How to do this? 26yo 5'5" 140 working for 120



  • I absolutely agree that a few pounds can make a big difference on a small frame, but I'd suggest tracking other things beside your weight. Track your weight, by all means, but take measurements too. What's your goal? To weigh less, or have a smaller waist? Track the thing you're trying to achieve.

    As a previous poster suggested, strength training, whether that's weights based or bodyweight training will help. You probably don't have much fat to lose, so if you build muscle, you might you look and feel tighter, trimmer and slimmer.

    Good luck!
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    I absolutely agree that a few pounds can make a big difference on a small frame, but I'd suggest tracking other things beside your weight. Track your weight, by all means, but take measurements too. What's your goal? To weigh less, or have a smaller waist? Track the thing you're trying to achieve.

    As a previous poster suggested, strength training, whether that's weights based or bodyweight training will help. You probably don't have much fat to lose, so if you build muscle, you might you look and feel tighter, trimmer and slimmer.

    Good luck!

    Yes I do need to work on focusing on other measurements too and work on my body composition. Just by looking at my body and how I feel I have a decent muscle mass still under a decent layer of fat. In other words I think I have potential for a nice looking body to lose some fat and keep the muscle and perhaps add some.

    However, I really feel like I lack in discipline. Only I can get the motivation to get where I want to go.

    Thanks everyone. keep the comments coming if you feel like it!
  • PamL66
    PamL66 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm a bit older than you (okay, old enough to be your mother). I'm 5' 4.5" and started out at 150 lbs. I set my goal for 130 when I began using MFP. I started walking for exercise (through the halls after school where I teach, then outside when the weather warmed up). I learned portion control and started using my digital kitchen scale and measuring cups/spoons to make certain that my "serving" wasn't really three servings. I also increased my water and fiber intake. If I really craved something, I ate it in moderation. If you deny yourself everything you enjoy, you will not succeed. I logged religiously until I reached my goal (about 6 months) then kept logging and lost another 5 lbs. I've bounced around a bit since then, usually between 124 and 128ish. I ended up in physical therapy after injuring my knee, and this actually helped me get into a better fitness routine. I bought some gym equipment and actually used it. My focus is on being healthy. I used to be pre-diabetic and still struggle with cholesterol issues (hereditary, as I could live on lettuce and still have a problem).
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    I started at 140 almost a year ago (I'm 5ft 4). I'm now 115 and staying there easily. I used 5:2 from Feb to July, then reduced the number of fast days to one per week or fortnight unless I was about to go on holiday or had just come back. I now exercise 3-4 times a week, running 5-6 miles. I really think I should do some strength training too but don't want to venture over to the testosterone-filled part of the gym!

    I know what you mean about lacking discipline and motivation, that is how I reached 140 in the first place. The only times I had weighed that much before, I was pregnant! However, I wanted to reach my goal (which was originally 122), and now that I have a completely different set of clothes in my wardrobe I want to stay right where I am! I'm almost 46, by the way, and now lighter and fitter than I was in my twenties and thirties.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • JadeGypsyxo
    JadeGypsyxo Posts: 59 Member
    . If I really craved something, I ate it in moderation. If you deny yourself everything you enjoy, you will not succeed.

    I am trying to learn this. Moderation is hard for me
  • torytrom
    torytrom Posts: 6 Member

    I'm in the same boat. I'm currently 139, highest was 174, height 5'5" and 20 years old. I would like to get down to 125 but I feel like it will be very difficult for me.

    I'm trying to track my calories with MFP, stop snacking and make smart swaps.

    Any other tips?
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    torytrom wrote: »

    I'm in the same boat. I'm currently 139, highest was 174, height 5'5" and 20 years old. I would like to get down to 125 but I feel like it will be very difficult for me.

    I'm trying to track my calories with MFP, stop snacking and make smart swaps.

    Any other tips?

    I'm not a good one to ask (and others may have said these things already), but my personal tips are:

    1. Eating four or five times a day instead of just three (when possible), just smaller portions.
    2. Portioning snacks and meals out before heading for the comfy chair or table. If I take the whole container with me, I find I eat "a lot" more and didn't even know it was happening until it's too late.
    3. Personally, I schedule my intake the day before. Then I know whats possible and I can always make adjustments. It also helps me with some cravings. If I know I've scheduled it for the next day, it's easier to resist when I do not have enough calories left at the moment.

    Good luck at finding what works best for you. Just remember, you "can' get to your goal!
  • KScott927
    KScott927 Posts: 9 Member
    How's it going, Thom? I just realized your original post was from a year ago. I hope you're still working hard :smile:
  • mswhite456
    mswhite456 Posts: 2 Member
    Just started a new challenge 2 weeks ago. One of them being to work out 7 days a week mostly cardio for 60 mins.. Also eating smaller healthier portions.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    jocop2003 wrote: »
    I am struggling too I am 39 just under 5'6 150 lbs would love to be 130 or less. My goal is to commit to logging on Mfp.
    I am probably most similar to you. 36; 5'6; started at 147 lbs. I was a fitness model during my early and mid twenties; got married; got injured; moved out of the city and gained all this weight. Before a photoshoot I would typically weigh 113-114. Weigh too small/not achievable/not compatible with a healthy, well rounded full life for me now. So I do not have a weight in mind. That in mind, I'm thinking 130 is a great first goal. Once I get to 130, I can reevaluate and see if I want to lose more weight, or if I want to switch to gaining stregth. The journey is half th efun - I'm understanding that for the first time.
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    40, 5'6 and gained 10 lbs, now I'm at 146. Those 10 lbs hurt (nothing fits) and I am convinced that I gained it ALL in my stomach. When you have 10 lbs to lose, it's HARD. I do "good" all week, and then ruin it all weekend. Maybe this week...
  • thom2369 wrote: »
    Hello ladies of this group,

    Yes it is January 1st but that is not the reason that I decided to lose weight. I am on a long journey of trying to find a body weight I am comfortable with. I weight about 140 now and feel just as big as I was when I was close to 170 about three years ago. All through high school and college I would sit around 155-165 pounds. I never counted calories and usually got some exercise but not that much in college. One time I counted calories for a few months and got down to about 143. I felt great! But I just stopped and it all came back and I was at my usual 165 again.

    I am just not happy with 140. But, I haven't been trying that hard to get that number lower. I haven't lost any weight in about two months. I really want to work on getting that number lower. I am wondering about you ladies who got down to the healthy and aesthetically pleasing physiques of 115 - 130 (medium height ladies). How do you feel now at 120 compared to your higher weights? What got you to a weight you are happy with?

    Anyway, if there are any people that are going to give it another new start in 2014 feel free to add me!

  • I am 48 5ft and 1/2 I currently weigh 142 which is heavy for me. I carry a lot of my weight in my hips and bottom. My goal is 120-125. My biggest hurdle is eating breakfast in the morning.I have a hard time losing weight mostly because my eating habits are erratic
    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,395 Member
    Hi. I'm 5' 6" and am maintaining between 118 & 121. I try to get in 3,500 calories burned through exercise each week (variety of cardio, strength, flexibility). I will lose if I have a deficit of 400 or more calories per day. So if I exercise 600 calories burned, then I'll eat up to 1400 calories. 1200 is my no-exercise calorie baseline. Running really does help, but there are so many other ways to lose and tone. Rowing and the elliptical are my other go-to cardio exercises.
  • kawaii_spn
    kawaii_spn Posts: 116 Member

    It's been quite a while since I've been on MFP and I think I really need to come back. I was down to 132lbs by April last year and am back to 140lbs. There are a few weddings for me to attend this summer and I'd really like to be in the 125lbs range if possible. Starting weights again (in addition to the cadio and yoga) - maybe it will help if I stick with it!
  • Salsabia
    Salsabia Posts: 7 Member
    Low carb is the only way I can stay slim and not feel like I'm starving myself
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Hi! I'm 49, 5'5" and am maintaining at about 130. I don't mean to maintain and would like to get down into the 120's but have been sporadic with my cardio. I've been trying the Intermittent Fasting (16/8) and so far it has helped me drop from 32% to 27% body fat (in 70+ days). I do like that but I'm old school and want my weight to go down