
GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
Let's take a quick moment to introduce ourselves to one another!

Most of you know my story. Some of you know more than you want to know. For those of you that are new to my challenges/friends list...I'll fill you in here.

I was obese pretty much my whole life. I was over 200 pounds by the 8th grade. At my highest, I was around 390 pounds. I had gastric bypass in July, 2003 and in the first year and a half I lost around 140 pounds. At my lowest I was around 250 pounds. A few months and months and months of medical problems caused me to finally stop working out...I gave up...and put weight back on. I came back to MFP in September, 2011 (at 305 pounds) thanks to a wonderful friend of mine. I ran quite a few challenges and pushed myself while helping others and was able to lose a little over 100 pounds and for the first time in my adult life I saw ONEderland. I became complacent and busy with life and put almost 40 pounds back on...I kept bouncing back and forth between 30 and 40 pounds gained. I've decided that I want ONEderland more than anything. I want to get there. I want to stay there.

That brings us to where we are now. My success was seen while being active in challenges and helping my friends achieve their goals. The past year or so...I haven't done challenges. I've also put on weight? Coincidence? I think not! I'm certain it's not a coincidence. It's January. Time to start fresh. I know that this will help me and I hope it helps all of my MFPeeps old and new!


  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    I started out on here thanks to my friend Dalissa back in August 2012. I lost 60 lbs from 8/12 to 1/13. I kept it off for a while, but have since gained all but about 10 lbs back. I completely fell off the wagon. When I lost the weight originally, I was a single mom and we had a schedule worked out, then I got married, gained two more kids and a husband and fell back into the "put myself last" routine. I, of course, want to be thin, but moreso I want to be healthy. I have high blood pressure and want and need to get it lower. So, Gretchen's awesome challenges worked the first time and I am excited to be back at it again!!!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,201 Member
    I started out back in 2011 wearing a size 22! I ate junk and never exercised now 3 1/2 years, wearing a 5/6! If also became a runner doing some 5ks plus my first half marathon this past October! Like Gretchen stated my success also has been in challenges, helping others achieve their goals! In return, they have helped me achieve my goal weight.

    That being said I've been in maintence since this last March BUT has drifted in and out! Currently, I'm within a few pounds of my lowest weight! When life becomes crazy boom I track on pounds!

    In a few weeks I'll be relocating back to Washington State near my two kids! My daughter is expecting my first grand daughter! So being retired now, living near my grand babies will be a new experience for me! Thanks to Gretchen's Challenge I'll be able to be consistent with my food and exercise! Good luck everyone with achieving your goals!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,448 Member
    Hi I am Pam. I am new to this group but have been on MFP since 7/2012. I initially lost 30 lbs but have put all but about 5 back on. On the positive side, I exercise and eat healthier then I did before I started even though I gained the weight back. I have a fitbit I have been using since 7/2012 that has been pretty motivating. I started seeing a dietician recently and joined the local YMCA so I do have the tools,now it is up to me. Looking forward to giving and getting support with this group. Thanks to Kathim429 for recommending this group.
  • Lezleeb67
    Lezleeb67 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, my name is Lesley. Ive been on MFP for 1048 days, and had lost 4 1/2 stone, but last year was my downfall. I managed to maintain until my wedding in July 26th, then in September my husband became ill, and ended up in hospital for a chest drain on October 7th, and that's where my willpower went through the floor, and the bottom dropped out of our world, as we were told his melanoma from his eye had come back in his lung, and there was no cure, only a small chance of the treatment they were offering would work, and that he had months rather than years to live. We now know he has further tumours in his brain, adrenal gland and lymph glands in his chest. Needless to say, my concentration on my health has disappeared entirely in that time, and I have not weighed myself in 6 months or more, as I am scared to see what damage I've done. I am hoping to get my butt in gear and get my healthy lifestyle back, so I don't undo all my hard's going to be hard, but I miss how fit I had become, and have a lot to do to get it back, but I have a husband who needs my support, and my son who needs me to be here for him for many years yet I hope. We will fight his cancer, and live each day for the moment, but I want to try and get started by joining this group and hope with support, I can keep going, even if I miss a day here and there.
  • PhatAv8r
    PhatAv8r Posts: 153 Member
    Hey, I'm Trent, and I can be a knucklehead, but I'm a pretty decent guy. I started on MFP four years ago, I lost 50 pounds and even spent a week below 300... then I fell at work, tearing a hamstring and sidlining my work... I got back on track with my running, but couldn't get my mind fixed back on controlling my intake... and I used my wife as an excuse to eat bad.

    Well, I'm back, the holidays are over, my kids just went back to the US. So I've got 4 weeks to vacation in Thailand. And 23 weeks to my birthday and a goal to lose 55# before my 55th birthday...

    Off we go~!!