Calling out all tall girls :) <3



  • L_Morgan29
    L_Morgan29 Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2014
    HI, I am 5'9" and around 143#. I started using MFP in January weighing just under 150 and lost ~15-20 lbs eating at 1500 and doing mostly bodyweight interval training at home 4-6 days a week. In August I started lifting weights 3-4x per week and eating more cals (anywhere from 1700-2500 on average), still tracking but not caring if I went over. I was having some issues with binging that I am currently overcoming. I don't weight myself very often but when I did a couple weeks ago, it looks as though I've put the weight back on. I believe it is *mostly* muscle, and I feel stronger. I'd like to track body fat % more than weight. I'm feeling good right now, but feel like I could stand to lose a little bit. Goal weight, if I were to put a number on it, would be 130-135, but not sure if that's possible with wanting to gain muscle and strength, so I guess I'm working on body composition. I wanted to get some cardio in my routine so a few weeks ago I started kickboxing 3x/wk and I'm loving it. I'm trying to find my maintenance cals then try to cut them back a little, so I'm eating about 2000 right now to see how that goes.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I am 5'9 and weigh 175. My heaviest was 227 after delivery and my smallest was 155. My overall goal is to weigh 160-165, tighten, tone, and lift my body.
  • njuhan
    njuhan Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 150. Im happy with my weight and the size clothes I wear..just looking to lose a few inches around my hips and build muscle overall. I am doing PiYo right now and weightlifting.
  • sassysniper
    sassysniper Posts: 156 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'8 and weigh 158. My ideal weight is 140. I'm big busted and have slim legs, small booty, and the main area I want to tone up is my stomach. I'm allowed 1,526 calories but usually get around 1,200 a day. I've never been under 135 lbs as an adult.
  • Hi all!
    I'm 5'9 and weigh 183. This is by far the largest I've ever been. I usually like to stay around 140-150. When I was 20 I was 119, and I have noooo clue how I was able to get that skinny. At 140 I feel super thin, but still have some curves.

    Add me if you want a tall friend. :smile:
  • _Silver_
    _Silver_ Posts: 21 Member
    5'10 and 134. Hike or run 3x a week. Working on toning. Calories fluctuate depending on how active I was that day. I guess anywhere between 1400 and 2000.
  • I'm 5'8" and current weight is 183. I have lost 14 lbs since 11/11/14 by consuming no more than 1450 calories per day. Everyday I drink a gallon of water or pretty close to it. I do 1 hour of cardio 5 days per week combined with 30 mins of strength training using light weights. I usually burn 800-900 calories on my 5 workout days but I never consume more than my allotted 1450 calories.

    My goals weight is to return back to 142 or at least 145. On Nov. 11th, a little over a month ago, I weighed 197 lbs. Did I mention I'm a 45 year old single mom who works full time & also actively involved as a parent? Yeah, if I can do it, you can too. I thought my metabolism was done but the gallon of water has worked miracle; thank God!!! Drink water, monitor calories, & work out at least 3 to 4 times per week. You can do it!!! :-D
  • jilleduffy
    jilleduffy Posts: 4 Member
    5'8", 144, pretty active and eating 1,900-2,200 calories most days! I feel like I'm eating so much more than everyone else here!

    Goal weight: 138

    I recently started increasing the calories I eat for breakfast and lunch, and making them rich in protein and fat. Like, really heavy on protein and fat: avocados, pork, sardines, eggs, cheese...

    It helps a lot. I used to eat 200- to 300-calorie breakfasts and lunches (yogurt, oatmeal, salads, etc.), and then I would snack often and pig out at dinner.

    Intentionally eating 450-calorie breakfasts has really changed my eating habits. More than that, switching from sweet or bland foods to fatty, salty foods has totally altered the rest of my day's appetite. I highly recommend going against your usual eating for a few days.
  • jilleduffy
    jilleduffy Posts: 4 Member
    missbrumma wrote: »
    I'm 6'-0" and I weigh 200 pounds. This is the most I've weighed, unfortunately this is what I weighed on my wedding day as well. I used to be 160 (GOAL WEIGHT :) ) sophomore year of college. I felt great at that size, but my metabolism eventually caught up with me. At 200 pounds, it's hard to keep ignoring the weight gain. My biggest issue is in my thighs and butt. I mean it's hard enough to get pants long enough, now I have to get them to fit the booty. LOL
    I used to have really huge legs. For the last 4 years, I've commuted to work by bicycle. The change happened so slowly, I didn't noticed it, but I actually get compliments on my legs now. No joke. I'm riding 5.5 miles each way, so about 55 miles a week at peak weather. 30-mins each way.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    HW: 165lbs (75kg)
    SW this year: 143lbs (65kg)
    CW: 128lbs (58kg)
    andddd GW: 120lbs (54g)

    Hahah that's basically my stats and goal. I'm not unhappy with my weight but I want to be thinner. I like the look of lean legs and I have a pear shape.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 434 Member
    5'9 currently 155 lbs (Down from 165). My goal isn't so much weight loss as it is more geared towards body compositions. Initially my goal was 135, but I may bump it up to 140 or 145 as i'd like to keep my curves. I eat about 2000 calories a day without eating back exercise so netting about 1600-1700. I'm eating slightly under maintenance for a weight of 135 so I won't have to transition once I reach my goal. Tried the 1200 calorie a day thing and it didn't work for me.
  • mkozmik
    mkozmik Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 5'10" and 150#. I'm trying to get to 20% body fat from 30%. Supposedly that means about 140#. I eat around 1500/day and try to get in at least 45 mins of cardio/day in addition to weight lifting 3X/week.

    Two years ago I got down to 143#. When I was younger, I maintained 125-130 with no it's difficult to get below 150. My highest weight ever was 175 post pregnancy. My lowest ever was under 120#....after high school. I had a wicked fast metabolism back then. I could eat everything in sight and it all burned off. :-)

    I guess I'm just getting old. LOL

    kwjager....I have food allergies too...and it makes such a difference when I avoid food allergens. I don't have all that extra inflammation in my system bloating me up and I feel so much better.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'm 5'9" with a goal of 145-150 (depending how I feel at 150). My highest weight was 183, and the lowest I've been as an adult is 130. I'm eating 1475 plus half of my exercise calories. I was in the mid-150s in the summer but am at 160 now... things kind of got away from me. :p

    I'm working on cleaning up my diet (again) and working hard in my exercise routines. I'm have two weeks left of Insanity and then will do a 2nd round of Les Mills Combat. I might have to try some new things as well- my upper thighs will not budge even when the rest of my body is changing.
  • mkozmik
    mkozmik Posts: 79 Member
    jilleduffy wrote: »
    missbrumma wrote: »
    I'm 6'-0" and I weigh 200 pounds. This is the most I've weighed, unfortunately this is what I weighed on my wedding day as well. I used to be 160 (GOAL WEIGHT :) ) sophomore year of college. I felt great at that size, but my metabolism eventually caught up with me. At 200 pounds, it's hard to keep ignoring the weight gain. My biggest issue is in my thighs and butt. I mean it's hard enough to get pants long enough, now I have to get them to fit the booty. LOL
    I used to have really huge legs. For the last 4 years, I've commuted to work by bicycle. The change happened so slowly, I didn't noticed it, but I actually get compliments on my legs now. No joke. I'm riding 5.5 miles each way, so about 55 miles a week at peak weather. 30-mins each way.

    I bike to work during the summer months. I shoot for a couple of times a week depending on the weather. My round trip is just over 17 some days are rather sweaty when it gets humid in the summer. LOL In the winter I do spin class and use the spin bikes on the gym floor. LOVE what it does for my legs and "rear view". Embrace the hover!
  • Roxy_Arcane
    Roxy_Arcane Posts: 115 Member
    So many tall people O_O
  • AlisonTheNerd
    AlisonTheNerd Posts: 41 Member
    5'8-5'9ish (never seem to get a clean height reading). I currently am 220s, and I'm looking to weight around 180. I was 155lbs when I was 18, and I've grown an inch since then. I have a large frame, so I'm one of those people who seem to carry it well/need a lot of muscle to move my lot-o-bones.
  • 5'8" and 150. I'm fine with this weight, which was my pre-pregnancy weight; just wanting to tone up again. I was really in shape with swimming and water aerobics. Then when I moved overseas to be where my husband was stationed at, I got pregnant but never lost that baby fat, including after kiddo #2.
  • blossomholly
    blossomholly Posts: 5,179 Member
    im 5'9 and 77kgs id like to get down to 70kgs don't think id want to get lower than that i don't think it would look good on my frame! and i really need to tone up,im trying to stick to 1200 cals but think im going to up them judging by what everyone else eats :# my weight loss has been really slow maybe its the lack of calories!?
  • Hi! I'm Emma and am 6'0'' and about 150 down from 158 which is the heaviest I've ever been...I know to be fit/athletic I should be at 140lbs but man, I find that last 10 or so to always be so difficult!!!
    P.S. Please let me know where everyone finds pants/jeans (I have long legs hahaha)
    I eat about 1200 cals/day and see small differences...I play a lot of sports but since our soccer season was over I've gained fat and lost muscle. My measurements are 32-29-40 but I really need to work on toning my large butt!!!

    I believe in you all by the way! Tall girls stick together!!! The air is cleaner up here anyway haha (;
  • AMAZONZfynest
    AMAZONZfynest Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2015
    ;) I'm 6'1 and my current weight is 228. I look great but I want to weigh between 200-195....