hungry after eating your calories for the day?

erinp523 Posts: 50 Member
So a few nights this week I have been hungry in the evening usually a bit after my workout. I have consumed all my calories for the day by then. I am not sure if it just the tougher workouts burning more calories or my food selection not keeping me full enough. Either way I still had something light because I will never fall asleep with my stomach growling. Have any of you experienced this? If so what is your go to snack if you decide to have something extra?


  • Soybeaner
    Soybeaner Posts: 126 Member
    This happens to me all the time. I refuse to wake up in the middle of the night hungry! Goodness knows enough other things wake me up at night (husband, girls, baby, dog, you name it). My stomach cannot be on the list.

    My strategy? I save calories for a pre bed time snack. I try to put some protein in it (cheese sticks are a favorite). Also, I try and get enough protein throughout the day.

    To be fair, I work out first thing in the morning so I guess I have the entire day to curb any post work out hunger pangs.
  • Soybeaner
    Soybeaner Posts: 126 Member
    And just so you don't wonder about eating before bed. This article in Nutrition Review looked at 15 independent studies and could not draw a definitive conclusion between meal timing and fat loss. SideSteel (awesome knowledgeable guy on MFP) posted this on the Eat, Train, Progress Facebook page.

    "In conclusion, although the initial results of this meta-analysis suggest a potential benefit of increased feeding frequencies for enhancing body composition, these findings need to be interpreted with circumspection."
  • erinp523
    erinp523 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the feedback!