Ohhh hiiii

My name is Jennifer,I'm 41 and from the north west UK, I'm new and seeking very supportive friends to help me lose the lard, I'm currently 16 stone 11 pound and want to get down to 10 stone 6 pound, and with your help I know I can do this, please feel free to add me x


  • jude_raw
    jude_raw Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jennifer, I just joined today - I'm 27, live in Suffolk and need some support to keep on track too! I'm 15 stone at the moment, but I'd like to get down to 11 stone. No idea how long it'll take, but just going to see how it goes!
  • elliemcc11
    elliemcc11 Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2015
    North west too! Lancashire. Happy for you to add me. I need inspiration / motivation as well! And I'm 38 (nearly 39) with 2 little kids so need to change :)
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there and welcome to MyFitnessPal! Feel free to add me and we can cheer each other on :D !!
    Also I highly recommend the forums as a lot of members here are very knowledgeable and give some very good advice!! :#

    Good luck!! x