Goals for 2015



  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Well done alereck. You hear such criticism of bad form and coaching in crossfit, it's great to read a positive comment. My coaches are so strict on form and I think we need to make sure we keep saying it so people realise there are good and bad coaches like in anything.

    Well done on the improvements.
  • jedwards213
    jedwards213 Posts: 24 Member
    edited January 2015
    Goals for 2015:
    1) Continue the weight loss with an additional 5kg within 4-6 months. Seems like a long time, but I'm down 10kg for 2014. These last few could be painful.
    2) Continue with the strength training as prescribed.
    3) Do an Oly competition in the 94kg class (hence the 5kg goal above).
    4) Finally, continue to stay positive even in the face of defeat!
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    My goals for 2015 are:

    1- Get 50 double unders unbroken.
    2- 20 kipping pull ups unbroken.
    3 - Rings muscle up/bar muscle up.
    4 - Get handstand kipping push ups.
    5 - I want to add more weight to all my lifts.
    6 - I want to get 10 strict pull ups, I find pull ups really easy but I want to keep strict in the bank.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    ^^^ oh wow I can't imagine ever saying I find pull ups really easy. Did you always find them this way?
  • So much that I want to do this year!!

    1.Get back in 75kg weight class & stay there or begin working my way down to the 69kg (there seriously needs to be an in between, like a 72kg class)
    2. 200#+ C&J, 175#+ Snatch, 200# OHS
    3. 375# DL, 300# Back Squat, 250# Front Squat, body weight bench, 150# strict press
    4. Get comfortable upside down!! freestanding handstand holds, handstand walks, parallette HSPU, multiple strict HSPUs etc.
    5. The ever elusive muscle up, bar or rings, I don't care which I get first!!!
    6. Consistency on other "gymnastics" movements, pull ups, chest to bars, toe to bars, ring dips, strict pull ups
    7. Do 2 Crossfit competitions
    8. Do @ least 1 Oly competition
    9. Start looking into strongman competitions
  • jonisteenhoek
    jonisteenhoek Posts: 92 Member
    1. Get my diet back on track - I did so good to lose weight (and really keep it off), but I've stalled and it's 100% my fault.
    2. I need to get my form under control. I am strong and if I could really get my form down, I could lift a lot of weight and I really love to pick up heavy things!!
    3. This one kind of piggy backs off of #1 and #2 - I want to do a pull up and I know that if I could continue on the weight loss path and work on my form, I could do it.
    4. I want to climb the rope, I've never done it. I've always been to intimated to get it done and that's going to change.

    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Happy New Year !!! My list is pretty simple (I think) and will re-evaluate it as we get closer to spring/summer . . .

    1) Hands down the biggest thing - I need to get back to eating better/cleaner. I need to lose the weight, more specifically the fat I've gained over the holidays. It's 100% my fault.
    2) Develop a training schedule and stick to it. I'm a Triathete and have been using CrossFit for my stregth and conditioning. *Looking to compete in my 1st Half-Ironman in the fall of this year.
    3) Listen to what my body is saying ... Don't over train & keep my form strong/correct. (I'm not twenty or even thirty-something anymore).
    *3a - With that said, I want to Rx more WODs, especially Fran.
    4) Compete in another CrossFit comepetition over the winter months.
    5) Inspire and encourage others towards reaching their goals :smiley:

    Good Luck to everyone !!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    alereck wrote: »
    I've been doing crossfit for only one month and I've been making such great improvements. My coach is awesome and he is always on top of me correcting my form. I'm loving it.

    This is my experience too (I started in October). I know not all boxes are the same, but even if I hadn't loved CF the on-ramp would have been a great experience just in improving my form or really learning some of the lifts I was already trying to do.

    I'm doing an Oly class now too, also through my box, but don't feel like I yet can set realistic weight goals. Just keep improving and make as much progress as I can.

    With the skills, there are so many I'd like to master (I'd love to be able to mostly do the Rx), but I know that will take a while. Right now I'm going to focus on getting double unders, kipping pull ups, and toes to bar.
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    ^^^ oh wow I can't imagine ever saying I find pull ups really easy. Did you always find them this way?

    Yeah! I never tried a pull up until I went to a gym and got some PT sessions, and my PT asked me if I could do them and I tried and got 3 out the first try. They come naturally to me for some reason! I am very lucky haha
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    alereck wrote: »
    I've been lifting on my own for a little less than a year without much progression on major lifts since my form would suffer once I started to go heavy.

    I've been doing crossfit for only one month and I've been making such great improvements. My coach is awesome and he is always on top of me correcting my form. I'm loving it.

    For 2015 my goal is do be able to do all the WODs without any modifications. It's a huge goal for me but plan big or go home :wink:

    Sign #1 that you have a coach who knows his business.

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^^^ oh wow I can't imagine ever saying I find pull ups really easy. Did you always find them this way?

    Yeah! I never tried a pull up until I went to a gym and got some PT sessions, and my PT asked me if I could do them and I tried and got 3 out the first try. They come naturally to me for some reason! I am very lucky haha

    I don't think I've done one since I was a kid. I want to get one from a dead hang by my birthday (April 10th.) I almost had one at the end of our last Paleo challenge weighing 287. I think if I get under 280 I have it.

  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    My goals are pretty simple but for me might be a challenge. 1. go to crossfit consistently! 2. get a base PR on the board for most if not all things we keep track of (I don't know what to call it, lifts?) 3. not get injured - this sounds silly but I'm really new, really out of shape, and really over weight so even squats I have to be careful with my knees. If I do all of these things I think I'll be in a totally different physical place even by June!
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    My goals are exactly the same as Quinn's! :p
    My general goal is to get pregnant in Jan 2016, having reached a non-overweight place and as fit as possible. I am going to do this with calorie counting and being consistent with training. o:)
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    Long-term Goals for 2015:
    Complete Ragnar Relay with my team
    Snatch: 150#
    Clean: 200#
    10 Strict Pull Ups

    Goals for January:
    Eat clean
    Workout 5x/week