Looking for a few clean eating friends :)

I've been on and off of MFP for a while. Had to take most of last year off due to crazy health issues and surgery in June, but I got the "all clear" from my surgeon in mid-December and I'm back!!

I'd love to find a few clean-eating friends. I'm not a purist, but judging by the discussions I've peeked in on, it seems like this is a group of people who aren't the type to lecture me if I throw a few tortilla chips or some pistachio gelato in my diary.

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2015!!
- Michele


  • lilystars
    lilystars Posts: 36 Member
    I try to log as much as possible, and I am quite interested in clean eating although I would not refuse a pistachio gelato either sometimes ;)
    Anyone may feel free to add me, let's encourage and help each other! :)
  • g68christina2015
    g68christina2015 Posts: 1 Member
    New to MFP. I try to eat cleanly. Tho, I am not a stickler. Trying for a healthier lifestyle.
  • Manda_runsNC
    Manda_runsNC Posts: 11 Member
    Agree - clean eating is a lifestyle - avoid junk and processed anything but can't live like a monk either. There are varying degrees of clean eating . Mine includes lots of simple foods, very low sodium and sugars and healthy balances. I feel better when i eat this way - I am new to the group and hope to make some friends !!
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 233 Member
    My diary is open as am I to new friends. Tried to peek at your diary but keep getting redirected to app store. Welcome.
  • ninayoungdog617
    ninayoungdog617 Posts: 55 Member
    I joined MFP Thanksgiving week. I was determined to lose weight instead of gaining weight over the holidays. I practice clean eating and so does my husband and kids. Really I am the only cook so they pretty much have too. I've lost 18 pounds eating 1000-1200 Cals. Per day. I'd love to make friends to give and get support. Also exchange ideas. I'm post menopausal. Age 55, 5'10". I've got 12 more lbs.to lose to reach my goal. I'm really interested in losing then MAINTAINING! I log in several times a day so I am available as a friend.
  • SallyJoT
    SallyJoT Posts: 29 Member
    Happy New Year! I too would love the motivation and support as I clean up my food choices. Feel free to add me.
  • Hello, I'm new to MFP and to the Clean Eating Group. 2015 is my motivation to do and learn all things healthy! I've recently turned 50 and have decided it's time to slow the aging process. I'm looking forward to making friends, sharing and gaining experiences, recipes, laughs, triumphs etc.
  • sunforme3
    sunforme3 Posts: 57 Member
    Needing to find some support on my clean eating journey!!! Please add me so we can do this together!!!
  • hawaiiandream
    hawaiiandream Posts: 43 Member
    Is eating Mediterranean style considered clean?
  • ninayoungdog617
    ninayoungdog617 Posts: 55 Member
    I was reading about that just today. It certainly uses the same properties. Fresh food and dairy. Lean protein and healthy oils/fats.
  • Sakismom
    Sakismom Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I am starting with a clean eating/lifestyle change for the new year, by clean eating I am talking 85-90% of the time, you can't deny yourself or you will never stick with it.
  • Jillgorby
    Jillgorby Posts: 8 Member
    I started really clean eating about a year ago and it has made a HUGE difference! Tonight we ate out for the first time in a LONG time, and my tummy hurts so bad. I think it's saying, "what is this crap?!" lol
  • I have recently become serious about clean eating and would love some new friends.
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    Please feel free to add me....any of you!
  • Sarahland
    Sarahland Posts: 65 Member
    My family and I have been eating clean for about a year now and my husband and I have lost a combined weight of about 190 pounds. We make everything from scratch and we eat THE BEST FOOD! I couldn't imagine going back to flavorless pre-packaged foods. Feel free to add me!
  • lucysmommy2007
    lucysmommy2007 Posts: 103 Member
    hi i am looking for some clean eating friends - please add me :smile:
  • jeanette526
    jeanette526 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not exactly sure what clean means but so far I've discarded packed/processed foods and traded in sauces for seasoning. I stay away from canned foods, even canned beans. I call it real food. When company comes over I think they enjoy our cooking because they always comment on how healthy the meal was. I'm not sure what that really means. If it was me though, I'd like to come away from a friend's table feeling good about the meal rather than over fed and guilty.
  • sari_endipity08
    sari_endipity08 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi there. I've just started eating "clean" again at the beginning of January and for me right now with a newborn means cutting out mainly refined sugar and any products that contain it. I'm hoping to add more "cut outs" and the weeks and months go on. Add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other!
  • rjk03
    rjk03 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been cleaning up my diet for about a year now. I have lost quite a bit of weight since I started running about 18 months ago. A clean diet really helps with the running. I Always try to stay open minded to learn more. Any friend requests are welcome. We can motivate each other !!
  • Amisha136
    Amisha136 Posts: 38 Member
    I would also love more clean eating friends... please feel free to friend me... we can trade tips as we go along :smile: