August mommas



  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    viglet wrote: »
    katimama wrote: »
    hey everyone! I'm due on Aug 31st with my 3rd baby :D

    I gained 50 pounds with my first two and got back to pre-pregnancy weight both times. I'm hoping to only gain 15-25lbs this go around. I started at 171 and I don't know if it was the holidays, or being the 3rd pregnancy but this morning I was 177! So scary! I haven't' seen that number in a year :-( I totally overate around Christmas and New Years but I'm now back to my normal routine. Hoping this board and MFP will help keep me accountable.

    How tall are you?

    I'm 5'4
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    edited January 2015
    SW: 170
    Week 5: 169 (-1)
    Week 6: 169 (-1)
    Week 7: 170 (0)
    Week 8: 170 (0)
    Week 9: 170 (0)
    Week 10: 174.6 (+4.6)
    Week 11: 172.8 (+2.8)
    Week 12: 170.4 (+0.4)
  • charlenegrichard
    charlenegrichard Posts: 24 Member
    I'm expecting baby #3 Aug. 23! I'm bigger than I started with my other two so currently I have set my calorie intake to "maintain weight" till the second trimester. I'm also using MFP to monitor the nutrients I'm eating. I'm still trying to work out 3 days a week but the nausea and fatigue are kicking my tail!
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Hi ladies!!! I have been keeping up with you on here but haven't been able to write anything!! My name is Bry and we are expecting our first baby August 20th. We are just OH SO VERY EXCITED!!! I am overweight to begin with so I am really trying to watch the things that I eat and keep the weight gain to a minimum. I love Alyson's (love the spelling of your name) idea of posting our weight to stay accountable! I haven't had any nausea and only 1 day where I was sick. The only reason I think I got sick was because I had a looooong day at work with little water and little to eat. So when I did eat, it didn't agree with me. I have been SUPER DUPER tired and unmotivated but still manage to workout!

    SW: 192.6
    Week 4: 192.6 (0)
    Week 5: 191.5 (-1.1)
    Week 6: 196.9 (+4.3) WHOA NELLY!!!
    Week 7: 194.8 (+2.2)
    Week 8: 194.8 (+2.2)
    Week 9: 194.9 (+2.3)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    starting weight 150ish (maybe a little less)

    Week 10: 154 (I am hoping this is just some holiday bloat)
    Week 11: 155- so much for the holiday bloat....
    Week 12: 155
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Looks like everybody's doing great so far! It's fun to keep up with everyone's progress :)
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    I agree! We are doing great!! But then again, we are obviously all determined! I am just feeling paranoid and worried about it. It's so hard to feel so bloated that I am constantly thinking people are looking for the weight gain. I did have a fellow teacher tell me "oh, I can't wait for you to get a baby bump. You are gonna just swell like a cow like I did because we are both overweight"..... :'( I was shocked she said that.....but, I know some people really don't think before they speak! :)
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    still dont know my current weight, its probebly shot up this last week
    i was admitted to hospital last monday with a kidney infection, severe dehydration, hyper emisis and bleeding. ended up being pumped full with 15 litres of hartmanns solution over 2 days most of which appearred to stay in me (output was being monitored and was very poor)
    was scanned on the wednesday because of amount of blood lost. baby appearred to be fine and bleeding appears to be from a cervical ectropion

    home now with antibiotics and anti sickness meds and have to rest alot.
    rest first night home did not go well as neighbours had an all night party, noise reached 80 decibels in my house and requests to turn it down were met with it being turned up
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    sw 238
    6 weeks - 233
    11 weeks - 222

    so ive lost 16lb since getting pregnant
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 5: 169 (-1)
    Week 6: 169 (-1)
    Week 7: 170 (0)
    Week 8: 170 (0)
    Week 9: 170 (0)
    Week 10: 174.6 (+4.6)
    Week 11: 172.8 (+2.8)
    Week 12: 170.4 (+0.4)
    Week 13: 169.4 (-0.6)

    I'm a litte late logging this week :). Ruqay, is it because of your morning sickness that you're losing weight?
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Just home from a scan
    Babys heart stopped beating at 9 weeks 4 days. Im home while i decide what option i want as to what the hospital does next
  • pnkpassion
    pnkpassion Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Ladies! I am 13 weeks due August 1. I did very well with not gaining weight during the holidays but since the beginning of January I have put on 8lbs. I do not wish to gain any weight during my pregnancy because I am already obese. The baby is healthy and we just had testing done to confirm I am healthy also. My OB wishes that I do not gain anymore than 25lbs. I wish that I will come in way under that number.

    Congrats everyone on their pregnancy. This baby number 1 for me, so a new adventure awaits! Please add me....I can never have too many friends!
  • scoopskipotato
    scoopskipotato Posts: 52 Member
    Just home from a scan
    Babys heart stopped beating at 9 weeks 4 days. Im home while i decide what option i want as to what the hospital does next

    I am so sorry, this is terrible news. I think I've seen you on the BBC boards, I'm in the Sept birth club. Try to stay strong, I'm so sorry for your loss you and your LO are in my prayers.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Just home from a scan
    Babys heart stopped beating at 9 weeks 4 days. Im home while i decide what option i want as to what the hospital does next

    I'm so sorry to hear this! Thoughts and prayers are headed your way.

  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    hey everyone,

    Just wondering how many calories you guys consuming?

    I pretty much have failed completely in this pregnancy. I am 17 weeks and up 15 lbs already (which is the limit I had intended on gaining throughout the whole pregnancy).

    I stopped counting calories but continued exercising. I guess I just suck.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I am not tracking calories, just trying to be sensible. I have been doing so so on the exercising, getting in a couple walk/runs on the treadmill a week and some Piyo. I am also up 15 pounds at 17 weeks. This is my second pregnancy, I gained 50 with my first and have a feeling this one is going to be about the same. I am trying not to stress about it too much. With the last one all the weight was basically off in about 6 months with breastfeeding.
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi all, I'm due August 19th. I was a regular on mfp before pregnancy. My fertility Dr had recommended a keto diet to help with my PCOS, which I guess it did because I lost weight and got pregnant!

    Anyway, after severe morning sickness for the first 13 weeks, where I pretty much ate whatever sounded good and would stay down, i'm feeling better and hoping to start tracking again. Despite the sickness I've somehow managed to gain ~5lbs! Eeek!
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    I am due August 18 and I've gained about 5 pounds. I've been trying to eat to maintain, but I had some food aversions in my first trimester plus exhaustion, so I didn't get as much exercise as I wanted. I am now entering my second trimester and starting to get some energy back again, so I am trying to "detox" from refined sugar and grains for a couple of weeks. I will eventually get back into whole grains since I am trying to eat a variety of foods. This is my first pregnancy and I am overweight to begin with, so I'm trying to gain as little as possible! Feel free to add me, I could use the support!
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am due August 17th and actually visited a nutritionist at our clinic. I would HIGHLY recommend that if you have the option. It was a major help. She gave me a sheet to go off of and what servings to have throughout the day. I am currently 5'1" and 200.3 pounds at 15 weeks. I started my pregnancy at 197.3 so I have gained 3 pounds. She told me to eat between 1900 and 2000 calories now that I am in my second trimester. Once I hit my 3rd trimester she told me that I will need to eat between 2200 and 2500 calories but we are going to see where I am when I get through this trimester. It was helpful to see and talk to her and get a visual for the things I should be eating.
    viglet wrote: »
    hey everyone,

    Just wondering how many calories you guys consuming?

    I pretty much have failed completely in this pregnancy. I am 17 weeks and up 15 lbs already (which is the limit I had intended on gaining throughout the whole pregnancy).

    I stopped counting calories but continued exercising. I guess I just suck.

    I wouldn't keep telling yourself that you seems to be too negative :) Give yourself a high five or something and start tracking right now. The other thing my nutritionist said is that if you are focusing TOO MUCH on caloric intake and not about the actual nutrients that you are putting into your body, you will do more harm for the baby then good. So, start thinking about WHAT foods you are eating and not so much as to HOW many calories you are putting in. I am all about the love and hugs method. Your caloric number will depend on your height and weight when you started your pregnancy. So I can't help you with what you should do. I can only tell you what I am doing.

  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Has anybody already found out the gender? My ultrasound is scheduled for March 9 :). I've had a strong feeling since the beginning that this one's a girl, so we'll see! With my son, I didn't feel one way or the other.