to twist or bend at all. It's so frustrating when I can't hold my own baby :cry:

    I know I need to get back at it, but I feel so discouraged. It's hard to imagine myself where I want to be when I can't even get back to my obese pre-pregnancy weight.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My profile pic is from when I was first pregnant, just before I found out I think, and this is where I need to get back to! I'm still 37lbs over this weight (or 34lbs on a different scale lol) and my baby turned 7 months today.

    I exercised until 38 weeks pregnant, and I rarely ate above maintenance for my pre-preg weight, so I've no idea how I gained so much weight. I swear I gained a bit after I'd had my baby because my denim jacket would do up when she was like 10 days old then a couple of weeks after it wouldn't? So weird.

    I work so hard at the gym and I'm so good with my eating, and I only lose 1lb a week usually.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    My motivation was someone told me I was frumpy :( I've lost 20 pounds in 12 wks another 20 to go 9cr6wzaqcqny.jpg
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Losing weight after having a baby isn't always black and white. I know the popular theme on MFP is calories in vs calories out and if you're not losing then you're doing something wrong but that isn't always the case in my experience. Hormones play a big role in weight and hormones can be crazy after having a baby. The important thing is to keep working at it and not give up. I am due to have baby #3 in 3 weeks. With baby #1 it took me over 6 months to lose the weight and about a year to start to feel like I was close to my pre-pregnancy size. However, my belly never fully recovered. With baby # 2 a year out I still was up 10 lbs. I nursed much longer with baby # 2 and the weight was slower to come off. I think challenges help. I would do 30 squat challenges or sign up for 5Ks. Constantly changing up your work outs and tweaking your eating will help. I think it's also important to tackle sleep and stress both of which can make you hold on to weight. Don't give up ladies.

    @lina011 you look great.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    I am also struggling with baby weight.. although how long can we call it baby weight?? My youngest is 9 months old... is that still baby weight?? This is my 2nd but there is a 14 year gap inbetween my 1st and 2nd... So before the 2nd I was able to be in the gym all the time.. now I am stuggling to get in there even once a week and when I do go I am crunched for time so I tyipically have to be in and out in under an hour... sigh... I have 25lbs to lose to be back to my pre-preggers weight and then have more work after that... but for now I'd settle for being pre-pregger weight again... Looking for mom's of small babies that can share in the struggle!! I am here every day! My weak days are weekends! LOL
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    It's still baby weight 9 months on, definitely. It took me around 14 months to lose it all after my 2nd. I was pregnant 13 months after my first and I wasn't quite finished losing baby weight. My third is 8 months now and I still have around 30lbs to go, and I've been going to the gym 5 or 6 times a week since she was 6.5 weeks old!

    Feel free to add me.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I was so determined (and really completely convinced) that I was going to bounce right back to prepregnancy weight and just keep on losing. This is what happened with my first baby, so I was sure it would happen again. Problem is, I was so sure of it that I was very extremely disappointed when it proved to be so difficult. I lost 23lbs between highest pregnancy weight and 6weeks pp ... then, for 4 months after that no matter what I did - I never lost another ounce! Unfortunately (for me) I stepped away from MFP and stopped even trying and now (I came back to MFP about a week ago) I have gained back 10 of those lbs!
    - It is definitely a lot harder than I thought it would be and I shouldn't have been so overly confident that it wouldn't be because it just made it that much more disappointing. But, giving up won't accomplish anything! - I didn't really give up, I just took a few months for personal reasons but in that time I stopped spending the time and energy into myself I realized it wasn't doing me any favors.
    Keep fighting the good fight! It is not going to go away on its own and (I have accepted) it is not going to be easy but if we keep on working on it, we will see goal someday.
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    Glad to see you back Tigger...I'm right there with you...almost the same story! Its so hard when you feel like you are doing everything right (or the same way I successfully lost weight before) and seems like its not making a difference. I'm more motivated in the last 2 weeks then I have been in the last 4 months, so hopefully that will count for something!