Skyezie Pyzie introduction (im here AGAIN...3rd time lucky :) )

Hey guys :) bulking seriously again so I thought i'd share my stats :) I really wanna stay in this and reach my goal :) No more being scared of gains :)
1. Starting weight: 50.1 kgs (110lbs)
2.Bulk goal weight: 55 kgs (121lbs)
3. Maintenance calories: after testing this for a week id say its around 2000 calories
4. Bulk calories: estimation around 2100-2200 (to be revised :) )
5. Bulk goal duration: approx 4 months-6months (around a kilo per month or a little more)
6. Lifting program: 5x5 to gain strength with deadlifts only, the rest is just lifting heavy *kitten* :)

Sorry for my MIA's over the last month, im going to read through all your diaries and catch up, feel free to friend me so we can share diaries :)

May the muscles and hunger bless you on this bulk :p
x Skye
