Kick Off Weigh In

lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Please post the following here not later than Sunday. If you are uncomfortable posting your details, please message me with them directly.

Baseline Challenge Info:
Current Weight (in pounds)
13 Week Goal Weight (in pounds)
Measurements (see rules announcement and BBM video about how to take measurements)

For Team Determination
Breastfeeding or no
Working or no
Number of kids
Age of youngest little one

How you found out about the group

Thanks everyone!


  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    I will weigh in on Sunday, but wanted to disclose my particulars to get us started :)

    My current weight (today) is 204. My goal weight for the 13 weeks is 185. I will add my measurements when I can find the tape measure.

    I am mostly breastfeeding (supplement formula a few ounces a week). I work full time and have one baby who is 36 weeks old.

    I formed the group after one of my moms groups did 2.0. I really wanted to do it but couldn't get/stay motivated to keep up with it. I knew I needed the challenge to stay committed.

    Tell me about you :):)
  • How can I message you with my I measurement info? I'm a member of My fitness Pal. Does that matter? I can't seem to figure it out...sorry :0/

  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there! I currently weight 210 lbs. My goal weight for the 13 weeks is 172 (pre preg weight). I'll have to do the measurements at a later time.

    I am currently breastfeeding my 9 month old daughter. She eats solids as well. I am hoping to be lucky enough to breastfeed her until at least a year. If I can get to 172 I will continue past a year. If I cannot then I will wean her to determine if my hormones are getting in the way. I am not currently working so I'm hoping to be able to really devote my time to this while my baby girl naps.

    I found out about this group from a Facebook group. I need all the accountability I can get!

    Looking forward to this. Thanks for setting it up!
  • hgwill78
    hgwill78 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there! I'd like to join the group! I've lost most of my weight already but I need to change up my workouts (and get the tummy fat off!) and it would be nice to be motivated by other mommies!

    CW 127.4
    GW 122.5

    Bust 36
    Waist 29
    Hips 35

    I'm a stay at home mom of a 2.5 year old with special needs. He is my inspiration and I started my weight loss journey to show him the only thing that can hold us back in life is ourselves. Looking forward to getting to know you all!

    Have a great day!
  • Here goes. I don't mind posting this here, but let's just preface by saying I have a hard time losing weight, persay, but I have been able to lose inches in the past. Here are all my stats as of 12:30 pm today:

    Weight: 218.4 (my biggest ever in my life)
    13 week goal: 190 (is that too much or too little of able difference?)
    Bust - 45 in.
    Waist - 39 in. (You need to know I measured my true waist, not where my belly button is, which is about 2 inches below)
    Hips - 51 in.
    Upper thigh - 28 in.
    Upper arm - 15.5 in.

    I was breastfeeding at some point, but due to mastitis and supply issues I had to stop when my daughter was about 3 months. She is now 16 months old and eats regular food. She is my only so far, but I hope to have more in the near future. I am working part time one or two days a week as as teacher. I just finished my Master's, so I'm actively looking for a job next year full time. I hears about this group from Mommywood on facebook!
  • These are from morning just finally had time to post. But for baseline challenge my current weight is 115.4 lbs. 13 week goal is 105 lbs (I'm 5'1) measurements are (a) bust 34 inches, (b) waist 27 inches -navel 30 inches, (c) hip 36 inches, (d) thigh 19 inches, (e) uppers arm 9.5 inches, (f) calf 12.5 inches. For team determination: not breastfeeding, not working, 3 kids (4 yrs on Jan 27, 3 yrs on Feb 29, and 14 months on Jan 8). I found this group through mommywood Facebook page.
  • mg_adina
    mg_adina Posts: 32 Member
    Ok, so I just came in from buying a measuring tape ;-)

    Here are my stats:

    Height: 5' 2.5"
    Weight: 154 lbs
    Challenge goal weight is 136 lbs

    Bust 37.5"
    Waist 31.5"
    Hip 43"
    Thigh 26.5"
    Calf 14"
    Upper arm 12"

    I am the primary caregiver of my 3 year old son (as I don't live with my partner), and I work full time. I heard about this challenge here on MFP.
  • travelgal24
    travelgal24 Posts: 5 Member
    I weighed myself this morning but I am just posting now:

    Current Weight (in pounds): 139.8
    13 Week Goal Weight (in pounds): 127 (pre-baby weight)
    Measurements (see rules announcement): no tape measurer...will start when amazon delivers it

    one 5 month kiddo
    Found out about the group through Inova new moms FB group
  • Current weight: 138.6 lbs
    Goal weight after 13 weeks: 131 lbs

    Bust: 37
    Waist: 30
    Hips: 38
    Thigh: 23
    Calf: 14
    Upper Arm:11.5

    10 week old LO
    Starting back to work on 5 Jan
    Found on mommywood :)
  • Current Weight: 141
    13 Week Goal Weight: 125
    Measurements --

    Bust: 30
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 38
    Calf: 14
    Upper arm: 10.5

    Not Working
    1 Child
    6 months

    How you found out about the group? Alexandria new mom fb group
  • lynpcooper
    lynpcooper Posts: 44 Member
    Current Weight - 189 lbs
    13 Week Goal Weight - 169 lbs
    Measurements - Will post tomorrow

    Not Breastfeeding
    Working part-time plus full-time student
    2 kids, ages 4 and 6

    I found out about the group after learning of the BBM Challenge and searching MFP for BBM.
  • eatveggies7
    eatveggies7 Posts: 3 Member
    CW 168
    GW 135
    Measurements (Will post when i find a tape)

    Working (Self-emp)
    kids: 9,7 & 18mo

    Searched MFP and found it
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!
    Caw: 232
    GW: 200

    I am a first time mom who is at the highest weight I have ever been in my life. I was on bed rest due to pre-eclampsia and my weight skyrocketed. I have a 2 1/2 month old daughter. Due to breast reduction surgery when I was a teenager I am unable to breastfeed I have tried for the last 12 weeks and with hours of breastfeeding and pumping everyday was only getting 4 ounces.

    I am ready to kick my own butt, and get started with this challenge. Living in Canada I am on maternity leave till November, so I have a ton of time to dedicate myself to this challenge. I look forward to getting started.
  • lakhena
    lakhena Posts: 57 Member
    Baseline Challenge Info:
    Current Weight (in pounds) - 163 lbs
    13 Week Goal Weight (in pounds) - 150 lbs
    Measurements- oops! need to find a tape measure!

    For Team Determination
    Breastfeeding or no = no
    Working or no = yes, full time, 40+ hours
    Number of kids = 2
    Age of youngest little one = 16 months old

    I saw a post in the forums, and thought this would be a good group of supportive women to join! I have my annual with my OB in June and I know she's going to make a comment about the baby fat if I haven't lost it by then (she's a tough cookie)!

    For all the moms in the DC area, I'm open to meeting up and getting working out together if it helps.
  • Good morning.
    I'm a SAHM with a 22 mo. I'm going to finally start and finish my Masters, go it alone while hubby is deployed, and lose all this weight in 2015. Thanks for the opportunity to be part of the group.
    CW: 143
    GW: 117
    I'm no longer breastfeeding.
    I plan to measure myself when I find the tape!
  • Hello! I'm finally back at work and can be in front of a computer to put some focus into this.
    Baseline Challenge Info:
    Current Weight: 180
    13 Week Goal Weight: 170 (is this realistic? I hope so!)
    Measurements - I can do these starting next week. I have to find my tape measure!

    My daughter is 5 months and I am no longer breastfeeding her. I work full time at an office job. We have a personal trainer that comes twice a week so I am hoping to start doing that in addition to the Bikini Body youtubes. I found out about the group through a couple of Alexandria. VA FB groups. I would be open to doing weekend walks with anyone local (if the weather cooperates!).

  • bikinibooty
    bikinibooty Posts: 4 Member
    Height: 5'8"
    Current weight: 178.8 lbs
    Goal weight: 155 lbs

    Bust: 39
    Waist: 34
    Hips: 42
    Thigh: 24.5
    Calf: 13.4
    Upper Arm:13

    For Team Determination
    Breastfeeding: yes
    Working: yes, I am a SAHM
    Number of kids: 2 (3 if you count the hubby :wink:)
    Age of youngest little one: 21 mths

    Let's get our bodies ready to look great in bikini's!!! (everyone has a bikini body, you just have to wear one, but not everyone looks great in one)
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Happy Day 1, Mommies!

    I have done my official photographs and weigh-in / measure-in activities and am reporting to you all for accountability. I'd like to say I'm happy about it, but I'm 15lbs heavier (and many inches larger) than my largest recorded non-pregnancy weight in my life. <sigh> Still, I'm looking at this as a tremendous opportunity to get fit with you all!

    Day 1 Weight: 202.4 (13 Week goal is 185)

    Bust: 44.75"
    Waist: 40.5"
    Upper Arm: 13.75"
    Lower Arm: 9.75"
    Wide Hip: 47"
    Narrow Hip: 44.25"
    Thigh: 24.5" (I'm actually wider higher at 29.5")
    Calf: 15"

  • Ok I will post more info as I can later tonight. I am in the same boat as most others have found themselves... heavier now post baby than I was at my heaviest.

    Current Weight: 183
    Goal Weight: 150ish 13 Week Goal Weight 160
    I will add measurements later this evening and maybe photos since I know this is for motivation, encouragement, and we are all determined in this goal!

    I have an 18, soon to be 19 month old little girl. I no longer breastfeed, that just never worked with my fast paced work schedule. I work full time in DC and love it, but can be a struggle sometimes with trying to juggle, toddler/family, work, health, fitness, and social time (yes mommy needs a little bit of a life as well).

    I can't wait to see the progress we are all now about to make.
  • AbsterBee
    AbsterBee Posts: 22 Member
    Baseline Challenge Info:
    Current Weight- 228
    13 Week Goal Weight- 200
    Measurements- I will try to add these tonight

    For Team Determination
    Breastfeeding- No
    Working- Yes, full-time teacher
    Number of kids- Two
    Age of youngest little one- 22 Months

    How you found out about the group- searched on MFP