New to Insanity

We just started Insanity on the 12th. Day 3 is today. I feel extremely sore but in a good way. The next two months are going to be very interesting to see how our bodies react.



  • Any tips or advice would be very much appreciated as we a bit intimidated by the program.
  • clairemilz
    clairemilz Posts: 3 Member
    I managed to keep it going for about 15 days last year but then i didn't have any spare time, i'm looking at starting it again!!
    I now how sore it can be after the first few days I initially couldn't get through a full warm up without having to stop more than Shaun T said but once you have been doing it for over a week I found that I didn't have to take as many rest breaks.
    Living in a flat I don't like to do the high jumps when you have to hit your knees cause I feel sorry for my neighbours haha. I found that it helped with my running as well.
  • adtijerina
    adtijerina Posts: 1 Member
    The best tips are provided by Shaun T during the wrokouts. His best is "Do what you can do". If you have to take a break its ok, catch your breth and get back in. It gets better. I have been doing it for a year plus now and still have to stop occassionally.
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, I just started on 12th too and about to complete my first week tomorrow. I am a bit sore but not as bad as I thought I would be. Don't be discouraged if you can't keep up with the people on the DVD, listen to Shaun T's advice. Keep good form, take breaks if you need to. You will improve if you stick at it. Excited to see any improvements in week 2
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I agree with the others about listening to Shaun T. during the workouts... he gives good tips and motivation! Just stick with it and you'll get better. All of my numbers on Fit Test #2 were better than on #1. Some of them were almost double. So hang in there!
  • I finish wk 2 saturday. This is my 3rd try cause I always quit. I'm determined not to quit this time
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    candybet wrote: »
    I finish wk 2 saturday. This is my 3rd try cause I always quit. I'm determined not to quit this time

    I'm starting week 3 tomorrow too. I am determined not to quit! Interested to see what change there's going to be on the fit test.... Good luck
  • chasero
    chasero Posts: 70 Member
    I did Insanity 2 years ago and had to stop literally halfway through [end of Month 1 (believe me, I tried pushing pass it but my feet were so waterlogged, the skin was literally tearing away during the high impact jumping etc.. I couldn't take it after trying a week of it). The best motivation I found for me during Month 1 was the Fit Test, best visual I've ever known. I noticed a change in energy level starting Week 2. I didn't notice alot in the physical looks department but I've been told that it usually starts to skyrocket during Month 2 (maybe our bodies finally think "oh sh**! We're exercising! Catch up time to this guy!" hahaha).

    Also, keep in mind that everyone's bodies won't react at the same rate, so if you don't feel energy surge in week 2 etc don't get discouraged- that's just how my body works. Focus on the Fit Test! There's a reason that's there, motivation.
  • taylorfitnessfls
    taylorfitnessfls Posts: 1 Member
    I started Insanity Max 30 on the 5th and I LOVE it. I tried the original Insanity and I just couldn't push myself mentally to get through so good for you who started and still going!
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    sremason wrote: »
    We just started Insanity on the 12th. Day 3 is today. I feel extremely sore but in a good way. The next two months are going to be very interesting to see how our bodies react.


    Hi Steve, how's it going? Just finishing up wk 3 here and really interested to hear how others are getting on.

    I did cardio power and resistance this morning. Was feeling quite fatigued today. Looking forward to rest day on Sunday!
  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    I also started Insanity on the 12th. Day 22 today!! I just found this group so I'll post updates on my progress as well.

    I've lost 12 lbs since I started. I'm absolutely amazed with the results so far and it's really helped keep me motivated! I still dread the workouts because I know how tough they are, but I feel so amazing afterward, I force myself to do them every day.
  • Hello I am also starting insanity when it comes in the mail I'm wondering how many calories it burns during one workout?
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    Hello I am also starting insanity when it comes in the mail I'm wondering how many calories it burns during one workout?

    If you have a HRM use it during your workouts to get an accurate reading but have a look at There is a calculator based on weight / age for each of the workouts. Good luck!

  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    Completed day 2 of week 4 this morning. Felt weak during this workout. I don't think I ate enough yesterday. Looking forward to the recovery week next week. Anyone already into month 2? How are you finding the Max workouts?
  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    Completed day 2 of week 4 this morning. Felt weak during this workout. I don't think I ate enough yesterday. Looking forward to the recovery week next week. Anyone already into month 2? How are you finding the Max workouts?

    I'm in the exact same place as you right now. Recovery week is next week. I'm getting a little nervous about Month 2 of this program though...
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    hdrenollet wrote: »
    Completed day 2 of week 4 this morning. Felt weak during this workout. I don't think I ate enough yesterday. Looking forward to the recovery week next week. Anyone already into month 2? How are you finding the Max workouts?

    I'm in the exact same place as you right now. Recovery week is next week. I'm getting a little nervous about Month 2 of this program though...

    Me too! We can do it though. No way we can give up after coming this far

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited February 2015
    I know I began to struggle to get through the workouts that last week of month 1. It was like my brain wanted to do it, but my body was not up to it. I am currently in recovery week and doing my old routine for now (turbo fire, walking, weights).

    Doing my fit test on sunday and then starting into month 2! :D

    ETA - I have been recalculating my calories, and found that I could have been eating up to 2000 calories for month 1. I decided during this recovery week to put my calorie max at 2000. I find that I am constantly hungry now. I will eat, and within an hour I am wanting to eat again (stomach growls, etc). I think this is a good thing, anyone else have this going on for them?
  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    I'm eating 1500-1600 calories per day, and I never feel hungry. What does you diet look like? I eat quite a bit - a lot of vegetables, lean meats (white meat chicken, turkey, tuna), and add protein supplements as needed, so that I never really get hungry. My body is still getting the quantity that it's used to to feel full, but I've really improved the quality of what I'm eating.
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    Anyone still going strong with Insanity out there? I'm on day 2 of recovery week. Doing Core Cardio & Balance work out all week. My knees are enjoying the break!
  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    Today is day 2 of recovery week for me too. Still going strong! Looking forward to starting MAX next week!