New Year New Accountability Thread

shannonin Posts: 130 Member
So we had a great group of people last year that posted regularly on an accountability thread and then MFP changed the forums and we lost our momentum. I'm hoping to get that started again. Anyone wanna commit to setting goals and checking in with your weight every week? It really helped me stay focused and I wanna get that started again.


  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm in!

    My goals for this week:
    • no snacking at work - this is a very bad habit I slipped into over the holidays and it's totally killing me. Breakfast/snack in the morning, and then lunch.
    • 100 oz of water per day
    • three days' worth of C25K on the treadmill

    That's it . . . first official weigh-in since going off the rails for our big trip to the South is tomorrow and I am understandably nervous. I did buy smaller jeans, and my endurance and speed is still up, but I'm sure the weight's also bounced up. Then again, I ate so much sodium and drank so little water that I'm sure it's going to drop again pretty quickly.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Fantastic! My goals for this week are:

    -Get back to tracking everyday every thing.

    -At least 8 cups water a day.

    -Exercise at least 3 times this week.

    Last week I weighed in at 291 (a 8.6 lb gain from the holidays, ouch!) and this morning I weighed in at 286 so I was down 5 lbs. 6.6 more lbs to hit my lowest since starting last year!
  • wyera
    wyera Posts: 41 Member
    I'd love to.

    My goals for this week:

    - home cooked food only
    - meet my water goals
    - find easy and healthy make ahead meal ideas
    - get to the gym to activate my new membership

    Huh, guess I should add "buy a scale" to the list.

    Here's to 2015.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    So last week didn't go so well for me. I was sick with a stomach bug and I ended up not really gaining or losing. I was 286.2 this morning and I think I'm still reeling from eating high sodium chicken broth and soup all week. I didn't track and I don't really know if I got water in or not, I was trying to drink lots of fluids and I definitely didn't exercise. So I'm going to keep my same 3 goals for this week.

    Tracking every day, every thing.
    8 cups water per day
    Exercise 3 times.

    How did your weeks go RedfootDaddy & wyera?
  • wyera
    wyera Posts: 41 Member
    Well, I blew it last week on home cooked food only. I had two nights of restaurant food - one for a birthday and one as a treat for my DH (we had some better than expected medical results that he'd been anxious about). So, for this week:

    - USE my gym membership 3 times this week
    - home cooked food
    - continue meal planning.

    Shannonin - I'm sorry to hear you were sick. I hope that you're feeling better this week!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks! I'm feeling a lot better. Back on track, which is good because it's gonna be a busy week. I'm throwing a baby shower on Sunday and because I was sick last week I have a lot of work to do this week.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    So this week was much better than last week, unfortunately the scale didn't reflect that as I bounced all around and was 286.4 this morning. I did a lot better on my goals. I tracked every day except the afternoon of the shower. I was so busy I don't even remember what I was able to grab, but I know I had punch and cupcake and cheese and crackers. I'm really not sure where I ended up that day. I've been good at the 8 cups of water per day, I got that every day, but the exercise I completely failed at. That's my top priority this week.

    Exercise 3 times this week (once on Superbowl to make up for the wings and such I know i'll be eating)
    Keep Tracking everything.
    Veggies at least once a day (I'm pretty terrible at getting them in).

    How was your week?
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    This week's goals -
    Move every day, at least 10 minutes (30 is better)
    Stay within calorie goal.

    I am going to TRY to make the best choices (when choices are presented, but if I have the cals to spare and a piece of cheesecake is available...