Great British Weather

plantilar Posts: 28 Member
Whos been braving the gales and wintery showers??I managed 6 mile this morning looked like i was running on the spot with the wind force for most of it and getting strange looks off drivers all nice and warm passing by in their cars ..was funny


  • Danimalrunsagain
    Danimalrunsagain Posts: 50 Member
    If they were fellow runners, those were looks of awe and jealousy.
  • plantilar
    plantilar Posts: 28 Member
    Ha ha..or looks of questioning my mentallity ☺
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    It's been ok today, but yesterday was vile. I have a 15Km due in the morning and it's looking like it'll be around freezing but with high winds. May opt for the woods in that case to try to get some shelter. The ridges are going to be too exposed for 30mph gusts.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    I ran on a treadmill in the gym yesterday (due to 33mph wind) and it was rubbish.
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    I was off yesterday had planned to go up the mountains near us with a friend. She rang and said will we do a step class instead it was so windy out, I was like not a hope we are going up the moutain...then I walked the kids to school lol we did the class. It was good but not as good as getting out running.

    So this morning I bullied/ nicely asked my hubby into doing the school run I got up early and went out and did just under 11 miles ( I had been aiming for 12 but had to race home to get showered and ready for work). It was fab really cold and bracing, but lots of jazz hands - every time I hit ice my hands shot up :)

    Hopefully the weather behaves and I can get out again over the weekend
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I've been out in some horrible weather this week but today's parkrun has bitten the dust due to snow and ice :( Just hoping hat I cn get my long run in safely tomorrow.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Despite the weather forecast last night it was gorgeous this morning. Temp of 1C, clear skies and mostly crisp underfoot.

    Nice time, at trail HM pace.
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Beautiful morning here in north wales so did a snowy trail run up to top of a hill the views where lovely but my running was rubbish, how can taking 2 weeks off put me back so much?
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Ahh a thread dedicated to a bit of cathartic moaning - I like it.

    It's been a less than enjoyable few weeks hasn't it. My Last 2 long runs (saturday mornings at 7am) have been miserable. Last week I was 10kms from home, feeling pretty cold still when the rain didn't end until I was hope - a truly miserable run. This saturday I was out with snow on the ground all the way and at at pretty much the same point in the run fresh snow started falling. Better than rain I guess but it was bloody cold.

    In between have been evening runs where the wind snatches your breath away and makes you feel like you aren't moving at all.

    Moan, grumble, whinge.

    Good job I don't live in a country where they get a proper winter.