Starting my journey

Okay, my sister, Carolyn, who started this group has motivated me to cut out the sugar. It is too late for me to start today, but I will certainly begin this journey tomorrow. Wish me luck. :)


  • Carolynhenry47
    Carolynhenry47 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome, thanks for joining sis, I promise, once you stop eating sugar, you will start to feel great, and the pounds will start to fall off. Can't wait to see how good your going to feel. I get my sweets from fruits and vegetables. Good luck sis..
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey! My name is Lisa and I am day 8 no sugar and the withdrawls are kicking my butt! I am following the OA HOW food plan and I think this group is a great way to keep my mind off the cake!
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    Starting tomorrow...
  • Carolynhenry47
    Carolynhenry47 Posts: 13 Member
    Good deal, so glad you guys joined the group, lets keep each other motivated and try to become sugar free in 2015, it really is bad for us. Like I stated earlier, I have been sugar free for just 6 days and I really feel awesome. Good luck everyone...
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    I stopped the evil habit of drinking soda a couple of months ago and was drinking about 32 ounces minimum a day. Almost instantly I felt a lot better. Now slowly cutting out sugar in other areas. It is like taking baby steps. If you take the time to notice where the sugar is coming from, it gives you the power to knock it out completely. My journey is a slow one, but I am getting there. Wish everyone the best!
  • Carolynhenry47
    Carolynhenry47 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to the group, yes, sugar is in everything we eat just about. But I stop eating cookies, cakes and candies, and I felt wonderful in just 4 days. Now I don't eat any of that stuff, and watching the foods that contain sugar. It is a very long journey, but I love the road I'm traveling now. Good luck, and once again welcome.
  • carolcurtis1
    carolcurtis1 Posts: 4 Member
    Okay, I'm on day number 4 without sugar and I'm going through my withdrawals while I'm here at work. I have a little snack shop right outside of my door with a lot of goodies. If I get past this day, It think I will survive my journey. Especially since this is my long day. I do have sugar free gum that I'm chopping on now and a couple of apples for later. Won't get home until 8:00 tonight. Lord have mercy on me. :-)
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    Hope you made it! The hardest part about not having sugar at work for me is that I usually substitute it with caffeine. Slowly cutting back on both with baby steps. Keep at it, the beginning is always the hardest part.