Weekly Post - 11/01/15 - 17/01/15



  • eychenn
    eychenn Posts: 64 Member
    Looks like lots of people are fasting today. Good luck and happy fast day! :)

    My fast day was yesterday and had a great big whoosh of 2.2lbs down, or my scale could've just been cranky yesterday. Either way, I'll take it!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Yes we are Carbi!! I didn't fast while sick either and had some days where I didn't count as I did not eat at home. Just start again and you will be fine. I'm not quite down to my mid November weight either, but I'm getting there....one fast at a time ;-)
  • eychenn
    eychenn Posts: 64 Member
    Does anyone fast for two consecutive days? When I skimmed through the book, I think it said not to - but is it generally alright to do every once in a while?
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    eychenn wrote: »
    Does anyone fast for two consecutive days? When I skimmed through the book, I think it said not to - but is it generally alright to do every once in a while?
    I tried it once and ended up on the floor in my hallway at 2am the second night, about to pass out on my way to the toilet. Could have been other factors and I know other people fast 2 days in a row with no problems but I won't be attempting it again.

  • eychenn
    eychenn Posts: 64 Member
    @Emma - ah! Sounds terrifying!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    eychenn - it's up to you. Some people even prefer back to back fasts.... I am not one of those people ;-) But I have done it before.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    First fast day ended up at 600 cal's. I'm just happy that I was able to do that as I ended up working a 9 1/2 hour day with no break. Normally I treat myself to a diet soda or tea...or even (no judging) a zero calorie rock star.
    My first round of 5:2 I did my first 3 weeks with back to back fast days and lost an average of 2 lbs/wk. I did get light headed and once I stepped up my activity I could'nt do that. I personally love being able to break it up.
    Let's keep this momentum going. Hopefully sicknesses are gone and the need for comfort food as well.
    Next fast day is Thursday.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Finished by first fast day at just under 500 cals. Felt pretty good, but glad to be back to normal eating today. Friday will be my next fast day.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Well, fast day didn't go to plan today, but will try for tomorrow (woke up tired and weak this morning). Got to get my energy levels up, either low on something like iron or crashing from sugar...or both.

    When I started with 5:2 back in September I used to fast Monday and Tuesday and it really worked well for me. I liked getting then over with and enjoy the rest of my week. It was also easier to track my weight, but now I'm all over the place. It's up to each individual and it can be tailored to suit you, like skipping a fast and doing it the next day. o:)
  • eychenn
    eychenn Posts: 64 Member
    Did two consecutive fast days and survived! It wasn't too bad. I'm seeing great results and it's really motivating me to tough it out on fast days, so much so it doesn't even feel like "toughing it out"
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    eychenn wrote: »
    Does anyone fast for two consecutive days? When I skimmed through the book, I think it said not to - but is it generally alright to do every once in a while?

    I do. It just works with my personality. I like to get my fast over with so I can have 5 consecutive days where I don't have to work as hard. :smile:
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited January 2015
    First fast day of the week. Going away this weekend for our wedding anniversary. I am too busy getting ready to notice I am not eating as much. :grinning:
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Fast day today (make-up for yesterday). So far as of Noon... Tea 29cals and modified creamy Caesar salad pack from Tesco (less cheese and less dressing) came out at 192cal (normally 374cals), so total so far is 221cals.

    Only problem now is that I have woken the beast (tummy) too early (normally save everything for dinner) :s Hope I make it! Gonna go make more tea (1cal tea) now and go back to work and keep my mind off my now grumbly tummy.

    Good luck all you other fasters.

  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    This cranberry/raspberry tea smells so nice...like spring. Maybe I'll just smell it and not drink it o:) .
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    snapss27: I'm also doing a fast today to make up for yesterday which was suppose to be a fast day for me. I made the mistake of having something early in the morning and was hungry all day after that. I'm saving my greek yogurt and berries until 1:00 today. Than a small burger (no bun) and small salad for dinner.
    This will be my first fast for this week.

    Has anyone noticed that the colder it is the hungrier they get? It has been real cold here this week, way below zero in the mornings. And I have been having a harder time fasting than normal. I did so well last week my first week back after the holidays, but not so good this week. So today I'm starting again before I lose control. Fasting today, and again tomorrow or Sat.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Fast day! Let's get it.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Dinner is down the hatch. Fast day done. Now I shall pack my things for a 4 day weekend in the mountains with friends and my snowshoes
  • ChatoGuy
    Hello People!
    I did successfully follow the 5:2 last year and dropped 15 lbs to very close to my ideal BMI. Back now for another round after I let myself go and did NOT maintain at least one fasting a week! That'll be a lesson for me... :)
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    Well it's official - I put on 5lbs over the Xmas break. Two fasts in for 2015 and I feel like I'm back on track, but I wish getting rid of it again was a rapid and fun!
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    Last fast day for me today. Weigh in tomorrow.
    I bought a new set of scales this week, so will see what I weigh as when I got on them they were weighing heavier than the old ones. Going to take whatever they say and carry on.
    I've also come to the conclusion that I need to work on my non fast days. I'm still eating a lot of junk food on those days, so need to try and curb that.
    Hope everyone has had a good week.