Finding time to workout

Hello everyone! In May of 2014 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I've been trying to eat better and exercise since our little girl arrived. The eating healthy part isn't to difficult, but it's the finding time to exercise that is the hard part.

Our girl is 7 1/2 months old now and is always on the move. How do you other moms find time to squeeze in a workout?! I also want to add that my husband drives a tractor trailer truck over the road and is gone Monday - Friday and I'm a stay at home mom.

Any suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated.


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi! I had my little girl (my third baby) in May too.

    I'm lucky as my husband does shift work so I can easily get to the gym in either the morning or afternoon, depending on what shift he's on.

    Is this your only child? When I just had one I used to go for long walks all the time with my son in the pram, then I could stop for a coffee at some point while he slept.

    Does your gym have a crèche? My gym does and I've used it sometimes.

    Also, could you do a workout at home? Get a kettlebell and some weights and do something on YouTube for example once your baby goes to bed?
  • misaswebb
    misaswebb Posts: 9 Member
    I had my baby in May too!
    What kind of work out are you doing?
    I'm using "just dance" game on PS4 and other mommies suggested me to wear the baby while I dance! I haven't done it yet but I'm going to try today :smile:
  • DawnieB1977: Yes this is my only child. I don't have a membership to a gym as I live in a pretty rural area and the drive would be to long to get to one. I want to go for walks/runs outside but not until spring as its to cold where I live to go with my little one.

    I've tried doing a short workout while the baby naps but sometimes she'll wake up when I just get started or in the middle of the workout so I can't finish.
  • Misaswebb: I have a few different Jillian michaels DVDs and I also have p90x amoung a few others. So I'll probably start up one of those if I can find some time during the day.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I've recently been getting back into exercising regularly and I've found that if my 3 month old wakes up while I'm working out, I've been able to put her on her play mat and she will entertain herself for a good half hour or so while I do the treadmill. I also have a 7 year old and 3 1/2 year old and when they were a little older, I'd pop them in their pack n play while doing videos, etc if I couldn't time it around a nap. My husband works long hours in the Navy (and has duty every 4 days, during which he can't come home), so I get what you mean about not having much help. But I have been able to leave the kids with him for an hour on the weekend a few times now to get an outdoor run in. When I only had 1, like Dawnie said, I would go for super long walks. I lived in the Adirondacks in NY and I would just put her in a snow suit, wear her on my chest in a baby carrier (mei tai), and zip my coat up around her. She was plenty warm and loved romping through the woods! That might be something you could try on non-freezing days? (40degrees up).
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    NDanforth wrote: »
    DawnieB1977: Yes this is my only child. I don't have a membership to a gym as I live in a pretty rural area and the drive would be to long to get to one. I want to go for walks/runs outside but not until spring as its to cold where I live to go with my little one.

    I've tried doing a short workout while the baby naps but sometimes she'll wake up when I just get started or in the middle of the workout so I can't finish.

    I live in England so we don't get the extremes of temperature that you probably have. It's cold here, but still ok for walks if you wrap up lots, although my 3 year old hates the cold. It's pretty windy at the moment and we live by the sea, so it does get very cold on the seafront. My 5 year old isn't bothered by it and he wants to go on the beach and have an ice cream lol. My baby is fine in the pram in her snow suit with the cozy toes zipped up and the rain cover on to protect her from the wind.

    What time does your daughter go to bed? My baby usually goes to sleep around 7, although she's teething at the moment so it can't be guaranteed. However if your baby goes to bed early then could you do a workout then? Or in the day put her in a bouncer. We have a jumperoo, which is great for half hour or so.
  • I'll agree with the others, put the baby down safely in sight. My 3 month old watched me from his activity mat on Monday for a 25 minute dance workout. Older babies need to be contained, but most will be content to watch if not hungry or tired. When my daughter was a baby, I wore her while doing Dance Dance Revolution (turn off jumps). That worked, too.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    Put on some good music and dance around with your baby, she'll love it! Just moving more burns calories, it doesn't have to be an "official" gym-type workout. Even fidgeting burns extrs calories. Also, I try and do strength training moves whenever I remember. Like 10 squats here and there, a few wall push-ups, some butt-tucks when washing dishes, arm circles, etc.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Will she settle in for a long walk in a baby carrier? I LOVE my Ergo, so when my babies are little I like to put them in there and go for walks. When it's cold out, like others have said, you can have her dressed warmly and button your coat over her; really, the warmth of your body and your baby's body against each other can keep them surprisingly warm (oh, how many chair naps I have awoken from soaked in my own and baby's sweat!). Just don't forget a hat and make sure her legs stay covered. I have the opposite problem here--it's too HOT most of the year for walking outdoors. But even mall-walking or whatever is fine, and you burn more calories carrying the extra weight.
  • I am so in the same boat as you. Finding time to exercise is ridiculous really only time I have is after I put my baby down to sleep at 8pm, but by then I have been up with baby early, worked a full day, come home take care of baby and am soooo exhausted by then. It has been a challenge. I have at least tried to work out at home for minimum 30 minutes using workout videos its just so much easier than getting ready drive to gym etc. And also been trying to take baby for a walk after work has helped.
    I would say exercise is important but concentrating on food is key!
  • kimtober
    kimtober Posts: 52 Member
    I do Just Dance too! You can find a bunch of the videos on YouTube so you don't even need the game. It works up quite a sweat and my kids love the music. I put up gates and close lots of doors to keep the kids confined to one area. But also nap time is my friend and we also take lots of walks when it's not below zero outside!