week 1 day 1! started jan 12th

bethhjanee Posts: 36 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Just started this today... i can already feel the pain in my legs!!! No pain no gain as they say! Any one else started today?


  • tahni
    tahni Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome! Glad you joined! Monday of week 1 is killer I was sore for a good 3 or 4 days :o
  • aecheteb
    I started Jan 12 too! It was challenging but doable. I stretched and used warm heating pads right after the work out and it seems to have helped as I'm not very sore today. My cardio was definitely challenged!
  • mrshokim
    mrshokim Posts: 4 Member
    I started 12 Jan. I'm coming from week 3 but didn't do any workouts last week so I decided to start over. Let's keep each other motivated!
  • bethhjanee
    bethhjanee Posts: 36 Member
    Just a quick question about it! Do you know if the Wii fit would count as the low intensity work out? Weather is too bad to go out for a walk!
  • missamy4
    missamy4 Posts: 13 Member
    Anything is better than nothing! I don't think a wii fit was what Kayla envisioned, but if you can keep a steady pace of cardio activity then that should be good!

    But I've figured out that her "low intensity" is kinda misnamed. Walking for your LISS is a consistant fast power walk. About 4.3mph, or twice as fast as most people walk naturally. So if you can keep that intensity doing the wii fit, then great!
  • mdiaz0188
    mdiaz0188 Posts: 20 Member
    I just started week 2 of the PreTraining Sessions, I do yoga so I agree with some of the comments about using body weight as a tool! I love it! I'm def sore! Can't wait to complete this week! I'm also not using the HELP guide, as I have a pretty good idea on what works for me as far as nutrition and plus Internet helps as well! My only concern is that I know I will be building up muscle, how can I lose weight this way? I assume that eventually it will all balance out but ... I guess I just need reassurance....
  • missamy4
    missamy4 Posts: 13 Member
    Just remember that one pound of muscle is so much smaller than one pound of fat. Kayla's guides are designed to burn fat while building. So I'd guess that you might notice more of a difference visually than you will on the scale. Which is great. Cause the scale is just a number. It's how healthy your body feels that matters!
  • mrshokim
    mrshokim Posts: 4 Member
    The scale has gone up for me but I measured my waist again and I've lost 3inches. So, don't be discouraged if the scale isn't moving in the direction you would like as it probably isn't a true reflection of your progress.
  • eabuchholz19
    eabuchholz19 Posts: 2 Member
    I started on the 5th but I couldn't do any of week two so I restarted this week...my legs are dead!!!
  • aecheteb
    I did the Wed workout for Week 2 yesterday--- the commandos and mountain climber/push-up combos kicked my butt!!!!!! I haven't been this sore all over my core, shoulders lats and hips in forever!! Love it!!! Had a few cocktails last night though:-( Now I don't feel like doing LISS but I WILL MOTIVATE so I can burn off some of the extra calories!!!