January 11

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Wow, I've been so busy whining, moping around, getting hopped up on vicodin, and napping under an electric blanket that I've had no time to post!

Honestly, I'm mighty tired of being a semi-invalid, and thank god every day that I'm healing--slowly, yes, but healing all the same. A month from now I'll probably be back in the pool and this time will be just a blip on the screen.

Nancy, good to hear that you are back in Saudi safely! Friday I got another card from the post office saying your letter is back (I don't know where it goes... I've tried to pick it up three times!), so maybe this week I'll actually get it, which would be awesome.

Not sure what's happening with the challenge. I'm on my phone all the time, not my laptop, and can't access the spreadsheet. My goal for the day is to fix this. Since I'm a mess right now, I try to keep my goals simple, like "eat soup without dribbling."

On Thursday my rheumatologist sent me off to a wound care center where my non-healing incisions were scraped and cultured for mrsa and staph. It was so nice to be treated by wound experts, especially those who have worked with a lot of patients with autoimmune issues. Not that the bariatric center was terrible--they just weren't as thorough or cautious.

Sooooo... that's my exciting Sunday news. Just ate some soup for lunch. Reading about "amaranth" which is supposed to be even more amazing than quinoa. Trying to stay warm.

What are you all up to?



  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Hey all.

    I flew back to Wisconsin for my grandpa's funeral so I haven't been online much at all. I'm back to DC tomorrow, so things will be back to normal. I got to see a lot of family I haven't seen in a long time, so that was lovely, but the whole experience left me drained. I'm so glad I managed to make it, though.

    Karen, I hope the wound center is helpful.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Norah, so sorry to hear about your grandpa's passing. I'm glad you got to spend time with family, though. Big hugs.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I had a pretty nice weekend, but I did spend a good chunk of last night being torn. The blame lies with the Colts/Broncos game. I am a huge Colts fan, but as such that means I am also a huge Peyton Manning fan. I wanted the impossible. I wanted both teams to win haha. Having your favorite player matched up against your team is rough. At least next week I will have none of these mixed feelings. There is no love in my heart for the Patriots so I will have no issues in wishing them to be torn asunder.

    Enough football talk haha. I am looking forward to this week. My friends and I may have found a place that keeps their tennis nets up all winter. If so, it looks like tennis Tuesdays might be back earlier than anticipated. I also have a church basketball league that is starting up this Thursday. I am looking forward to it, even though it is jokingly called "the only fight that starts with a prayer."
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Boo hiss, Zac. The Patriots will show no mercy.
    My brother and nephew-in-law were both at the game on Saturday, freezing their butts off and loving every minute.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I guess I can't say no love. I do love me some Vince Wilfork and Gronk did me proud on my fantasy team, but the Colts and Pats have had such a long standing feud (admittedly one sided at times) that I just can't get over that at times haha.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Oh joy football......

    I see I stepped back in at the right moment.

    Norah, my deep sympathies for your loss, my grandmother passed last month so I can imagine what you are going through.

    On a lighter note did someone mention another challenge. I apologies for being gone. Between family, travel, work and end of the year business mess it's about all i could do to keep from falling on my face.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Norah, sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Sure is not easy handling her passing.

    Welcome back RatPat, glad to see you again! Karen, hope you are on the mend. I see on another post you are going to a wound care specialist...and so you should be!! It is amazing what is being done for various wounds these days!!! Zac....are you NUTS!! Aren't you going to FREEZE your patutty (bum) off with tennis??? lol I see Dee has lost some more weight on her blog!! Good for her!!

    It is a bit chilly here....7C which is cold here!! Even snowed in the northern part of the country!! lol Rare but it has happened the past few years!! Do you think it is the greenhouse effect?? Hope you are all having a great week!!

  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    If there is no snow on the ground I feel that I am good haha.

    Pat, there is indeed another challenge. Last week was a week to get set up and such. The real challenge started this week so you came at the perfect time.