Goals for 2015

bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
Since I like to do things to make myself accountable to my goals, I figured putting them out there publicly would be one step. You all have permission to yell at me if I slack off:

I feel like my posterior chain strength is lagging badly and want to work to fix it. I can squat more than I can deadlift, which is the reverse of most people. I will be working on core strength and also balancing out my leg strength. When I had my ACL repair done in 1993 I was never able to fully complete my rehab. I had the surgery in February and graduated college in May, at which point I was dropped from my parents insurance and had to stop professionally guided rehab.

My main focus will be lunges with my left leg to rebuild both the strength and the neural pathways which have also atrophies.

Crossfit-wise I want to master double unders (finally) and will be working with a coach to work on my form.

I will also get my first pull up, which I'm convinced is simply a function of losing weight. At the end of our last Paleo challenge I weighed 287 and got my chest about four inches from the bar. I'm almost positive that if I can get to under 280 that goal will be checked off.

Weight wise I want to get to the 250 range and then evaluate where I am and what I look like and then make new goals based more on body composition. Right now I'm a shade under 300 lbs so that's very doable if I focus on it.


  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    My 2015 goals:
    1) Get my eating in check. I'm just horrible at it and I know you cannot out workout a bad diet.
    2) Drop 30 lbs. Once I conquer #1 the weight should drop.
    3) Build endurance which should build off goals 1 and 2.
    4) Learn to push myself. I quit way to soon.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    At my age, the goal is always: Stay healthy!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I’m going to do a tough mudder in March and I want to be able to do all of the obstacles this time (I couldn’t do the rings last time). So, most of my early training will be focused on improving pull ups and grip strength.

    For general strength, I want to improve my squat, deadlift and overhead press by 20% each.

    For mobility, I want to be able to do overhead squats with some weight (> 135lbs).

    For stamina, I want to be able to complete Fran at RX.

    And then, at some point in the year, I will go for my level 1 certification.

  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    1. Diet, Diet, Diet....working out too hard to eat so bad.
    2. Lose last 10lbs which #1 should help me with.
    3. Double unders and start doing upside down movements.
    4. Start my personal training business, geared toward kids.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    edited December 2014
    I love goal setting. It helps me so much to focus on the biggest bang for my buck. I do CF, powerlifting, oly & occasional trail running, so my fitness goals are kind of mixed. These are for the first half of the year, and then I'll re-evaluate.

    Fitness goals for first half of 2015: 1) 15 unbroken kipping pull ups 2) sub 5 minute Crossfit baseline Rx'd 3) Body weight clean 4) 125# snatch 5) Body weight bench press 6) Double body weight deadlift and 7) Sub 29 minute on 5K hill race I do every May and 8) Make into 75kg weight class or less and stay there!

    I'm close-ish on my lifting goals (within 20 pounds on each) and pretty far away on my pull up goal. I've struggled intensely with pull ups ever since I started CF 14 months ago. I had HSPU's and a 320 deadlift before a pull up! :) But, I want to compete again the summer in a non-scaled category, so it has to be a big priority!!! I was at a 4:23 baseline with ring rows for a modification but recently, I did my CF baseline Rx'd for the first time and it took me over a minute and a half to do 10 pull ups. This has got to get better!
  • notyouraveragetalia
    Here are my 5015 Month Goals:
    -Strict Pull Up -Any suggestions for a progression program? I can do 3 consecutive kipping pull ups and 3 pullups with the lightest band we have in the box (its red, not sure what the resistance is)
    -Double Unders - My PR is 8 consecutive. I'm going to have to really commit myself to practicing DU's outside of WODs. I'm thinking I will try to practice DUs 3 x week 50 (nonconsecutive) DUs/day. As the unbroken DU number moves up, so will the total per day.
    -250 Deadlift (currently at 185, but haven't tested in 2 months)
    -Bring all of my squat oly movements to my power numbers. I can power more than squat clean and snatch, and that's just not okay!
    -100 lb strict press, my strict press is SO SO pathetic. Hopefully this will help with handstand pushups too!

    When it's all written out it seems like a ton to work on! January will be my 10th month of crossfit, and I was too busy trying to survive the wods than having set goals! Looking forward to 2015 and becoming harder to kill :smile:

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    shaypearl wrote: »
    My 2015 goals:
    1) Get my eating in check. I'm just horrible at it and I know you cannot out workout a bad diet.
    2) Drop 30 lbs. Once I conquer #1 the weight should drop.
    3) Build endurance which should build off goals 1 and 2.
    4) Learn to push myself. I quit way to soon.

    Something to try for #1 that has worked for me. It takes a bit of effort on your part but is worth it.

    I try to make something like chili or beef stew in a big batch and freeze individual portions, that ends up being my lunch for two weeks (I usually can get 10 servings per batch.) I will then pre-log my breakfast and lunch because they will almost always be the same. Eggs and guac for breakfast, whatever the frozen portion is for lunch. If I want to mix it up I get a grilled chicken salad. I also measure out 2oz bags of nuts for a snack.

    This lets me almost never be hungry, which is my downfall more often than not. The breakfast keeps me full almost until noon. If it doesn't I have the nuts as I like to eat lunch at 1pm or later. I might have another bag of nuts or a sweet potato pre-Crossfit in the evening. Then the only meal I really have to think about is dinner and that almost always ends up being a protein (chicken, steak, fish) and some mixed veggies or spinach. I have frozen bags of both in the freezer at all times.

    It might be a little boring after a while but it removes a lot of the food stress from your life.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Here are my 5015 Month Goals:
    -Strict Pull Up -Any suggestions for a progression program? I can do 3 consecutive kipping pull ups and 3 pullups with the lightest band we have in the box (its red, not sure what the resistance is)
    -Double Unders - My PR is 8 consecutive. I'm going to have to really commit myself to practicing DU's outside of WODs. I'm thinking I will try to practice DUs 3 x week 50 (nonconsecutive) DUs/day. As the unbroken DU number moves up, so will the total per day.
    -250 Deadlift (currently at 185, but haven't tested in 2 months)
    -Bring all of my squat oly movements to my power numbers. I can power more than squat clean and snatch, and that's just not okay!
    -100 lb strict press, my strict press is SO SO pathetic. Hopefully this will help with handstand pushups too!

    When it's all written out it seems like a ton to work on! January will be my 10th month of crossfit, and I was too busy trying to survive the wods than having set goals! Looking forward to 2015 and becoming harder to kill :smile:

    We did pushups last night before Helen. Since I can't do them I did EMOTM for 10 minutes one negative and two assisted push ups. The assist was someone pushing me up with hands on the back of my ribcage. Sounds like that would work well for you if the only help you really need is the band. Tell the helper to give you as little help as possible on the assisted ones

  • abaldi0506
    abaldi0506 Posts: 78 Member
    My 2015 goals:
    1) For January - Whole30 Challenge. Just started eating paleo 3 months ago - so want to try the Whole30 to kick start the year
    2) Double Unders. I just started CF 1 month ago and lets just say, jump rope was never my thing. I'm finally able to do about 10-15 singles in a row. I did one DU the other day in class. I bought myself a good rope - so that's my goal!
    3) Make it across the monkey bars in the 4 mile mud run. I've fallen after the 2 ring twice now.
    4) Improve my time in my 10 mile and 1/2 marathon races this year (from last year).
    5) Since I'm new to CF, every weight day is an improvement from the last and I'm concentrating on technique on a few lifts. but my main goal for doing CF is to lower body fat. I want to be <20% (for my age and female - I think that's OK :-).
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    shaypearl wrote: »
    My 2015 goals:
    1) Get my eating in check. I'm just horrible at it and I know you cannot out workout a bad diet.
    2) Drop 30 lbs. Once I conquer #1 the weight should drop.
    3) Build endurance which should build off goals 1 and 2.
    4) Learn to push myself. I quit way to soon.

    Something to try for #1 that has worked for me. It takes a bit of effort on your part but is worth it.

    I try to make something like chili or beef stew in a big batch and freeze individual portions, that ends up being my lunch for two weeks (I usually can get 10 servings per batch.) I will then pre-log my breakfast and lunch because they will almost always be the same. Eggs and guac for breakfast, whatever the frozen portion is for lunch. If I want to mix it up I get a grilled chicken salad. I also measure out 2oz bags of nuts for a snack.

    This lets me almost never be hungry, which is my downfall more often than not. The breakfast keeps me full almost until noon. If it doesn't I have the nuts as I like to eat lunch at 1pm or later. I might have another bag of nuts or a sweet potato pre-Crossfit in the evening. Then the only meal I really have to think about is dinner and that almost always ends up being a protein (chicken, steak, fish) and some mixed veggies or spinach. I have frozen bags of both in the freezer at all times.

    It might be a little boring after a while but it removes a lot of the food stress from your life.

    Thanks a lot. I'm trying to get everything laid out now including a few friends that will keep me in check when I start to make excuses. I'm plan on making it this time.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Mentally I feel like if I know what I'm going to eat for the day, then that's it. That's what I eat.

    Also, don't kill yourself if you fall of the wagon for a meal. Just say "*kitten* it" and jump back on. One bad meal or snack isn't going to derail your progress. Letting it get you off plan for a few days WILL.
  • notyouraveragetalia
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Mentally I feel like if I know what I'm going to eat for the day, then that's it. That's what I eat.

    This is so true. Pre-logging really helps me stay on track.
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Mentally I feel like if I know what I'm going to eat for the day, then that's it. That's what I eat.

    This is so true. Pre-logging really helps me stay on track.

    I plan on doing that to make sure I hit my 40/30/30 goal.

  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I am going to be using this pull up progression. I have 1-5 strict on any given day, but I have problems with the first pull and it's not consistent that I have 5. I can only do 3-5 kipping in a row, sometimes only 2. At this point, kipping aren't much easier than strict. I hope something clicks! http://www.chrisstroud.net/pull-up-progression-template-for-crossfit/
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I just updated these on my profile:
    1. Run 2 5Ks
    2. Clean over 225 lbs
    3. Back squat over 325 lbs
    4. Jerk over 200 lbs
    5. Front squat over 250 lbs
    6. Deadlift over 400 lbs
    7. Get double unders
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hi All-

    Doing a Crossfit Total Comp at my gym on 2/7 so my goals are all pretty much short term right now.

    My Goals are:
    1. Deadlift 300+
    2. Squat 200+
    3. Strict Press 100+

    Also for 2015 - Compete in a Strongman comp

    I will re-evaluate for the Summer on, which may include a Dr visit for my back, that seems to get seriously hurt every time I run ::gasp:: no running? not that sad, really ;)
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Am also on the eating better train.

    I suffer from lazy so I often go for convenience food because I can't be arsed to cook. So am going to try the batch making and pre-logging thing too. Hardest thing is saying no to people who want to go out for some food in the evening on impulse.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Haaaa MFP lets British swear words through :#
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I love reading these! Thanks for posting and sending positive energy your way to help you reach them.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I've been lifting on my own for a little less than a year without much progression on major lifts since my form would suffer once I started to go heavy.

    I've been doing crossfit for only one month and I've been making such great improvements. My coach is awesome and he is always on top of me correcting my form. I'm loving it.

    For 2015 my goal is do be able to do all the WODs without any modifications. It's a huge goal for me but plan big or go home :wink: