Canadian - new to group and in the last year of my 40's :)

My goal is to get my weight back down by the time I turn 50! Also want to have a healthy brain!


  • sinathia
    sinathia Posts: 11 Member
    I turned 49 in November and scared to death to be over 50 pounds when I turn 50 ! Now is the time for me to succeed. Good luck to you.nice to meet ya.
  • KFraz02
    KFraz02 Posts: 13 Member
    New here. I am 46 going on 47 and the middle age spread really got going the past couple of years. I want to be in great shape at 50 and not like those big round women. Good luck to you!
  • lforner46
    lforner46 Posts: 103 Member
    Me too. I'm in my last year of 40's and hoping to lost 15 lbs before age 50!!
  • Ratches
    Ratches Posts: 52 Member
    Going to be 45 this year and am tired of being tired - I want my 40's to be awsome
  • Hi! I just turned 49 at the end of December and need to gain control of my weight before 50! 5'3" and currently 205! I would like to see under 140! so I guess I have 65+ to lose....
  • 41 over here (and also Canadian.... obviously!). Yes... I find myself looking at older in-shape women and thinking, "I wanna be like that when I grow up!".
  • tiffaniedemayo
    tiffaniedemayo Posts: 38 Member
    I turned 49 in September, and feel the same way. So scared to be 50 and overweight, i have about 48 pounds to loose, and i hope to loose them by June.
  • Yogirunner68
    Yogirunner68 Posts: 58 Member
    I will be turning 47 on the 29th.(also Canadian) My goal is to be fitter than I was in my 20's. Sure I was thinner then but that was due to a diet of coffee and cigarettes. Still loves my coffee but I have been smoke free for over 13 years :smiley: Having two babies in my 40's wrecked havoc on my body but obviously the positive of having two sweet and gorgeous girls cancels that out. I actually have three sweet and gorgeous girls but the eldest I had in my early 20's :smile: I like to run, do yoga and pop in a Jillian Michaels DVD. I believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to. MFP is a great place to meet up with like minded people and have the much needed support that is required for this journey.
  • HLMProducts
    HLMProducts Posts: 5 Member
    Same here... really want to be in great shape by the time I'm 50, and want to stave off dementia as well, the biggest growing problem in the ageing population. I have a year and three months to get there. Good luck! Sent you a friend request. :smile:
  • CKMillson
    CKMillson Posts: 44 Member
    47 now and getting more fit everyday. I work out 6 days a week and enjoy it. I walk if I have the option (winter on the prairies makes it challenging). I hated being 39, people would tell me they thought I was older, ouch! so I want to be at a healthy weight and fit by my 49th so I can have a more positive year!
  • malsuz
    malsuz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All,I am new to this group. Just turned 49 at the end of 2014 and I also dont want to be fat and 50!!
    As I am in Aus the lbs comments take a bit to get use to but I get the general gist.
  • Ratches
    Ratches Posts: 52 Member
    Catfly67 wrote: »
    47 now and getting more fit everyday. I work out 6 days a week and enjoy it. I walk if I have the option (winter on the prairies makes it challenging). I hated being 39, people would tell me they thought I was older, ouch! so I want to be at a healthy weight and fit by my 49th so I can have a more positive year!

    Good for you - working out 6 days a week! - That is my goal for this week - thanks for the motivation
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    edited January 2015
    46 here going on 47. Canadian and I have 50 lbs to lose but I had a good start this year with a proper diet and regular workouts. I've done this before couple of times so I know I can do it. The problem is maintaining it.
    Feel free and add me me if you need support.
    Good luck to everybody!