Blood ketones only 0.5.

Hi guys- I've been extra diligent with my food since Monday. I knew I was not in ketosis over the holidays due to my "dietary indiscretion " but I thought I would test this morning to see where I stand. My blood ketones were only 0.5 this morning, fasting. Please look at my diary and see if anything jumps out at you. Thanks ~Deb


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Geez, Deb, I'm not really seeing anything. You did have a little alcohol recently and some people find that disrupts their ketosis. But you didn't have much. You don't use that many sweeteners. It may be that it's just taking you a little longer to get back to a stable place. I'd give it a few more days and test again on a day that it's been awhile since you have a "drink."

    If it's still down, then you might want to fiddle with your macros a bit. Maybe do 20 g TOTAL for a couple days and adjust your protein. This is hard to advise on, since your numbers are looking pretty perfect.

    Anyone else have another opinion or advice or see something I don't?
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I don't trust the Atkins products. The two you had over the last week don't seem to have *tons* of sugar alcohols or anything, but both of them have malitol for their sweeteners which has one of the higher glycemic index rates for sugar alcohols. Best chart I can find.

    If you weren't having any issues it may not even be worth mentioning, but given that you feel something is a bit off I'd get rid of those for now and see if it makes a difference.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I didn't think about the malitol. I don't eat those very often, but sometimes I like a little sweet. I'll not have any and see if it helps. Also, the alcohol. Usually not more than one drink, but maybe I'm extra sensitive to it. Thanks for the input.
  • tq33702
    tq33702 Posts: 121 Member
    edited January 2015
    Ooops..My Error ... Yikes!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    It seems as though your calories and macros should be yielding good ketosis after 6 days, but looking back through your diary, I wonder if you are extra sensitive to artificial sweeteners. The alcohol was pretty small and not often. It still could be an issue, but I'd attack the AS angle first.

    Some possible culprits (I don't know for sure because I don't have the labels or recipes):

    Fat Bombs
    Torani Syrups or SF syrups in general
    Atkins Bars
    Walden Farms Dressings
    Lunch meats (sometimes contain hidden starches)
    Salsa (it may have sweetener of some kind)
    Almond milk (nuts stall some folks. if you were drinking this before, then I wouldn't worry with it unless the brand you are drinking has Splenda or other AS in it)
    Polyjuice potion (I have no idea what this is, so don't know what's in it)