Heading Into the Weekend

roni0906 Posts: 35 Member
Well, my week went great but now lies the real challenge going into the weekend. We are visiting friends out of town for the weekend so we can all watch the Ravens in the playoffs. I know that there will be lots of food and drink and since I will be out of town, I know that I can't hit the gym. Hopefully, the weather is mild enough to at least go on a walk but the food is going to be the biggest challenge. Since we are visiting someone, I have very little control over the food.

I am really hoping that all of my hard work over the week doesn't go flying out the window. I have been really good about not snacking on unhealthy foods and have stayed under my calorie goal all week. The good thing about that is that I have a "bank" of extra calories that I didn't consume during the week.

Best of luck...........I weigh in on Sunday and will post my results.


  • mpersun
    mpersun Posts: 22 Member
    The weekends always seem to be a challenge for me. Too easy to eat unhealthy when at home. Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow!
  • roni0906
    roni0906 Posts: 35 Member
    I only went over my calorie goal by a little and way under by my weekly goal so i feel good about that. I am excited to step on the scale today and see how much i have officially lost.