Hi, my name is Del.. I have three children, ages 14, 4 and 1. I have been married for almost 16 years. When I got married I weighed 125 pounds. Of course, having three kids will do a number on the body, but I think it's time I focus on me for a change and get myself back to where I need to be. I don't feel good, I'm tired all the time, and I don't even want to play with my little ones. I'm in a depression and need to get over this and I know it's because of my weight gain over the years. My current weight is 178 and would like to eventually lose 50 lbs to be close to my weight when I got married. Now, I know that might be a little unobtainable because my body is definitely different now, but to get close to 130 lbs would be nice. I know I would feel better about myself and would have energy to play with my kids. I need to love myself again.....IT IS TIME! PLEASE HELP ME...


  • FaithAnne04
    FaithAnne04 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Del, my name is Faith. I have three daughters 10, 3, and 1. I started getting back on track a week ago. I would love to support you and could use support also. I am 242 lbs and would like to get to a healthier weight.
  • Thank you Faith. I love your name. Just seeing responses like yours keeps me motivated. Just this morning I started out with three glasses of water and yoga stretches for about twenty minutes. My one year old son wasn't very happy about my new routine and my dogs wouldn't stay out of my face, but I DID IT. ! Thanks for your support and you have mine as well. Keep me posted on the exercises you do during the to give me ideas. Keep it up.
  • FaithAnne04
    FaithAnne04 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you Faith. I love your name. Just seeing responses like yours keeps me motivated. Just this morning I started out with three glasses of water and yoga stretches for about twenty minutes. My one year old son wasn't very happy about my new routine and my dogs wouldn't stay out of my face, but I DID IT. ! Thanks for your support and you have mine as well. Keep me posted on the exercises you do during the to give me ideas. Keep it up.
    Great Job. I know it is not easy. My husband and children all ate pizza and chicken wings tonight but while I really wanted it, I made myself some Shrimp and brown rice instead.
  • FaithAnne04
    FaithAnne04 Posts: 13 Member
    Sorry about the late response. My computer broke down and I wasn't able to check in.
  • That's great self control. I wouldn't be able to do that. I am slowly working on at least just counting calories right now. It has helped a lot. I still find my self eating more than I should though. I think if I continue to drink lots of water and do my exercises than I should be ok At first anyway.
  • Bad idea to eat at olive garden...! I had way more than I should have. Dang, I guess I'll make it up today with eating better and exercising..