Serious Problem with candies and cakes

Hi all, first post in this group. Feel pretty excited .... :# I would like to know if someone out there knows some strategy to get rid of the addiction to candies, cakes and other bad bad things such as these ones. I really feel comfortable in the Primal/Paleo way of heating and leaving, the only thing that I have to solve is the quite frequent desire of some "chocolate tasting thing" (or similiar) in my mouth. It seems to be a real addiction for my body :s .....


  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited January 2015
    For candy and cake, the best thing is to cut them off cold turkey! Get used to life with real foods like fruits for sweets. Substitutes may be better for your body, but still bad for weight loss.

    Chocolate is easy!! There is organic cocoa powder that has nothing added and very little carbs. I mix it with a little almond milk or coconut milk or whatever and some almond or sunflower butter and make a "bonbon". No added sugar, chocolate taste, minimal damage! Or, make hot cocoa out of almond or coconut milk, cocoa and a little stevia and a dash of salt. There is also a stevia sweetened dark chocolate "Lilly's"
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    I struggle with this one big time. There is a book by a Dr. Mark Hyman about sugar detox and getting rid of the sugar in your bloodstream and controlling the cravings. I've not bought it yet but the idea fascinates me. Maybe someone here has read it already and can comment. Here is a link in which he outlines 10 things you can do without buying the book.

    PS If you do find something that helps please me me know!
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    If you make coconut oil "chocolate" that can kill the craving. Coconut oil, unsweetened cocoa powder, and the paleo sweetener of your choice. Freeze pieces of it (I use those reusable rubber muffin sleeve things to freeze pieces.) It packs a serious chocolate punch and has satiating fat, so I find that one of those when I get a craving will do the trick. Depending on how large you make them they are a tolerable amount of calories, mine are usually roughly 100-120.
  • sophdalby
    sophdalby Posts: 5 Member
    I've always found that dates really help. They're so sweet and really satisfy my sugar cravings!
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    If it's just a need to have something sweet at all times like gum/candy or something where it's more of a habit of having something flavorful in your mouth, I would suggest becoming an herbal tea junky at least for a little while until you can move on to water. They have a few flavors that taste like candy (think chai, apple cinnamon spice, peppermint, etc).

    If it's a matter of sugar cravings, know that those will pass if you can go cold turkey. Just make sure you're loading up on fats/proteins so that you won't be hungry/low blood-sugar-y.

    If it's more of an occasional treat need, that's easy! There's lots paleo-ish desserts out there, some more healthful than others. Google is pretty awesome for that. :)
  • Cold turkey all the way!
  • aps81
    aps81 Posts: 11 Member
    I had a SERIOUS sweet tooth/sugar addiction I needed to suppress and although just quitting cold turkey would be nice, it didn't appear realistic to for me the struggle is real! I also don't like many fruits. I basically started Paleo by making Paleo desserts, and with the healthier substitutions in the recipes, I started to crave cakes and cookies less and less (even the Paleo versions!). I also eat a piece of very dark chocolate on a occasion. The bitterness doesn't allow me to eat any more than that, but there's enough sweetness so satisfy a craving. Just be careful and use moderation with paleo desserts though, as there are natural sugars in most recipes and added calories. Moderation is the key. Here are some of my favorites though...

    Banana Chocolate cookies (SUPER EASY) -

    Chocolate Zucchini Bread -
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    edited January 2015
    Let me tell you...for years I was the Little Debbie queen...give me ALL the sugars, all the time. I had the worst sweet tooth and no control over it and just resigned to the thought that I was just one of those people that loved sweets and that's how it was. 80 lbs later I finally came out of my reeses cup haze and figured out that for me personally, sugar makes me crave sugar...even fruit or other "natural" sugar (Based on my body's response to it, I'm of the belief that sugar is sugar is sugar, no matter where it comes from). I cut it out cold turkey, and the longer I stayed away from it the easier it became to resist it! It's hard at first, but so worth it when you can finally walk by that office birthday cake, or bowl of candy and not think twice about it.

    I was actually just reminded of this yesterday....I had a banana after not having any fruit for a long time and I totally regretted it after. I became ravenous and could not stop thinking about chocolate, cookies, cake, really anything. I was just hangry.

    Substitute "paleo sweets" aren't going to help you kick an actual addiction (mental or otherwise) to sugar. You gotta dig deep and stop it at the source.
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    I'm another vote for cold turkey, which is the pits. I've found that after eating paleo and a Whole30, it's easier to resist, but it's still a slippery slope.
  • Try to switch to fresh fruit if you can. Banana ice cream is a life saver (just frozen solid over ripe banana cut into chunks, almond butter and if you can organic vanilla and organic almond extract thrown into a cuisinart or blender and whipped until creamy), tupperware containers of this ice cream can be kept in the freezer for when the inevitable cravings hit, although I'd try fresh fruit first if you can
  • blucat
    blucat Posts: 11
    I like coconut butter maybe too much
    I use that as susbstitute
  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Try drinking a tiny amount of apple cider vinegar with water. I put a splash in my drink bottle each morning (just the first bottle of the day) and its meant to help. I certainly haven't had massive cravings since I went cold turkey and I have done this before and it was much harder so I think the apple cider helped. Tasted good to as long as you only put a very small amount.

    On this note, does anyone know if this would be bad for me? I've done reading on the net but you just never know what you are or are not doing to yourself!
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    emma7437 wrote: »
    Try drinking a tiny amount of apple cider vinegar with water. I put a splash in my drink bottle each morning (just the first bottle of the day) and its meant to help. I certainly haven't had massive cravings since I went cold turkey and I have done this before and it was much harder so I think the apple cider helped. Tasted good to as long as you only put a very small amount.

    On this note, does anyone know if this would be bad for me? I've done reading on the net but you just never know what you are or are not doing to yourself!

    ACV is good for you and your digestion, it has been around a long time too. If you do follow this make sure you get Bragg's or some other ACV that has the "mother" in it. I was not aware it helped curb your sweet cravings but that would be a bonus.

  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    emma7437 wrote: »
    Try drinking a tiny amount of apple cider vinegar with water. I put a splash in my drink bottle each morning (just the first bottle of the day) and its meant to help. I certainly haven't had massive cravings since I went cold turkey and I have done this before and it was much harder so I think the apple cider helped. Tasted good to as long as you only put a very small amount.

    On this note, does anyone know if this would be bad for me? I've done reading on the net but you just never know what you are or are not doing to yourself!

    I'm told ACV helps to make your body pH less acid, which is supposed to be healthier.

    On the rare occasions I come down with a cold (used to catch every bug going, before primal/paleo), I find that stirring together a tablespoon each of raw ACV and raw honey in a glass, and then filling the glass the rest of the way with filtered water and drinking it, I get relief. I actually feel better for the time being after drinking it, and my colds are gone in much less than the standard 7-10 days.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I say cold turkey is best BUT if you're about to hurt someone for cake or something I say take a square of one of these and smear a little homemade coconut butter on it.

    It's kept me sane...somewhat.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    emma7437 wrote: »
    Try drinking a tiny amount of apple cider vinegar with water. I put a splash in my drink bottle each morning (just the first bottle of the day) and its meant to help. I certainly haven't had massive cravings since I went cold turkey and I have done this before and it was much harder so I think the apple cider helped. Tasted good to as long as you only put a very small amount.

    On this note, does anyone know if this would be bad for me? I've done reading on the net but you just never know what you are or are not doing to yourself!

    ACV has a number of uses and benefits in the unfiltered state. I recently made a concoction called "Fire Cider" with ACV, ginger, horesradish, hot pepper, garlic onion and lemons steeped in there for a month. You are then to drain and refrigerate it. Mix with raw honey if needed and take a shot or more a day to prevent illness. If already sick, every few hours. I'll tell ya, I believe that stuff could knock out ANYTHING! I think next time I will dilute it and make it like a hot tea.