Starting an excersice program

sherriewoodruff Posts: 1
edited November 10 in Social Groups
I am a sixty year old who hasn't exercised in over a year. Would like to get back into an exercise program. I have Hypothyroidism and have achy joints. Does anyone have suggestions on how to get started and what works best? Oh and it is nice to be able to join a group with other people who seem to have the same problem as I do.
Hope all of you have a great day!



  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Welcome. You mention achy joints so perhaps your movements are restricted. I would suggest taking things gently at first. Short walks be they in your home from room to room with furniture to hold to or sit on or weather and ability permitting short ventures into the open air. Don't be tempted to do too much at first build up gently. Any movement above what you usually do can be classed as exercise. If you set aside a time of day with the intention of repeating your walk daily please remember two rest days are recommended in a week giving yourself time to acclimatise to the new activity.

    When you know how much you can do comfortably you could branch out and join some exercise classes. As I am sure you know, what is good for one is not so hot for another. It very much depends on your level of stamina and what level of movement you have thyroid problems make things so much more taxing. It could be an idea to take some pain releaf before starting exercise but I found it made things worse but that is another story. You could well find your muscles remember what you used to ask of them. I had not been on a bike for years 20 or more and the action came back quickly. I kept this up for several year but since then I have not been on a bike for another 10 years.

    All the best, steady as you go.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I've just had another thought. Swimming, if you are able to take to a pool this would mean you can take all your weight away from your joints and enable them to move more easily. You do not have to swim, moving in the water would help. Again depending on your current activity levels only do what you are able.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    I second the suggestion to try swimming or aqua-batics class. The water will make it less work on your joints. That depends on if you have access to a swimming pool. If not, short walks are a nice start, as well. :)
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    Chiming in for swimming too. Even if you can't swim, or you don't have money for a class walking back and forth in the water can be a good place to start. I also take glucosamine for my joints (swelling, stiffness, and pain) I'm not sure if you're already taking them and have talked to your doctor about the joint pain, but after 2 weeks they made such a difference. So at the risk of seeming like I'm pushing pills, I really suggest looking into them.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    I just started walking again. Also, how about yoga? You may find it helps. There is a website I really like called and it's free. There are tons of class videos from 10 minutes on up, and at different levels too.
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