Let's get to know each other a little better....10 Things you don't know about me



  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    1. I am 49, the mother of five (two sons and 1 daughter grown & gone) and two teenage daughters still at home.
    2. My best friend is my husband.
    3. I live in MN.
    4. I buy and sell antique and vintage costume jewelry.
    5. My hobby is making chain maille and wire wrapped jewelry.
    6. I love to cook.
    7. I love to read.
    8. I love to garden (vegetables, not flowers).
    9. I have always been a big girl (5'7" 160 lbs. & up), in the last few years I packed on the pounds (292 Oct. 1st). I am 256 now.
    10. My goal is to be at or below my goal weight for my middle daughter's high school graduation in 2017 when the entire family will gather.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Welcome to an awesome group of ladies Mysticlizard... wishing you much success.........day 1 day at a time and take baby steps ..you can do this :)
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    So nice to meet you all - glad to be with everyone on this journey!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome April, Noodle, and Mystic! Glad you're here :blush:
  • aprilcv00
    aprilcv00 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for letting me join.
  • jenellison30
    jenellison30 Posts: 5 Member
    1. I turn 41 this week but no one can believe I am that old when they meet me. They ask me how I manage to look so young and I always say my secret is "fat, fat fills in the wrinkles."
    2. I have a 21yr old son that left the house for about 8 months for an all expenses paid by mom attempt at living on his own and now he is BACK.
    3. I got married for the first time in 2013 to a man 5 years my senior and ex-special forces. He was 179 pounds when we met, lifetime struggle of trying to gain weight. After we moved in together he informed me that his life's goal is to get to 300 lbs and wear a mumu. He is currently at 250.
    4. I lost my job in November and am trying to reinvent myself by starting my own company.
    5. I am most consistent at being inconsistent.
    6. I love chocolate so much than when I finally told my husband I loved him I said "I love you, even more than chocolate".
    7. I also love wine. I really, really love wine. Not by the bottle though, just by the glass.
    8. I grew up in Alabama, with a monkey, rode motorcycles from the age of 8, had stilts, pretty sure my parents were training us to sell to the circus. We think they kept the worst ones and sold the best.
    9. Never planned on having a son at age 19 but finished college anyway.
    10. Used to be a competitive dancer, who was publicly weighed in front of her classmates periodically. Was never kicked off the team because of weight but was constantly told they wished my boobs were smaller.

    Love the support on here!
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Jen, OMG, what a great list! You should add hilarious to it. My grandma bought me a muumuu for Christmas one year and I've never worn it, but I always think of that grandma as "the mean one" and I will totally ship it to your husband free of charge just to get rid of it.
  • jenellison30
    jenellison30 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Noodle797! I hope he is just kidding but you can never tell with him :).
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Hi and welcome to all of you wonderful ladies

    April - i am sure you will reach your goals because what is more motivating than amazing vacations? One thing many of us have in common here, is that we are taking baby steps to lost the weight. What I am finding is that it really is helping me to identify what is working for me and what isn't. I am not sure about the other ladies and how it is working for them but generally everyone seems to be losing something :wink:

    Noodle - I giggled at your tattoos :) You are truly a geek lol!

    Mysticlizard - What a fascinating hobby and it sounds like you enjoy nature and down to earth things too. I love my garden, the veggie plot and the flowers too. With all of us here to support you, you will surely reach your goal, and possibly before 2017 too!

    Jen - I was falling off my chair laughing at the things most people would never guess about you - especially the circus family :p and I have a 27 year old who also left when he was 19 then came back and stayed! I'm sorry you lost you job in November, but I do get the feeling you won't be out of work for very long! Told you we are a fun lot ;)