Goals for 2015

Hi all;

It's that time of year again. Has anyone thought about goals for next year - body & otherwise? How did you do in 2014?

My 2014 body wise was middling at best. No weight lost (about two pounds up actually) and not nearly as active as I wanted to be. Injuries have played a bit of a role but not hugely. I was not successful on the professional front (in fact took a couple steps back) but the home life is the best it has been. I did not really move forward in my transgender but 2014 was a year to not focus on it as much

2015 I am aiming to improve my health (less injury prone), drop weight again, and focus on myself more again, including the transgender. Professionally I envision moving on from where I am.

How about all of you?

TTFN xoxo


  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    I've named my years...
    2013 ~ My Year of Discovery
    2014 ~ My Year of Transformation
    2015 ~ My Year of Balance

    After coming out in 2013, I lost 45 lbs. My weight loss stalled during the holidays (and insanely high dysphoria). I started HRT on Dec 27 (my 1 yr HRT b-day is on Saturday!)

    After my endo raised my meds to "way, way too high spiro and not nearly enough E" amounts I started gaining back the weight and am exactly where I started (but with a bit better distribution of fat ;) ). I also had emotional problems due to family acceptance issues (and y'know, puberty).

    I am not making specific goals. I hate being too specific about things... but I'm aiming for balance and enough weight loss for GRS in early 2016. "Enough" is probably that 45 lbs again, so it should be doable (if a bit harder than the first time).

    Balance is my goal.
  • _Ren
    _Ren Posts: 89 Member
    2015 Goals
    - Aiming to improve Blood Pressure
    - Weight Loss
    - Restart HRT / Testosterone
    - 1-2 Surgeries to prevent cancer
  • feliciaboots
    feliciaboots Posts: 440 Member
    Those are truly fantastic goals everyone!