Looking for a few clean eating friends :)



  • My1ittlefattie
    My1ittlefattie Posts: 6 Member
    I am always looking for more clean eating friends. I am not 100 percent clean, more like 75 percent! Lol. Anyone here, please feel free to add me. ☺️
  • ninayoungdog617
    ninayoungdog617 Posts: 55 Member
    Today I am cohosting a babyshower for my daughter in law. I cooked marinara from scratch, fresh ingredience. Organic cheeses, whole grain pasta to make heaping pans of baked ziti. Salad and crusty whole grain rolls. Everyone at this party will be eating clean.
  • TBrownCVT
    TBrownCVT Posts: 85 Member
    Lack of time and money are my biggest challenges when it comes to clean eating. I'd love more friends who understand and are on the same journey.
  • daveswife70
    daveswife70 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there, I'm following Dolvett Quince's 3121 diet which is clean eating 5 days a week with 2 cheat days (calories counted) and could definitely use some clean eating buddies...so anyone who wants to feel free to friend me! Looking forward to meeting and supporting and sharing with ya'll
  • daveswife70
    daveswife70 Posts: 7 Member
    Names Karen by the way :)
  • Sonya165 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm new to MFP and to the Clean Eating Group. 2015 is my motivation to do and learn all things healthy! I've recently turned 50 and have decided it's time to slow the aging process. I'm looking forward to making friends, sharing and gaining experiences, recipes, laughs, triumphs etc.

    Hi, pleased to meet you. I am older than you, but agree it's time to get fit and healthy. It's never too late. I have been trying to eat clean now for several months and have lost 25lbs so far, so am quite pleased. Still a long way from goal. It isn't always easy especially when invited out, but I say, it's rude to offend if offered a meal someone has prepared for you!!! I usually make up for it the next day. However most of my friends try to accommodate my way of eating if they can. I do find though that most folks don't really understand what clean eating is and insist 'this won't hurt you' etc. hope you are doing well with your eating plan.
    Newfiebear in Staffordshire.
  • Jillgorby wrote: »
    I started really clean eating about a year ago and it has made a HUGE difference! Tonight we ate out for the first time in a LONG time, and my tummy hurts so bad. I think it's saying, "what is this crap?!" lol

    Hi Jill you sent me a request 'to be my friend' sorry pressed wrong button and refused. Of course I meant 'yes' but not too sure what I'm doing !!!! Pleased you are doing well with your eating plan. Newfiebear
  • EveFlowergirl
    EveFlowergirl Posts: 1,491 Member
    Hey. I'm looking for friends who eat clean, and simple foods. Actually, anyone who is helpful, positive, and interacts very often with me, would be ideal to be a friend. I've had problems with eating healthy for most of my life. I've been up and down my whole life, and am focusing mostly on how I feel after I eat, and my fullness cues. I'm all about making normalized eating a lifestyle, not a diet. Feel free to add me. Please include a private message along with your request so I can discern if we are right for helping each other out on this journey. I have a tight knit group of friends and make sure I am there for them. If I'm not able to support you, I want to let you know. I'm looking for some good friends to support me, and vice versa. Have a wonderful journey!
  • Brendalarue
    Brendalarue Posts: 1 Member
    I joined MFP Thanksgiving week. I was determined to lose weight instead of gaining weight over the holidays. I practice clean eating and so does my husband and kids. Really I am the only cook so they pretty much have too. I've lost 18 pounds eating 1000-1200 Cals. Per day. I'd love to make friends to give and get support. Also exchange ideas. I'm post menopausal. Age 55, 5'10". I've got 12 more lbs.to lose to reach my goal. I'm really interested in losing then MAINTAINING! I log in several times a day so I am available as a friend.

  • Same here, on and off for a while but i know what i am capable of. Looking to make summer 2015 my summer as I recently did a 180 in life, lost my job (a blessing really), sold my house and started nursing school..putting it all back together with the life i want to lead. Glad to be in such great company here!
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I eat clean too. But of course some days, i throw some stuff in that isn't exactly clean lol. I'm only human lol :) anyone feel free to add me!
    MRSBROWN007 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I'm following Dolvett Quince's 3121 diet which is clean eating 5 days a week with 2 cheat days (calories counted) and could definitely use some clean eating buddies...so anyone who wants to feel free to friend me! Looking forward to meeting and supporting and sharing with ya'll

    Im going to look up Dolvett Quinces 3121 diet that sounds interesting! Ive been on and off on mfp for a while but this time I want to stick to it by clean eating and getting fit. Looking for motivation and clean eating ideas!
  • I have slowly switched to more clean eating habits, I think I have made some good progress considering I despise prepackaged frozen foods. I only but veggies in the freezer section. Now I am slowly making the switch for the hubby and kids. Anyway, I will be friend requesting you guys because I am always looking for new ideas to eat healthy.
  • vraskovskiy
    vraskovskiy Posts: 4 Member
    sunforme3 wrote: »
    Needing to find some support on my clean eating journey!!! Please add me so we can do this together!!!

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I feel so much better when I eat clean, it's ridiculous. However, cupcakes are the essential key to my existence so...

    I keep myself at approximately 80/20. Makes for far less crankiness! :)
  • gemmabuss
    gemmabuss Posts: 5 Member
    I find it so heard to 'clean eat.' I don't often believe in it because not having so many carbs or sugars makes me tetchy and grumpy so just have to give in sometimes. What makes it easier for you guys in terms of getting a sugar fix? My sugars and carbs are always over goal!
  • LifeIsGoodAZ
    LifeIsGoodAZ Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to gain ideas from clean eating friends. Please add me! My diary is open to keep me accountable!
    I'm back to MFP to lose the 8-10 lbs. that have crept back in the past year. For me, it's all about the calories and the self control. I've got a voracious sweet-tooth and I over-indulge. While my family is no where near totally "clean," I do cook and we avoid packaged products for the most part. We eat a great deal of salads, other raw vegetables (mostly because that's how we like them), and fruit. My daughter and I are vegetarians, the other three are meat-eaters so dinners are challenging.
  • NotJustVictoria
    NotJustVictoria Posts: 25 Member
    I've very recently started working on my relationship with cleaner foods. I used to be the Queen of processed and packaged. It was cheap, easy, and I always got immediate satisfaction. Now I've started throwing veggies into most dishes and broke up with salt, most canned goods, and various other products. I slip up occasionally, take a bite from something of my boyfriend's, but I log it and move on. I'm on MFP everyday, and love to have friends who like to comment, message, and talk about our struggles and our successes. My diary is open, and I like to look at others for inspiration on what to eat.. especially snacks because I never know how to go about them anymore!
  • TBrownCVT
    TBrownCVT Posts: 85 Member
    gemmabuss wrote: »
    I find it so heard to 'clean eat.' I don't often believe in it because not having so many carbs or sugars makes me tetchy and grumpy so just have to give in sometimes. What makes it easier for you guys in terms of getting a sugar fix? My sugars and carbs are always over goal!

    One tip is to eat plenty of healthy fats and a fair amount of protein. Your body is craving energy. Carbs just happen to be the fastest source. Protein lasts longer in your system, and fat even longer still.

    Also, a chromium deficiency causes carb cravings, because it is important for insulin regulation. Getting more chromium in your diet might be helpful.
  • Vane0314
    Vane0314 Posts: 190 Member
    Hey, I'm getting back to mfp too and im looking for some new friends that can help and support me as I try this one more time! And I'll gladly help and support anyone that needs it too!