
trimminit Posts: 191 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Welcome to

We are so excited to begin a new year doing this challenge together.

Below please find some general information and rules. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Team accountability is a major key to weightloss success!

The group is broken down according to the health plan you want to follow.

Most of the teams are calorie counting, but also focus on another method of eating.

Here are the group teams:

Clean Eating
Leaders: coopscoopc, trimminit

MFP Calorie Counting
Leaders: Astraea05, julia_v1, jcolglazier

Calorie Counting & Intense Fitness
Leader: SweeteeBri

Calorie Counting & Smart Carb (Low to moderate carb intake)/LCHF
Christine_1085, Carlsoda

The challenge consists of teams that compete against one another to lose the highest percentage of weight over a two-month period.

Competition will last from January 1 to February 28, 2015.

Members will weigh in each week and report their team weights on the spreadsheet. If you cannot access the spreadsheet, please send your weigh-in numbers to your leader for every weigh-in. Members who do not log their starting weights or who do not weigh in for two weeks in a row will be deleted. Teams with the highest percentage of weightloss are awarded first, second and third place at the conclusion of the challenge.

Welcome to the challenge! We are glad you're here!



  • madeleineprendergast
    Calorie Counting & Low Carb
    Christine_1085, Carlsoda
    May I join your team? It sounds great!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome, Madeleine! I will add you to the spreadsheet under their team.
  • madeleineprendergast
    thank you, trimminit. Thank you for hosting this and for the administration.
  • diddles19
    diddles19 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Trimminit - Can I join the MFP group please
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    Sure thing! I will add you right now. Glad you're here!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    My pleasure, Madeleine. ❤️ I think we have a great bunch of leaders and members for this group, and I hope you'll enjoy this challenge!
  • 150ish
    150ish Posts: 6 Member
    This is great, thank you for hosting. I would like to join the Calorie counting low carb group.
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    edited December 2014
    Thanks I am joining the Calorie Counting & Intense Fitness group
  • BuddhaMom74
    Hi there! Thanks for organizing this! I joined the fall one and have had great success! I'd like to join the MFP calorie counting group please:
    username: BuddhaMom74
    name: Lorinda

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    I would like to join - MFP Calorie Counting
    Leaders: Astraea05, julia_v1, jcolglazier
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi, Everybody!

    Glad to see those returning, as well as everyone who is new to these challenges!

  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    As you may know, Christine_1085 is the mastermind behind the group and challenges. She's taking a rest this time around, and enjoying being a participant and advisor. Thank you, Christine for creating and organizing everything!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    Leaders, please be sure each of your new teammates are added to the spreadsheet.
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    150ish, aNewMiniMe, BuddhaMom74, JulesWatkins, I'm glad you've joined! (And BuddhaMom74, congrats on your success in the last challenge!) I've added your usernames to the spreadsheet. When you get a moment, please verify that I entered everything correctly. :) On January 1, and every ten days thereafter, you will enter your weight. If you have any trouble with the spreadsheet, or have any questions, let your leaders know. They are here to help! And so am I.
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    @trimminit - I went in this morning to see if I could add my name and it still reads "view only" Have you opened it up to all? I have tried from my lap top and my iPad Google spreadsheets app.
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    I'm waiting to hear back from Christine (the owner), but I'll post in the group and let everyone know. Ideally, you should be able to get in there. I will post an answer as soon as possible! :)
  • Would like to Join the Calorie Counting & Intense Fitness Group.
  • startingover72
    startingover72 Posts: 151 Member
    Hello. I'd like to join the calorie counting and intense fitness group please.
  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join the MFP counting calories group.
  • BuddhaMom74
    trimminit wrote: »
    (And BuddhaMom74, congrats on your success in the last challenge!) I've added your usernames to the spreadsheet. When you get a moment, please verify that I entered everything correctly. :)

    Thanks! I checked the spreadsheet and I'm added correctly. Thanks for organizing this - excited!