Let's get to know each other a little better....10 Things you don't know about me

I thought it would be fun to get to each other a little better by playing a game.
10 Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I am a wife, a Mom to 3 (2boys ages 24&25 and a girl age 17) and Grandma to 1 boy (age 2)
2. I am a mechanic in an otherwise all male shop, I work on automated machinery for USPS
3. I donate blood on a regular basis
4. I love cross country hiking and mountain climbing
5. I am a true New Englander heart and soul
6. I have a small zoo in my household (2 lion-headed rabbits, 3 dogs, 2 Sphynx's and a Rocky mountain horse (well technically he lives in a barn LOL)
7. One of my favorite hobbies is cake decorating
8. Somewhere along the line being a wife and Mom...I have lost my own identity...yet gained so much more of me
9. I struggle daily with emotional eating...especially since my youngest will be an adult soon...I'm dreading the empty nest syndrome.
10. I went to clown school to join a clown ministry to bring happiness to those in need!

I hope you all will play this little game and get to know each other better. I believe support is a HUGE contributor to success!!!!


  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    1. I'm 36, no children
    2. I'm in the IT field
    3. I'm a veteran of the USAF
    4. I'm crafty....crochet, dabble in jewelry making, next is sewing
    5. I love my Shih-tzu
    6. I'm on a journey to take care of myself
    7. I'm a serious emotional/binge eater
    8. I love to travel!
    9. I love to laugh
    10. I wish I could time travel
  • Desalinadokaz
    Desalinadokaz Posts: 24 Member
    1. I've recently turned 36. My birthday was on 22nd December but to me age is just a number and I often forget how old I am!
    2. I've no children and no plans for any either. I'm very happy to be a crazy cat lady and lavish my time and attention on my 3 cats.
    3. I have a voracious appetite for reading. I regularly buy books and swap using sites such as readitswap it and bookcrossing. I'm also an active member of the library.
    4. I love to cook, bake, entertain and eat out. Good food is a passion on mine and this has definitely contributed to my weight gain.
    5. I live in the south east of the UK, about an hour from London.
    6. I'm a creative person and enjoy cross stitch, writing, latch hook, decopatch, model painting and scrap booking.
    7. I no longer define my self worth by how much I weigh. I do want improve my health and fitness but I no longer hate myself for how much I weigh or how I look.
    8. I'm an emotional eater.
    9. I keep a 'masterplan' of things that I want to do in my life. This includes books I want to read, restaurants I want to eat at, places I want to go to etc.
    10. I enjoy being social but I enjoy (and crave) alone time too.
  • Spinnyjenn
    1. I have no human children but love my cats like my babies.
    2. My husband passed away 3 years ago this Christmas making me the youngest widow in my family.
    3. I am a hospital manager at a veterinary clinic.
    4. I have been working with animals since I was 14.
    5. I pretend to be tough but am really kind and giving.
    6. I am a huge reader favorite authors some JRR tolkien,Robert Jordan, Terry prachett just to name a few
    7. I did not learn to drive until I was 29, I had anxiety attacks about it, but now I am a pro lol
    8. My best friends and I have been friends since kindergarten she is like my sister.
    9. I struggle with my faith but am a Christian
    10. I am excited to begin my journey to a better feeling me and help all of you with my support and encouragement.
  • grooszeczka
    grooszeczka Posts: 113 Member
    1. I live in Poland
    2. I have 8 cats and 3 big dogs.
    3. I love to drive a car! I do have my own, but it's sooo old :wink: I need to ear some money or new one!
    4. I have won a few race's on my cross bike and now I'm not able to drive it because of my weight <
    super sad :'(
    5. I recently discovered that I'm fragile and I'm not ashamed :smile:
    6. I have no idea what to do with my life, never had.
    7. I'm visiting psychologist from eating disorder once a week.
    8. I'm lonely
    9. Feel like there's no reason for me to live. I mean... there's nothing i could do for society, no job, I have no calling.
    10. I've deleted my facebook profile in december, since then i have no friends :neutral_face:

  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    No need to feel like that now...you've found us!!! :)
    10. I've deleted my facebook profile in december, since then i have no friends :neutral_face:

  • grooszeczka
    grooszeczka Posts: 113 Member
    Well, that's true :smile: I guess i have friends :smile: Thank You :)
  • Nikk55
    Nikk55 Posts: 3 Member
    1. I'm 33
    2. I'm the oldest of 4, and only girl
    3. Married a little over a year (with the guy I've been with for 7 yrs before that)
    4. I looove to read
    5. I am a perfectionist and yet can be very lazy at times
    6. Sometimes I give better advice than I follow
    7. I want to have my own family desperately
    8. I have a strange obsession with the number 5
    9. I want to be able to lose weight so we can travel more
    10. I have 2 tattoos, and I don't think I'm done!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    1. I'm really happy to have been invited to this group.
    2. I'm 47 years old and feel lucky to have made it this far.
    3. I'm married for 21 years to the love of my life.
    4. I live in San Francisco
    5. I love being outdoors but I don't get outside as much as I'd like.
    6. I'm a vegetarian
    7. I find folding laundry really relaxing.
    8. I've been trying to find fun things to do with friends besides going out to eat together. Recently I've been really enjoying going to art museums, which I never knew I liked!
    9. I work in education.
    10. MFP is my fourth weight-loss program. I've lost some weight on each one, but then plateaued. I hope MFP will get me through this plateau and move me further on my journey.
  • joyphotog
    1. I've been married for 11 1/2 years, got married at 18.
    2. I just turned 30.
    3. I'm a photographer, specializing in newborn photography. I get to snuggle newbies usually around 3 times a week! :)
    4. I live in Toledo, OHIO! (Go Ohio!)
    5. I was told I'd never have children due to my PCOS being so bad. We've had 4 healthy boys so far, and 2 angel babies.
    6. I'm hoping I can start running eventually, even though the thought puts cringes down my spine. lol.
    7. I also play guitar and sing, when I get the chance to.
    8. I'm addicted to the little mermaid.
    9. Aside from my photography business, I also do Mary Kay and It Works. I'm seriously addicted to their products, which is why I signed up with both. :)
    10. I had successfully lost about 40 pounds right after I had my first son (I went to the gym every day, and even decided to walk there instead of drive). Now, the gym isn't as close, but I'd like to go at least 5x a week if I can.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    1) I travel extensively and at last count had visited more than 120 towns/cities/villages in 22 countries
    2) I have worked in industries as diversified as fashion, mining, banking and architecture
    3) I am passionate about change and transformation
    4) I have lived in 22 different homes ( I actually think I should get a caravan - joking!)
    5) Oh how I hate doing these kind of lists
    6) I'm a private person but very candid (so I share what I shouldn't!)
    7) I absolutely love photography because I get to spend lots of time outdoors in nature
    8) I overcame my fear (lifetime phobia) of water by learning how to dive at the age of 50 and starting my Dive Masters course - in fact I am a Rescue Diver!!
    9) I am learning how to be socially adept again after 3 years of depression made me cut myself off from society (excluding work)
    10) I am a proud first time grandma since 30 December to my little grandson :D
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Congrats on the Grandson aaliceinw! It's awesome. I got to see my lil man be born!
  • ChristinaLeighYoung
    ChristinaLeighYoung Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2015
    1) I am 22!
    2) I have a 3 year old daughter who is my world!
    3) Her father & I just recently got married (12-13-14) after 4 years together! (+ knowing each other in high school)
    4) I weigh 240lbs & have been over 200lbs since high school!
    5) My goal weight is anywhere between 170-140lbs by next year!
    6) I have struggled with my weight since grade school, & do not want my daughter to go through the same pain.
    7) I am more determined now, then ever, to lose this weight & be healthy for my family!
    8) I really need support & motivation!
    9) I believe everything happens for a reason!
    10) God is behind me 100%!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    1) My name is Megan
    2) I am 44
    3) I have a beautiful daughter who is 9
    4)I have been on MFP since 2009 but gave up and deleted my other account
    5)lost 78lbs but gained it all back and then some
    6)Been divorced since 05
    7) I have a german shepherd,parrot, 2 cats and a tank full of fish
    8) I am Canadian
    9) I have lived in California most of my life
    10) I homeschool my daughter
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome Christina and Megan. We're glad you're here. The more the merrier.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    MdwstQT wrote: »
    Welcome Christina and Megan. We're glad you're here. The more the merrier.

    Thank you very much :)

  • aprilcv00
    aprilcv00 Posts: 14 Member
    1. I live in Maine.. I do not like being cold so I hibernate 6 months out of the year.
    2. Sahm with plenty of time but no gyms to join so have to do alternative exercisea.
    3. I am petrified to fly on United airlines.. I heard their seat belts are only 31 inches long.
    4. I started this journey mainly because I want to be able to fit on the plane for vacation.
    5. My husband is on this journey with me and is making the healthy eating more tolerable.
    6.Every time I lose weight I gain it all back plus more. :(
    7.One major goal is to be a better role model for my kids.
    8. I help coach cheering and teeball and try to be active in my community, fundraising events, and help anyone I possibly can..
    9. I hate drinking water.. it feels like swallowing rocks after the 10-12 cups.. ugghhh
    10. I am determined!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Welcome April...I am in NH! w are practically neighbors!
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    1. I'm 35 years old for another 3 weeks.
    2. I'm a total geek; I love Sci-Fi, fantasy, RPGs, comic books, etc.
    3. I have 2 cats & they are my furbabies.
    4. I have 3 tattoos, 2 are Star Wars themed.
    5. I love to read, I read about 1-2 books per week.
    6. I'm a bingo fiend; I play at least once a week at Potawatomi here in Milwaukee.
    7. I love watching football, the Packers are my team! GoPackGo!
    8. I'm a Registered Dental Hygienist.
    9. I'd really like to be able to wear girly clothes without feeling awkward.
    10. I'm really good at trivia.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Nice to "meet" you ladies!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Welcome to a great group April and Noodle :)