looking to lose tummy fat fast

I need to lose about 15 pounds from my tummy area. Its lowering my self esteem and making me unhappy. But I don't have any time to exercise. Need help and advice please (:


  • I'm about to try a no sugar diet for a month (read my post) to lose 15lbs by my anniversary. I know someone that tried it and lost 12lbs in two weeks...looking for anyone that wants to try it with me
  • Jo_Anna_Dark
    Jo_Anna_Dark Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
    I have lost 40lbs in a 5 month period and kept it off for over a year..and it was easy. I now help others do the same...Misconceptions about food/diets and lack of personal accountability are the biggest culprits. Once you get a better understanding of nutrition losing weight gets easier...and it is NOT miserable.

    If you are on this site its safe to assume you are counting calories? If you get your diet in order you will lose weight. You don't have to workout...BUT try to find at least 15 minutes a day for toning up..Strength training helps fat loss tremendously and makes you look damn good...lol. This can be push-ups, squats, bur-pees, etc at home..Anything is better than nothing. You don't need an hour to workout. I'm strongly against CUTTING OUT any one thing out of your diet unless you have an intolerance to it. I have a CUT BACK policy. Moderation is everything...Cutting out completely in most cases is impractical and yields temporary results and binges.

    Since it seems time is an issue for you I would definitely schedule a period to sit down and plan your meals for the week. Don't rush through it..It needs to be thorough and detailed. You need to weigh, measure and track EVERYTHING. This is extremely important because when you are busy its easy to neglect your health..We get hungry and reach for anything. Most quick, easily accessible foods are calorie dense and far from ideal for weight loss. MAKE the time to try preparing your food all at once..It may sound boring to eat nearly the same thing every day but efficiency will come with experience and you can add variety as you move forward. I do this for several people a week and it works extremely well. An alternative to this paying someone else to do it for you. There are online options and usually some local ones at your gym. It can be quite expensive though.

    ALWAYS..ALWAYS..keep snacks within reach. Protein shake/bar, nuts, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, apples, bananas, beef jerky, etc..there are a lot of choices. Depends on your overall goal. This will help keep you on track when you hit that "OMG I'm so hungry" moment.

    Cut out ALL drinks except water, unsweetened tea, and your choice of milk. (dairy, almond, coconut, etc)..You can have coffee but use lt agave, royal jelly or no sweetener at all if possible. Drink lots of water..I carry a 40oz insulated flask every where and easily clear a gallon a day.

    These are vague quick tips but I hope they help you some. Feel free to message me if you have any questions :)

  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    You can't spot reduce and choose where the fat comes off. If you reduce calories below what you burn, the fat will come off (and stay on) in whatever way your body is genetically engineered to store fat.

    Cardio exercise will allow you to eat more and still lose. Strength training will help to actually re shape your body to some degree. But genetics will still determine where the fat comes off first, and where it stays last.

    I, for one, have a fairly decent bodyfat percentage--25%, not a fitness model percentage, but certainly I would be considered fit and healthy. Unfortunately because of my natural body shape, most of that fat is on my abs! I have come to the conclusion that to have no ab fat, I will have to get such a low bodyfat percentage that my arms and legs, etc will be too skinny.

    Weightlifting is helping, but nature trumps all until you get to really low bodyfat percentages and high amounts of muscle.
  • nannykely
    nannykely Posts: 16 Member
    tigerblue wrote: »
    You can't spot reduce and choose where the fat comes off. If you reduce calories below what you burn, the fat will come off (and stay on) in whatever way your body is genetically engineered to store fat.

    Cardio exercise will allow you to eat more and still lose. Strength training will help to actually re shape your body to some degree. But genetics will still determine where the fat comes off first, and where it stays last.

    I, for one, have a fairly decent bodyfat percentage--25%, not a fitness model percentage, but certainly I would be considered fit and healthy. Unfortunately because of my natural body shape, most of that fat is on my abs! I have come to the conclusion that to have no ab fat, I will have to get such a low bodyfat percentage that my arms and legs, etc will be too skinny.

    Weightlifting is helping, but nature trumps all until you get to really low bodyfat percentages and high amounts of muscle.

  • justynato
    justynato Posts: 18 Member
    tigerblue wrote: »
    You can't spot reduce and choose where the fat comes off. If you reduce calories below what you burn, the fat will come off (and stay on) in whatever way your body is genetically engineered to store fat.

    Cardio exercise will allow you to eat more and still lose. Strength training will help to actually re shape your body to some degree. But genetics will still determine where the fat comes off first, and where it stays last.

    I, for one, have a fairly decent bodyfat percentage--25%, not a fitness model percentage, but certainly I would be considered fit and healthy. Unfortunately because of my natural body shape, most of that fat is on my abs! I have come to the conclusion that to have no ab fat, I will have to get such a low bodyfat percentage that my arms and legs, etc will be too skinny.

    Weightlifting is helping, but nature trumps all until you get to really low bodyfat percentages and high amounts of muscle.
    nannykely wrote: »
    tigerblue wrote: »
    You can't spot reduce and choose where the fat comes off. If you reduce calories below what you burn, the fat will come off (and stay on) in whatever way your body is genetically engineered to store fat.

    Cardio exercise will allow you to eat more and still lose. Strength training will help to actually re shape your body to some degree. But genetics will still determine where the fat comes off first, and where it stays last.

    I, for one, have a fairly decent bodyfat percentage--25%, not a fitness model percentage, but certainly I would be considered fit and healthy. Unfortunately because of my natural body shape, most of that fat is on my abs! I have come to the conclusion that to have no ab fat, I will have to get such a low bodyfat percentage that my arms and legs, etc will be too skinny.

    Weightlifting is helping, but nature trumps all until you get to really low bodyfat percentages and high amounts of muscle.

  • justynato
    justynato Posts: 18 Member
    So true. I am same like you. All my body fat stays at my belly first n wd come out last. If u find any better way to do please let me know.
  • Jo_Anna_Dark
    Jo_Anna_Dark Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
    I too lose weight last on my tummy..For most of us its just the hard fact. I dropped my body fat to 17% by Mostly Lifting/hiit and eating 1800-2000 cals. At around 19% I would say I could see my abs and my stomach was flat. I don't worry about what I weigh at all now. Only body fat %. I would do high intensity training after lifting so most of my energy would go into strength training...NO steady state cardio for me. It was time consuming, boring, and made me hate the gym. Lifting while incorporating hiit builds lean mass as well as improves your bmr over time. With that said cardio is important for overall health and endurance. It just isn't necessary for weight loss...No exercise is really. You can yield the same visual results as cardio by eating less. Whatever tools you select to create your deficit is a personal preference.

    Want to lose WEIGHT? Eat less calories.
    Want to lose WEIGHT faster? Eat less Calories and do cardio.
    Want to lose FAT and mold your body? Lift and incorporate some intensity training.