Where in the world are you from? Tell us about yourself...



  • curryblume
    curryblume Posts: 22 Member
    I really love to see that we are all coming from different places all over the world!
    I am almost 52 now and I am married and my two children have just left the nest.
    My daughter is living in France for one year after school and my son is studying in Great Britain.
    I am German and I live in a small town near Frankfurt. I love the English language (I lived in Canada for some months) and I am working full time as a teacher.
    I just have to loose some weight in order to feel well again! It's not that much, but I feel it might be unsurmountable.
    Stress and pressure are one reason, bad genes another.
    I love cooking and I also eat for comfort, I'm afraid.
    I just registered in a fitness club, but I would like to have somebody to go with me.
    It is all work and work. But I want to do more things that are fun!
    Well, I am looking forward to reading from you and I hope we can help and encourage each other!
    Great to be here,
  • Arbelina
    Arbelina Posts: 102 Member
    Hi, great to see such a nice group :) I can add myself to the emotional eaters (worst thing for me is to be totally dissatified with my day but too tired to do something nice), to the people living in small Eastern European countries, though I am originally from Germany (technically even from Bavaria ;) ). You guys have really managed to motivate me, especially the weighing-in list and the excersize challenge.
  • skenalea
    skenalea Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I am from the United States, Idaho to be exact. I am joining a little late, but I started using MFP on Jan 1 and have lost 4.5lbs. So I am now excited to be part of a group. My biggest struggle is my time constraint. I have a family with 3 kids, work full time, and attend university full time as well. Processed, high cal, fast foods have been a go to for me and my life style so I am slowly learning how important planning is in a weight loss/healthy lifestyle change! Its great to be part of a group with people from all over. Good luck to everyone!
  • GirlGarfield
    GirlGarfield Posts: 5 Member
    I'm from London, England but live in Surrey. Still work in London as an Area Crime Reduction Manager. It's a very diverse and varied role, I work closely with the police which I love. My fiance's a police officer and we're getting married in August! So excited.
    I just love food and am a greedy mare, but do emotionally eat a little, and when I'm bored! Love cheese and bread, and cider.
    We're loving this app, I've lost 8lbs since January 1st and my fiance has lost 7lbs. It's really good doing it together!

    Good luck everyone in your journeys xxx
  • mtrg28
    mtrg28 Posts: 4
    I'm Michael, I'm 22 and from Wexford in Ireland. It's the bottom right corner in an area nicknamed the 'sunny south-east', although at the moment the winter cold is here to stay! I'm currently still on break from university, I'm in my final year of a Marketing degree.

    I only started with myfitnesspal and dieting/exercising properly for the first time in 3 years on Jan 1st(I used to play multiple sports, mainly rugby). Since then I think I'm down 4 or 5 pounds and my ideal weight is around 180-185, then I want to start weight training to put on some muscle while maintaining that level of body fat.

    I mainly eat out of boredom, so getting up and about and exercising was helpful on many levels to improving my health already. I can already see the mental benefits of regular exercise!

    I am currently training for a half marathon on March 7th, which has me running 6 times a week, clocking up at least 50km a week. I'm doing the marathon on behalf of Irish Autism Action, a charity very close to my heart which provides extra incentive to push myself every day.
  • 12qw34
    12qw34 Posts: 139 Member
    I live in Massachusetts about an hour from Boston. I have 8 year old boy/girl twins. I am 49 and I have 30 lbs to lose to get back to my prepregnancy weight. I turn 50 in September, and I want to be at my goal weight by then. I am very motivated! I am happy I am on MFP, and found this group to help me on my journey!
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm from Maine US. I lost about 40 lbs in 2012/2013 with Lose It (similar to MFP). Once I stopped logging, I also stopped exercising regularly. Weight started creeping back on slowly and I found myself 20 lbs heavier and clothes were getting tight. I had to stop this in its tracks! I have gotten rid of my clothes from before so I have a great motivator! I like MFP - there seems to be a LOT more people from all over and much more social! Good luck everyone. Glad I found this group!
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    edited January 2015
    Love seeing posts from all over the world! I'm Jen from Lexington, Kentucky (USA) (GO CATS!) I'm 29 and married with a six year old son. I'm a corporate paralegal, which can be very demanding and stressful at times, and is very sedentary. My husband travels for work and is gone 2-3 weeks every month (also stressful at times). I'm currently in the process of paying off my student loans so that I can be a stay-at-home mom and volunteer more at my son's school (and possibly have another baby sometime in the future) :smile: .

    Embarrassingly, I've never hit my goal weight. I was extremely active and athletic in high school, but had horrible eating habits. Those habits didn't really show until I started college and my activity level dropped. I have done many crash diets, taken many diet pills and basically starved myself more times than I can count... and obviously none of them worked for very long :smile: .

    I was at my lowest weight (8 pounds within my goal weight) in 2010 after my mother passed away due to no appetite caused by depression. Since then, my weight has yo-yoed up and down anywhere from 15-25 pounds because of my binge eating habits (depending on the circumstance, I'm either an emotional binger or an emotional starver... it's a horrible line to walk.)

    I made a decision to adapt healthier eating habits and to train for a 1/2 marathon in the summer of 2012, but an injury sent me back into an emotional eating downfall. So here I am - over a year later and almost 30 years old - starting over.

    This time I'm looking at it as a lifestyle change instead of having the "all or nothing" mindset like I have had in the past. I'm not rushing it. I'm trying not to stress over the scale. I'm trying to stay positive. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    Good luck, everyone! I'm glad to have found this group!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    Hi, I'm Lori, 51 and just celebrated my 35th anniversary 1/12. I have 4 adult children and10 grandchildren and am another Hoosier. Was always skinny as a child, weighed 110 lbs before my first pregnancy and after having 4 children in 4 years(a set of twins) was able to get back down to 117 but it didn't last long and started to slowly put weight on. I was up 11 pounds before I really realized I was gaining. My weight stayed in the 120-150 range in my 20's and 30's, went up to the 180's in my 40's. I dieted and exercised on and off along the way, joined WW about 17 years ago and lost 30, but when I plateaued I quit and over the next 10 years slowly put it back on and then more. I've only been over 200 on and off for the last couple of years. This past year's has been really tough to get below 200 and stay there. I'm currently 204, I was 194 a year ago.

    I'm not a good dieter. I don't like salads or fresh vegetables. I rarely eat breakfast and eat fast food way too often for lunch and will eat out for supper whenever I can. I can cook, I just don't really like to and most things I fix would not be considered diet friendly. Some evenings my husband will suggest ice cream and I'll rarely turn it down.

    Exercise... I start but can't stick with it.

    Water... I can go weeks and never drink water unless I make a point of it. I have good days and bad.

    I've not been very motivated the last couple of months, but I feel I'm getting better and am hoping to get started and see some results soon.

  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I love seeing how international this group is and concur- would be lovely to be inspired to travel some place new!
    - Waving hello to fellow New Englanders!
    I'm from northern Vermont, not too far from the Canadian border. I have lived in various places in New England, having grown up and gone to college in Connecticut.
    I'm 35 for a few more weeks. I grew up slim, though I had terrible eating habits and come from a family where most of the women are largely overweight or obese. It really wasn't until I was in grad school that I started to gain weight, and not until after my first child that I was starting to need large/xl clothes. I've been carrying this weight for 10 years now, and its past time it goes away.

    I started changes in May, 2014 and have lost 52 lbs to date. I'm aiming for another 30-40, with no hard goal. I enjoy cardio, but have added more strength training recently. Each month the proportion of time spent on each increases for the latter.

    I have a fitbit if anyone is interested in connecting there.
  • AnatariaK
    AnatariaK Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Anataria and am from Rwanda a tiny country in East Africa. I am 30yrs, been married for 6 years and have 2 kids- 5yr old and 2.5 yr old. I have put on about 25kgs in the past 5 years and it always happens about 6 months from the time I give birth.

    I love cooking and trying out new recipes most of which I admit are not always very healthy. I started counting calories about 10 days ago after starting MFP again. I've not been very good with exercising but i've committed to changing that in 2015- been walking and circuit training for the past 10days and am hoping that will aide me in my quest to loose the 25kgs by the end of this year.

    I would be thrilled to get more friends and advice on how best to achieve my goal especially from all those that have managed to loose more than 25kgs
  • dwbees
    dwbees Posts: 8 Member
    My name is David and I live in a just outside of Valdosta, GA. I joined this group today so I'm a little late to the party but still looking forward to reaching this goal.
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    dwbees wrote: »
    My name is David and I live in a just outside of Valdosta, GA. I joined this group today so I'm a little late to the party but still looking forward to reaching this goal.
    Yay Valdosta. I drive past Valdosta every year on my way to Florida. Will be passing by in a couple of weeks. Welcome!!

  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    I'm Alisa. I live in Utah, USA. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I have to be very diligent in maintenance always. This last time I had back surgery and never recovered from the pain so all exercise stopped. I was able to keep my weight under control for 2 years then depression set in and all eating well went out the window. I am down 27 lbs since Aug of last year and have 20 more to go. Love to see everyone around the world and to know we all struggle with similar problems. Good luck everyone!
  • Val8less
    Val8less Posts: 107 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm from Washington state in the USA...and home of the Seattle Seahawks...GO HAWKS...I broke my ankle this summer...and of course put on about 30 pounds due to my lack of movement and overeating...BUT..I'm back on track now...my goal is to lose 50lbs overall..
  • dwntwnpengrl
    dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
    Zx14chick wrote: »
    Love seeing the posts from all over the world - and then I see another Hoosier! I have lived in Indianapolis my entire life.

    And the Hoosiers take over! Grew up in Columbus, IN and am now in Indianapolis. I've lived in Chicago, Charleston, Miami, Bloomington IN, Terre Haute IN, and Muncie IN. 45, been with my boyfriend for 11 years, no kids though we had a Newfoundland until he passed a few years ago. That's like having a very big, hairy, 3 year old.

    I started my bad eating habits in 3rd grade. My (single parent) mom was in grad school so I was on my own quite a bit (gotta love the 70s!). Then puberty hit earlyish and while I was curvy and looked good for my frame - for my age, I was mortified and started eating. The lowest I remember is 145 in 8th grade. 185 by senior year of high school and 240 at college graduation. Since college I've been as high as 267 (2014) and as low as 192 (1994). I ran a marathon for my 30th birthday. Don't recommend it (or really the months of training to get there) when you weigh 217-240. You will destroy your knees. I have no cartilage in one knee and only a smidge left in the other.

    I love to eat just about anything unless it's good for you. Not a huge fan of taking time to prep. Exercise is the one thing that I'm pretty ok with - though certainly not perfect. I've been working on the planning thing. 2 weeks in I really understand the benefits to me and can't believe it took this long for me to do it. Being a mostly single person, and not having a family to manage lends itself to doing whatever whenever (including food). I now enjoy coming home looking at my "plan" to know what I'm wearing tomorrow, what I need to pack for breakfast and lunch (and sometimes dinner), and knowing what my workout plan is for the morning. It does take some valuable time to do but the benefits are worth it I think. Pretty sure this will stick.

    I am a church business manager. If any of you are churchy people and involved you know you usually meeting in the evening for stuff. So, I'm that staff person who is there with you in the meeting. And I work, generally a normal 8-5 day. So, there are many days in a week that I work 13 hours because of evening meetings. Yes, I COULD take a day off to compensate but I rarely do. Too much to do :neutral_face:

    20 pounds before Easter will put me at my lowest (217) since my mid 30s. Totally doable (and exciting). I started last year at 267. It's been slow and I've taken long breaks but I'm really ok with it. My goal for this year is to get to 191.

    It might get up into the high 40s(F) this weekend. I think I'm going to take the opportunity to go to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls. That's the plan anyway.
  • pfinkler
    Hi all. My name's Phil and I'm from Michigan. I'm 39, married and have 2 kids. I joined the group so that I had a goal and some accountability with my diet. I need to lose 20 lbs and I plan on running a 25k this spring. This week has been my first week back on the calorie counting bandwagon and it's been a bit challenging but I think I'll be able to hang in there. :) I look forward to shedding some lbs with all of you!
  • Ratches
    Ratches Posts: 52 Member
    Hi everyone

    I am from Guelph, Ontario - CANADA

    2015 is the year of health - I don't want to be a super model I just want to feel good

    Have been achy and gained all my weight back in 2014 - tired all the time - I found myself saying I feel like a sausage ( no not eating one)

    So this year I got a fit bit charge, went to the Dr for blood work, had my first visit to a natural path, changed chiropractor (someone who looks at the whole picture and gives you ways to improve) Changing massage therapist ( my current therapist and I are too close and chatty not therapeutic enough)

    Making small changes every day - good luck all


  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member

    I'm 29 and I'm a registered nurse from New York state. I'm hoping to get into better shape by this summer and back down to the weight I was at in my early 20s (I weighed about 30lbs less). This challenge is looking to be a great start. Good luck everyone.
  • decy63
    decy63 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm 52 and married with 2 daughters one is 7 the other 12 and 2/3's of the way to losing 90lbs I'm English but have lived in Donegal Ireland for the last 20 years.