
  • mystic81
    mystic81 Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I am looking to lose 50-70 lbs overall, but my first goal is 15 lbs. Chocolate and baking are my kryptonite...
  • LukerPslim
    LukerPslim Posts: 199 Member
    37 from Indiana. fairly active although I do have a desk job. feel free to add me!!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Hi all. I'm 37, living in Silicon Valley in Northern California. I'm in the middle of a low-carb diet study through a local university and trying to lose 30 lbs. It is really hard not to eat rice, bread and bagels!
  • cycle_queen
    cycle_queen Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 30 and from Victoria, BC. Add me. :)
  • 31 (soon to be 32 in may), just had baby number three 7 months ago. Starting back to the gym this month. Need motivation! Feel free to add me!
  • cdstaufenbiel
    cdstaufenbiel Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there! I'm 33 and live in Saint Louis, MO. Feel free to add me as a MFP friend!
  • bcuda
    bcuda Posts: 404 Member
    Hi! I'm just shy of 31 (26 days but who's counting)... living in SoCal and looking to lose about 25 pounds. Always up for more friends and motivation to keep on track!
  • beachlover83
    beachlover83 Posts: 68 Member
    I'll be 30 in a month- feel free to add me. Would like to lose about 30 pounds.
  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 32. I'm looking to lose 20 pounds also and to run regularly. I'm married and have a son. Feel free to add me too.
  • larosa217
    larosa217 Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm 32 (at least for another month or so) & have about 35 pounds to lose. Been a MFP user since last February & lost about 30 pounds last year. Feel free to add me. I try to log in daily & encourage all my MFP friends often :smile:

    Oh yeah, I'm currently living in Spokane, WA
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I'm 34 and looking to loose around 25 pounds. Been a MFP user off and on for a couple years and again trying to log every day.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    I'm 33, living in North Wales, UK.

    I have recently become more active again on MFP, been on here for a few years. I did really well in the past, until I started my uni course, along with a full time job.

    I am trying my best to find some balance in life now, I've got 6 months or so left on my course. I log everyday & try to be as supportive as I can.

    So if any of you would like to add me please feel free, I'll be around for a while :wink:
  • Blind_Pilot
    Blind_Pilot Posts: 64 Member
    hi!! i'm 30 and from south wales. This is my second go araound on mfp, first stint i lost 40lbs, before piling 33lbs back on. i log daily, have an open diary and go running 3 times a week.

    if you'd like to add me go ahead and send a request x
  • Bairn77
    Bairn77 Posts: 19
    Hey everyone, I am back on MFP after being away for over a year. Looking to add friends to give encouragement and hold each other accountable and . Please feel free to add me, I appreciate encouragement as I work to lose 20+ pounds. Thanks and Good Luck everyone!
  • mystic81
    mystic81 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 33 (34 on the 22nd!), live in Winnipeg, MB. Feel free to add me!
  • cheekyraspberry
    cheekyraspberry Posts: 17 Member
    Hi -- I'm 31 and live in upstate NY. I have gained about 20 to 25 pounds since starting to date my boyfriend 3.5 years ago. I'm finally making a real effort to lose it and then some!

    Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Jamielynn_77
    Jamielynn_77 Posts: 85 Member
    I feel your pain lol. Found love and 15 pounds and one of those has to go! Haha! I am hoping the pounds.
  • Hi all, feel free to add me too! I'm 34 and on the border of England and North Wales, in Chester. I have a lot to lose, 100+ lbs, so would be grateful for any and all support!
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    I'm also in a similar situation! 33 years old, and I was doing pretty well last year before I got married in November. Between the wedding, honeymoon, and the holidays I put on about 10 pounds and looking to get back on track. I'd first like to to lose these 10, but my ultimate goal is 20-30 pounds more after that. One step at a time, though!

    I'd love some more friends who are one regularly to get to know each other.
  • Personalitygirl
    Personalitygirl Posts: 3 Member
    I am 39 and struggle to lose my final 20 pounds, friends would be great to keep me motivated.