Need Advice about which program for 300+

At this weight, my body can only do certain motions etc. Has anyone started a Beachbody program or have any advice? Is it better just to do what you can and modify? Thanks in advance.


  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    Always modify when you need do! It does not mean you are not still getting in a great workout! I use the modifications a lot and still feel it! Make sure to pay attention to form over pace because if you have improper form doing a move, it could lead to injury! If you are looking at Beachbody programs, I would say look at their low impact, beginner workouts such as Turbo Jam, Slim in 6, Piyo, and I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of. Lots of the workouts (such as Turbo Jam, but even some of their more intense ones) show low impact modifications but leave for room for you to progress as you feel you can challenge yourself more! You are taking the most important step just in choosing to keep track of your calories and exercise! Choose whatever program (or other exercise if not Beachbody or DVD program) you feel you will enjoy and go for it! Take your time, modify when needed, and try not to burn yourself out too quickly by exercising too much or eating too little! Just my advice anyway!! Wish you luck on your journey!! You can do it!!
  • skinnychristylee
    skinnychristylee Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much for responding! I appreciate it. :-) and the words of encouragement.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I have P90X/2/3, RevAbs, and Brazil But Lift - of those, I would say the best for beginners is probably BBL. It has less deep squatting and the modifications are easy to understand. It has a good variety of workout combinations to pick from, plus, it's very peppy and fun. And it's only a month.
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    HI Christy! I'm over 260 and just started the 21-day fix. So far I love it. I use the modifications for the workouts. I also enjoy the walking workout videos by Leslie Sansone and there are lots to choose from for free on YouTube. Good luck and I hope you find what works for you. Just getting up and moving is the most important! I gained 35 lbs after my thyroidectomy for cancer and have lost 10 of that. Ugh, nothing like starting over...again :)
  • skinnychristylee
    skinnychristylee Posts: 12 Member
    Hi. Thanks so much. I appreciate the info :-) I didn't know about the ones on You Tube. I'll check that out for sure. I see a lot of people do the Leslie Sansone walking videos too. Starting out is so hard :-( .
  • coburngirl2
    coburngirl2 Posts: 87 Member
    I know, it is hard. I've started over SO MANY times and am starting over yet again. She has a 1 mile walk on there on befit tv and its a wonderful way to start. If you can only do 1 or 2 mins at a time that's ok. The best way to start is to just put 1 foot in front of the other. Her workouts are really good low impact, easy to do movements.
  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member
    Doing the workouts modified is still doing a workout. The only potential problem is that if you personally feel like you're failing because you can't keep up with the kids on the screen.

    There really is no such thing as bad fitness. Any movement or exercise is good. The key to weight loss (and overall fitness) is nutrition. I like 21 Day Fix because it deals with the nutrition and portion control component so simply and effectively. All the Beachbody programs have good nutrition plans, but the one that comes with the Fix is more specifically oriented toward weight loss and reprogramming your habits to sustain it.
  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    My Dad is 60 and has COPD, and I'm 240, and we LOVE those Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds videos. They're where I started when I lost weight a few years ago (which I gained back but that's because I quit and started eating crap). That was enough for me at first, and I'm starting those up again as well as starting Les Mills Combat. So far I really like it, though I have to go slower than they do in the video. :) Gives me something to work toward!
  • lchadwick2
    lchadwick2 Posts: 49 Member
    Beach Body's Rockin Body by Shaun T is a lot like Leslie Sanson's walking videos. It's fun and the outfits are funny. And even with that video there is a modifier so no matter where you are you can find someone to focus on and watch. Good luck on your journey. You can do this!
  • Sabs2009
    Sabs2009 Posts: 32 Member
    Good for you, starting your workouts!!! I have to say all of the Beach Body workouts are pretty fun, considering you're working out ;) Well, I haven't worked up to Insanity or P90x. But I usually do the modifications because jumping and lunging either hurts my shins, my knees, or my boobs, and I still wind up with a great workout and a decent soreness the next day. Remember to start slow, it's ok to take some breaks or go slower than everyone else. I use the really good people in the videos as my goal that I want to work up to and I don't worry about anything else :)
  • Sabs2009
    Sabs2009 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh and I've done TurboJam, some BBL (had a lot of lunges though), and just started T25. I will say that T25 is nice because alll of the workouts are 25 minutes, which are manageable, and great for just beginning.
  • jameysullivan132
    I was 350lbs just a few months ago, now 260lbs. I couldn't have done many of the programs at my heaviest. I simply walked until I was down to 300lbs. At that point I started Body Beast along with Heart Rate interval training for cardio. I really like the idea of heart rate intervals at any fitness level. Good luck! You got this!
  • jolynn822
    jolynn822 Posts: 4 Member
    I was just over 270 and had back surgery in August. I started PiYo on October 6 and never looked back. It is low impact and you can modify. I saw great results (14 pounds and 22 inches in 60 days). Since then, I have tried a few other programs (Combat, P90x, 21 Day Fix and the advanced PiYo with slides) and I keep going back to PiYo. I feel like I get the best workout from that and can modify it the best for me. Just go slow, dont try to overdo it whatever you choose, ease in. Dont be afraid to modify. No one is judging, at least you 'pressed play'!! Good luck!!!