2014 mileage roundup, 2015 goals

ArchyRunner Posts: 58 Member
Pardon me if someone already started this thread (mobile app still shakey for forums), but I'm curious to hear what everyone's mileage ended up looking like at years end and what your mileage goal might look like for 2015. Although I've been running for five or six years I've never kept track of my mileage until now. I had hoped to hit 1,200 miles but fell short of that logging 1,111. I'm keeping the 1,200 goal for next year but adding in a mile a day streak goal.


  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    2,800 miles in 2014. If I told you my 2015 goals I'd have to kill you.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I ran 1434km last year. I set a late target of 1500 and then unfortunately was struck with a summer cold so I fell that little bit short. I'm aiming for 3200km next year, which I feel is high enough to keep me motivated, but not stupidly out of reach. Works to about 38.5 miles a week.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    750 miles in 2014. goal for 2015 1000 miles.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    601 miles this year - I didn't have a goal. 2015 will be the first year I set a mileage goal, and I'm shooting for 900.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    I don't have a mileage goal because if I don't train, it'll be because I'm sick or injured and it'd be better not to till I'm healthy. But I like to add up the total at the end. This year was 2569 miles.
  • sherryruns262
    sherryruns262 Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined this group. I didn't have a 2014 mileage goal but finished the year with 1300 Garmin miles (excludes indoor track and treadmill runs). My 2015 goal is 2,015 miles. Lofty but I think doable.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I've logged 650 this year, based on ternds it would have been about 850 but with 8 weeks of very limited mileage after injuring my knee in October I lost quite a bit.

    No real target for this year as I'm still undecided on goals. I fancy a marathon this year, it's a question of whether I push for one in May or stick with a couple of half marathons early year then the full in October.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I finished with just over 2100 miles, well short of my goal of 2800, which is what I ran the previous year. I had over 1500 logged the first 6 months before a knee injury caught up with me.

    I'm not going to state any mileage goal for 2015 until I'm finished rehabbing the knee and get back to regular running.
  • vcphil
    vcphil Posts: 79 Member
    3150 miles for 2014. No goals for next yet but stay healthy :-)
  • PollyWolly98
    PollyWolly98 Posts: 112
    edited January 2015
    862 miles for 2014. I would like to reach 1000 in 2015, but it might not happen. As long as I am not below 862 next year, then I will be happy.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I don't keep track of my mileage. But after surgery and many months of thinking I would never be able to run again, my main goal for 2015 is to stay healthy and keep running!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Only 415 miles in 2014, versus the ~800 I ran in 2013. I played football for 6 months, so not as much pure running and didn't track all the running I did for football practice. Haven't set any goal for 2015, except to get my weekly average up to 30-35 miles a week.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Logged 1,152 running miles (outdoors), 3,600 total miles running, walking, hiking, backpacking, treadmill for 2014. No specific mileage goals established yet though the 3,600 total mile goal has been one I've met for several years now even before I started running in 2013.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I surprisingly did better than 2013 at 1,126. 2013 was 1005, and 2012 928, neither super high.

    Very happy, especially considering that the 1,126 is with low low mileage in April, November, and December (with only 9.6 miles). I had some weird nerve/hip issuen @ end of the year that scared the heck out of me but now seems gone. YAY.

    Hoping to get stronger, and much higher mileage, and PRs in 2015!!
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    My goal at the start of 2014 was 750 miles but didn't realise then how important running would become to me. I ended the year with 1221.1 miles clocked (would have reached 1300 if not for the 'flu in Dec which knocked me flat for a couple of weeks).

    I'm not setting a target for 2015 but have a spring & autumn marathon in the diary with a 12hr Ultra in the summer so expect my mileage to be higher than 2014.
  • karenfaber
    karenfaber Posts: 13 Member
    New here, this seemed like a good place to jump in. I was on track for another 2,500 mile year until plantar fasciitis hit in August, causing me to blow off my fall goal marathon and drastically reduce mileage. I ended up with 1,858 for the year.

    Goals for next year are to get rid of this PF completely and get back into the shape I was in. If that happens I'll ramp up my mileage and attempt a sub-3:30 marathon in the fall (PR is 3:33, and I was going to go for sub-3:30 before the PF hit). Spring marathon I'm just hoping to get back to 3:45-3:50 shape. Mileage goal depends on how long it takes before I can get back to serious running (right now I'm running about 30 miles/week, all easy miles).
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I completed 1472 miles in 2014 (up from 666 miles in 2013). My goal at the start of the year was 1400, so I'm pleased with that, but after my marathon on 11/23, I was at 1413 and really wanted to hit 1500 as a nice round number. Didn't happen as I was a bit burnt out and really needed the time off in December - both mentally and physically.

    I've set a goal of 1500 for 2015 - with a more consistent approach. I want to have 100+ miles for all 12 months.

  • minibagz1203
    minibagz1203 Posts: 35 Member
    First real year of running for me. And training for a half marathon this year. But my goal is to run 500 miles but to strive for 800
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    I had to walk a bunch at the beginning of the year due to effing up my back from a bad pull on deadlifts.
    That said, walking and running was 401mi on 2pairs of Sauconys, 6ish miles on demo shoes, plus about 100 on my Asics 3000s. Plus idk how more on other random walking shoes. Plus more on bike, elliptical, arc trainer, and the stairmaster.

    2015 mile goals:
    500 mi running at least
    100 mi biking - outside

    Little goals. Still coming back from ankle/leg issues unrelated to that bad pull (pre-existing to the bad pull lol)
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    1340 is my mileage for the year; I did not have a mileage goal. Perhaps a 1800 mile goal for 2015