Friday, January 2, 2015

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    ^This is for me, because I was planning to go to the gym, but then poor planning happened (d'oh!)

    It's okay because I'm actually enjoying doing my two back to back weekend workouts lately, so I'll just do that.

    Hope to start to see familiar faces showing back up here again. And new faces welcomed too.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    This one applies to me too! I didn't go to class last night because "I was still on holiday" which was a pretty poor excuse rather than "I'm being lazy and don't feel like it". Starting fresh today!

    I did get a couple of runs in last week with Fells and spent an hour with my Wii doing Just Dance on another day. I'm also doing my trainer homework, which is a lot lighter than Laura's is. I just have to do three sets of planks to pushups every other day, in increasing amounts.

    I have to work today, but it's a short day, so I'm planning a run late this afternoon with Fells.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    edited January 2015
    Perfect threadstarter! Back at work today after being off Tues-Thurs. Nice to have a long weekend in the middle of the week.

    I'm mulling my January goals.

    Yesterday I found out my husband’s grandmother died and I immediately started cooking him comfort food. Then I couldn’t sleep last night and ended up eating a chocolate bar and nuts in the middle of the night while watching TV. So I’m blue too and tired and my stomach felt gross when I woke up.

    Oatmeal and fruit this morning, lean cuisine and broccoli soup for lunch, protein bar, almonds & banana for snacks, and a chicken in the crock. Trying not to give in to desire to eat weight in pizza and cookies. Plus TOM.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I literally LOL'd at today's thread starter. Fortunately I've already been at the gym.

    It's a recovery (easy) week this week to make up for Jason trying to kill me last week. Wednesday Jason had me do a pyramid plank - front plank for 20 seconds, shift to side plank for 20 seconds, roll to the other side for 20 seconds, front/side/side for 30 seconds, front/side/side for 60 seconds, then 30, then 20. Takes 8 minutes total, and you don't ever rest. Jason didn't start counting the time until I was actually in position (so if moving from right side to left side plank took 1-2 seconds those 2 seconds didn't count toward the plank) so it ended up being more than 8 minutes of continuous plank by the time I was done. At some point he told me on side plank I could put my top arm on the floor to support myself instead of having it up in the air, but I didn't need to. I did ask him if he had ever done it (he hasn't) and when I told him it was difficult, he didn't seem overly impressed. This morning I told him my shoulders were still sore from Wednesday and when he asked why I told him I assumed it was the long plank. He got kind of a sheepish look on his face. There's a married couple that works out with him every Wednesday (they used to be right before me before I switched to Fridays) who are long-time clients of his and they're both triathletes & in killer shape -- he had them do it on Wednesday night, and he said they both struggled with it. The guy was sweating and shaking. Jason: "You weren't even shaking when you did it." I asked if after watching this couple do it he now appreciated how hard it was, and he said he did. So there was my baby moment of vindication.

    I did 5 minutes on the AMT (elliptical), had a 35 minute session with Jason, did another 23 minutes on the AMT (had been thinking I was on there for 7 minutes to start out with so I was trying to make it an even 30 - but when I looked at my Fitbit later I realized I had only been on a little over 5), and then stretched.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi all, sorry I haven't been around as much. So busy working, thank god this is the last long work week, will be done with this schedule after monday!

    My workouts are bottling olive oils at work and carrying the heavy boxes.

    I will be back at gym next week.

    We went to a fun NYE party at Nia friends house, got all dressed up for Casino night. We bought lots of chips and had fun playing. All money went to local food bank. I brought stuff mushrooms and Pink Champagne which we put out in the snow and almost forgot it so it was ice cold for our toast!