I cant do this. Maybe this surgery was a mistake.



  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    pawoodhull wrote: »
    Belladebut, I have been doing this for 3.5 years now and I am still working towards goal. Yes I started with 226 to lose and I lose slow/stall often, but I do not find this an easy path to walk and that too is part why I am not to goal yet. I too struggle to not go back to old eating habits. My point? Not everyone makes goal and is successful within the same time frame. I agree with everyone who has replied. Don't beat yourself up. Be honest with yourself on what you need to change, get the help and guidance you need and move forward. You can do this. We all can. I have lost 164 pounds so far, if I don't lose another ounce have I failed? No. Because I'm still at a better weight and healthier than I was when I started. For me, failure would be to regain everything I've lost and do nothing about it, just accept being 386 pounds again. But as long as I'm not regaining and continuing to work at it I am not failing. And neither are you. You say you didn't get much guidance before or after? If I were you, I would be going back to my surgeon and their team and demanding some help.

    Hang in there and don't hesitate to reach out. There are some awesome people on here with great advice.
    Agreed. Anywhere healthier than where we started is success.

  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    edited January 2015
    OP I remember pawoodhull (I think it was) once advising someone to pre fill out your food diary and follow it like a menu for the day. I know when I have struggled at times, I've remembered this and put it into place, even if only for a few days. It helps a lot.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    edited January 2015
    juliebccs wrote: »
    OP I remember pawoodhull (I think it was) once advising someone to pre fill out your food diary and follow it like a menu for the day. I know when I have struggled at times, I've remembered this and put it into place, even if only for a few days. It helps a lot.

    I pre-log my meals pretty often, and it really does help. Planning ahead has been an extremely crucial part of my success. For me, putting it down in black and white so to speak seems to take the pressure off and take the emotion out of it. It helps me to just do what I need to do. You CAN do this!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    juliebccs wrote: »

    Having watched your journey pre -op Rob I can fully appreciate how the long road worked so well for you. Always in awe of the work you did.

    YES!! THIS!!!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    edited January 2015
    juliebccs wrote: »
    OP I remember pawoodhull (I think it was) once advising someone to pre fill out your food diary and follow it like a menu for the day. I know when I have struggled at times, I've remembered this and put it into place, even if only for a few days. It helps a lot.

    Yes that was me. I do much, much better if I plan my meals for the day. I take my food to work with me, breakfast, lunch, even a snack (just in case I want something). The only thing I don't preplan is dinner only because I don't usually cook, the husband does. Weekends are a little harder and I tend to undereat. But again, I do much, much better in my eating when I do the preplanning.

  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    pawoodhull wrote: »

    Yes that was me. I do much, much better if I plan my meals for the day. I take my food to work with me, breakfast, lunch, even a snack (just in case I want something). The only thing I don't preplan is dinner only because I don't usually cook, the husband does. Weekends are a little harder and I tend to undereat. But again, I do much, much better in my eating when I do the preplanning.

    I do better with planning some of the time. I definitely plan what I am taking to work for the day, but I do not plan days in advance or anything-- if I do that, I tend to "rebel"-- it is so weird!! Like if I "planned" to have tuna for lunch on Tues and get all resentful because I want tureky instead--- me and my crazy brain!!! So I take it a day at a time and see what I "feel" like each day. Sometimes I want something hot, sometimes cold, etc. I try to take a variety of foods n textures with me to work to be sure I am satisfied. It is working well so far! :)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member

    I do better with planning some of the time. I definitely plan what I am taking to work for the day, but I do not plan days in advance or anything-- if I do that, I tend to "rebel"-- it is so weird!! Like if I "planned" to have tuna for lunch on Tues and get all resentful because I want tureky instead--- me and my crazy brain!!! So I take it a day at a time and see what I "feel" like each day. Sometimes I want something hot, sometimes cold, etc. I try to take a variety of foods n textures with me to work to be sure I am satisfied. It is working well so far! :)[/quote]

    Thaeda! You are so funny! I don't plan days in advance by any means. I plan that day for the day and pack what I'm going to eat. There has to be a certain amount of flexibility for me. If it gets too rigid, then like you, I start feeling uncomfortable with the process. I believe the goal to long term success is being able to make the plan work within your lifestyle and sometimes that means "going with the flow" so to speak.

  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    pawoodhull wrote: »

    Thaeda! You are so funny! I don't plan days in advance by any means. I plan that day for the day and pack what I'm going to eat. There has to be a certain amount of flexibility for me. If it gets too rigid, then like you, I start feeling uncomfortable with the process. I believe the goal to long term success is being able to make the plan work within your lifestyle and sometimes that means "going with the flow" so to speak.

    Happy to amuse. :) I agree there is a "safe zone" for me where planning feels good--- i tkeeps me from being anxious about too many cals. and it also allows me the freedom to eat what I like. Balance, balance, balance!
  • Patty2point0
    Patty2point0 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Belle,

    Wow iM so sorry to hear you feeling so low. But Im with Thaeda and some of the others. Ther's no turning back now. your only choice is to gain a ton of weight back or find a way to move forward the best way you can. I know I have had successes and setbacks along this journey. There were behaviors that I totally bought into because I believed they were right and at some point I came to realize that something had to change in order to continue progressing and break the physical; and emotional plateau. Please see the help of medical experts and focus on shifting your mindset. I had to that this month myself. I know you don't want to a regain and be miserable emotionally as well. You can still make better choices each day (better not perfect), you can still renew your thinking on this matter and you can still improve. Failure is something that happens not who you are.

    God bless!
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    Honestly there is not much that I can add to this except point out the fact that even without proper guidance, you still succeeded in losing 50lbs. That to me says a lot. One thing that brings most if not all of us here is for support. I have to say that without some kind of support system, the chances of success pretty much shrink to 0 over time. You are here now and you're one of us. We are all here for you. Sometimes things happen because it's just a genetic thing like becoming pre-diabetic. I strongly feel that you can get your mind right and start anew here with a great group of people that will support and help you in any way we can. Do not let yourself be defeated by this. Think back and remember what you wanted and why you wanted it. Pick your head up. You can pull through this.
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    I agree we are here for you
  • Patty2point0
    Patty2point0 Posts: 41 Member

    Well said!
    jamezln wrote: »
    Honestly there is not much that I can add to this except point out the fact that even without proper guidance, you still succeeded in losing 50lbs. That to me says a lot. One thing that brings most if not all of us here is for support. I have to say that without some kind of support system, the chances of success pretty much shrink to 0 over time. You are here now and you're one of us. We are all here for you. Sometimes things happen because it's just a genetic thing like becoming pre-diabetic. I strongly feel that you can get your mind right and start anew here with a great group of people that will support and help you in any way we can. Do not let yourself be defeated by this. Think back and remember what you wanted and why you wanted it. Pick your head up. You can pull through this.