Week 1 Report In (please report your Week 1 points here)

lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
If you cannot message me your challenge info (or if you prefer), please submit your point totals here in the comments :)


  • I logged starting Monday through today so 6 pts I've done workouts Mon-Sat so 6 pts and did intro 1pt so total should be 13 pts./15 pts.
  • pucca_belle
    pucca_belle Posts: 15 Member
    I logged in for 4 days = 4pts
    I've done workouts 1 & 4-6 = 4 pts
    Intro done = 1pt

    Total for me is 9/15 points. This week was bad I admit but Monday starts a new week and I'll be better :)
  • AbsterBee
    AbsterBee Posts: 22 Member
    I logged every day= 7 points
    All BBM workouts done= 6 points
    Intro done= 1 point

    Total= 14 points!
  • cbhutton
    cbhutton Posts: 53 Member
    Logged every day = 7
    All BBM workouts = 6
    Intro = 1

    Total 14.
    Great job this week everyone!
  • mg_adina
    mg_adina Posts: 32 Member

    I logged every day= 7 points
    All BBM workouts done= 6 points
    Intro done= 1 point

    Total= 14 points

    Looking forward to next week!
  • amillsap1642
    amillsap1642 Posts: 7 Member
    I logged 5 days= 5 points (I'm terrible at logging)
    All BBM workouts done= 6 points
    Intro not done= 0 points

    Total= 11 points!
  • I logged every day this week Monday through Sunday and I did the challenge all of the 6 days! I also did the intro the first day! I hope this motivation keeps up with me because it's feeling really good!
  • 7 points for a 7 day streak of logging
    5 points for workouts M-F
    1 point for completing the intro
  • GreenGoddess0716
    GreenGoddess0716 Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2015
    I busted my knee up last week, just now back to where it isn't crazy excruciating to move it. Plan on doing today's workout, even if I can't get as deep into the moves and such. That being said, on to the points!

    I logged my food 6 days this week (logged in all 7, but didn't count my calories Sat or Sunday) = 5
    Did workouts Day 1 And 2 before I messed up my knee = 2
    Did introduction = 1
    Total Points = 8

    Edited because I just realized I didn't log food Saturday either. I really thought I did...
  • JessicaMaeD
    JessicaMaeD Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    I logged my food starting on Monday - 6 pts
    I did all of the workouts - 6 pts
    Introduction done - 1 pt
    Total Pts: 13

    I'm hoping I can keep this up! The short workouts are so much more manageable than dragging myself to the gym!!
  • logging in food - 7
    BBM workouts 5
    intro - 1
  • Intro done - 1
    Workouts - 6
    Food Log - 5

    Total Points 12

    I will figure out how to message you.
  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    Oh boy. Not a great first week! I only did days 1-4 so that's 4 points, I did the intro so that's 1 and I logged twice so that's 2. So I only have 7. I will do better this week!
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Looks like we only got 15 report ins, so I think we are just going to go individual this cycle. Would anyone prefer if we broke into 3 groups of 5?
  • amillsap1642
    amillsap1642 Posts: 7 Member
    I've never done anything like this before, so I'm ok with anything.
  • travelgal24
    travelgal24 Posts: 5 Member
    I logged every day= 7 points
    All BBM workouts done= 6 points
    Intro done= 1 point
    Total= 14 points
  • I messaged you my information, should I have posted here as well? I'm fine with either way!