Is this the group for me?

Hi there! I am new to an on-line group and challenge and this morning for Christmas opened up a new heart rate monitor. I am not new to fitness, though, and try to do yoga twice a week and walk regularly. I am within a healthy weight but carry a bit much around my waist. Running is getting to be problematic for me as arthritis causes me pain while running. I am looking for a support group with women who are ideal in weight but want to be stronger, fitter and healthier.


  • missl02
    missl02 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel like I just read a story about myself right there. Yoga, healthy weight, arthritis, walk regularly, and I just got a fitbit for Christmas! I think you are in the right place!
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi there, Welcome to the group. I am also in a healthy weight zone but with a BMI around 24 when I feel much better about 21 or 22. I need to take 10 pounds off again. I get it off and then it sneaks back on...........Christmas was a month long season of too much food and drink. I am looking forward to January and getting back to a healthier lifestyle. I do run, spin classes and yoga are my favorites. Please feel free to friend me. I find MFP is a good habit and support group. I like this group because so many on here are trying to lose so much weight. They are amazing but I always feel guilty as my little 10 seems so insignificant. This group of women are all like me and just have 10 to 20 to lose. Cheers. Share Bear
  • ZenDoggie
    ZenDoggie Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there! I am new to an on-line group and challenge and this morning for Christmas opened up a new heart rate monitor. I am not new to fitness, though, and try to do yoga twice a week and walk regularly. I am within a healthy weight but carry a bit much around my waist. Running is getting to be problematic for me as arthritis causes me pain while running. I am looking for a support group with women who are ideal in weight but want to be stronger, fitter and healthier.

    Hi. I can no longer run either due to Arthritis and a nasty break in my foot. So I do incline intervals on the treadmill. I have had great results from this. I walk at a pace between 3- 3.5 for 2 mins then crank up the incline between 8-12 for a min then repeat the process for 20-25 mins. Plus a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down. I do This 4× per week.
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    I'm pretty sure this is a good place for you. Everyone seems to have good attitudes towards fitness goals and appear to respect other members ideas and fitness values. Most of them are just attempting to improve upon themselves and do not mind pulling others up and along with them. A lot of them are close to where they want to be, needing only to fine tune weight management or attempting to adopt healthier eating habits. I hope this helps! :)
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 233 Member
    I think you'll like this friendly, kind group. It's a jungle out there.