Ramping UP



  • Neva2L8
    I am going to start off eating veggies and brown rice for dinner and fruit, oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast and snack everyday to start. Then I want to slowly add lean protein and more of a variety of high fiber grains.
  • lillypilly24
    lillypilly24 Posts: 1 Member
    1. Plan on Saturdays for the week ahead, meals and exercise, and then track it all as I go.
    2. Stick to the plan, remembering that little decisions add up.
    3. Get involved in the group so the accountability actually works, both for me and others.
    4. Keep going.
  • Verysalty
    Verysalty Posts: 26 Member
    1. Keep logging my food & exercise in MFP, it works when you use it
    2. Exercise 3 times a week- no excuses, this will be a tough one for me
    3. Make healthy lunches- I’m guilty of forgetting and buying something nice at work. – will save me money too!
  • melmid1986
    1) Cook my own food instead of buying pre made pap
    2) Eat way more veggies
    3) Go to the gym every other day for at least 30 mins intensive workouts - if no gym for whatever reason use home gym (NO EXCUSES FOR ME)
    Extra One) Drink way more water - dehydration is not good
  • katiek1234
    1) Eat more vegetables
    2) Minimize alcohol consumption
    3) Following these self care practices and understand them completely: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-14467/9-self-care-tips-i-learned-from-losing-120-pounds.html
    4) Get some exercise!! I'm basically sedentary other than walking about a mile in my commute daily.

  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Love this!! Never heard of the 6 p's.

    So here is my list of things I will do everyday
    1. Log ever single day - including weekends, accurately and consistently.
    2. Exercise 4 hrs each week at the very least.
    3. Get a new battery for my heart rate monitor and use it! Then eat back exercise calories.
    4. Drink at least 2 litres of water/herbal teas daily. NO MORE COLA (diet or otherwise)
    5. Take care of how I look - put a little effort into dressing nicely/hair/makeup. Just because I'm a mom of 3 doesn't mean I can look like p*ss :p
    6. Take a little time out to myself to relax ALONE.

    Sorry my list is huge and I could think of more lol. Best of luck everyone x
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    1. the late-night snacking stops now. NOW-d'ya understand - f' goodniss sake!
    2. you get back in the sea and start swimming again. Christmas is over and its time to move on, even if it means getting a wetsuit on you get moving.
    3. daily yoga - no excuse and plenty to gain.
    4. open MFP diary
    5. put the pull-up bar up and restart bodyweight sessions.
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    1. Start eating low carb again which for me it means under 20 carbs a day
    2. no more snacking
    3. exercise at least 5 days a week
    4. log my food every day to keep me on track
    5. get my fluid intake in every day
    6. stop being so hard on myself
  • summerhaze71
    summerhaze71 Posts: 1,204 Member
    1. To exercise 3-4 days a week
    2. Sleep!!! (I get 3-5 hours at best a night now)
    3. Increase water intake. I am rarely thirsty, so that one is hard for me.
    4. Use a food scale for more accurate logging.
  • Soybeaner
    Soybeaner Posts: 126 Member
    The 6 Ps are my new motto. Love that!

    1. Track via food scale everything. I log everything currently but have started to eye ball food portions. I have also plateaued with my weightloss. Hmmmm...I bet they are related!
    2. Santa brought me Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. I will do it at 4:45 am every day until complete.
    3. Continue my lunch runs 3 times a week.
  • alsuna
    alsuna Posts: 65 Member
    1) walk to work instead of taking the bus
    2) taking stairs instead of elevator
    3) workout 5 times a week for at least 30 mins
    4) portion control instead of stuffing myself full every time
    5) occasional bikram yoga/ circuit training/ pole dance classes
    6) logging, logging, logging ...
    made me lose 50 lbs last year, hoping to lose the last 20 too...
  • HollyAnn_
    HollyAnn_ Posts: 47 Member
    I like all your suggestions! Here are mine!!
    1. Drink half my body weight in oz of water a day. (Something I've always struggled with!)
    2. Eat more veggies at lunch (I'm a teacher and usually it's just a sandwich or heated up leftovers) and to plan for lunches better
    3. Get back to running 3 days a week and p90x three days!
  • AshleyNicolePedigo
    1. Start and finish T25 ( gave up once doing it)
    2. Eat healthier, get in lots of veggies
    3. Run my first 5K
    4. Cut out sweets
    5. Eat better on weekends
    6. Workout 6 days a week
  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    1. Log every bite lick and taste
    2. Drink more water
    3. Cardio exercise at least 1 hour 3 times a week
    4. Strength Training 2 times a week
    5. Go dancing at least 2 times a week more if possible
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    1. Keep drinking tons of water
    2. I tell myself I HAVE to exercise at least 3x a week (but usually I do 3-5)
    3. Add more strength training in.
    4. Veggies - cause I always have to work on eating more of those. Also to add to this, I would like to try to get into the habit of cooking more meals. There are some weeks I get super lazy about this and we end up going out too much.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Deep down, I know the changes I need to make, to be successful:
    1. alcohol is a treat, for special occasions (and sometimes at the weekend)
    2. Just because hubby is sitting on the couch eating icecream or potato chips, I DO NOT have to join him!
    3. Exercise - when I get in the habit of exercising regularly I enjoy it, until then I just need to stick at it until it becomes enjoyable again.
    4. Vegetables, if I eat more of them I don't feel hungry enough to eat large amounts of other food. I could probably add fruit here too, it's a much better choice than biscuits!
    5. Don't get so hungry that I have a snack while making my lunch/dinner
    6. Sugar - see number one, it needs the same treatment as alcohol!

    When I put it like that, it's not so complicated. I know I have self control; I need to learn to apply it to my lifestyle/health/wellbeing in the way I do in other areas of my life.

    I should probably make myself a poster with this on (but I won'tLOL)
  • curryblume
    curryblume Posts: 22 Member
    Go to the gym four times a week, five times if possible.
    Cut out alcohol completely.
    10.000 steps a day. I am using the Samsung gear fit and I love it!
    Don't eat after 7 pm.
    Drink a lot water.
    Have breaks to reduce stress.
    Do fun things in between!
  • curryblume
    curryblume Posts: 22 Member
    Can sb tell me how to add friends? Thx
  • Lisajohnston
    Lisajohnston Posts: 79 Member
    1. Track my food every day
    2. Exercise more - i've been lazy
    3. Eat better.
    4. Stop making excuses as to why i'm not going to exercise today.
  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    1. Track every day - even the bad stuff!
    2. Walk 7,000 steps a day
    3. No chocolate what-so-ever (until fasting in Feb).

    I think that is the best I can do for now. You are all very motivating. Thanks for the inspiration.