I need advice! what's your daily calorie intake?

Hello my fellow fun-sizers!

I'm rachel and i'm about 5'1, according to MFP my daily caloric intake should be 1200. i'm a little concerned though because people keep telling me that is way too low, that i should be aiming for 1500. am i putting my body in starvation mode with 1200 calories? :/ what are you guy's daily caloric intake?


  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    5'3" 137lbs - i try to hit a weekly average of 1700-1800. some days as little as 1400 other days, as much as 2000. all depends on how my body feels and how much i'm working out.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    MFP set it at 1200 in order for you to lose weight. I think it is rather low. I'm running between 1800 and 1900 a day but I'm breastfeeding right now. ( that puts it between 1300 and 1400 after calories burned) I would have problems trying to cut down the calories after I stop.
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    I'm at 1200... but I just try to pack it with as much nutrients as possible. And hey, if I'm still hungry- I'll eat more. Just not junk :)

    Just got back on the bandwagon! WOOO!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    I think MFP puts sets that minimum to ensure that they don't get sued for people going way under and having health issues. 1200 calories is an arbitrary number set by the American College of Sports Medicine to ensure that people obtain enough food in order to have the required nutrition (ie vitamins and minerals) your body needs to function. There is actually no research behind the number. The concept of minimum calories, just like the concept of starvation mode, is grossly misunderstood by many people. According to research, in order to put your body into starvation mode, you have to drop to about 50% below your body's required caloric intake. That being said, unless your very petite, sedantary, or slight 1200 is likely a low number for most people. Unlikely to put you into starvation mode unless you need 2400 calories or more a day but for the average person pretty darn low. Now if your smaller then the norm, which is most of us in this group, then that is a different matter. If in doubt, consult a physician ;). Physicians have been known to sometimes put people on EXTREMELY low calorie diets (ie, 350-500 calories a day) but only under medical supervision.

    FYI, if I followed MFP's 1200 calories recommendation, according to their own chart, I would only lose only about .2 lbs a week. Yeah, I'm a super shorty. So I've lowered my number to 1050 which puts me to close to losing .7 pounds a week. I consider losing less then one pound a week perfectly healthy. My opinion. Of course, there is something to be said about slow and steady. I'm very concious of what I'm eating/exercising as it relates to my personal plans. And I've made sure that I've read up on my scientific research before starting my journey ;). I can only recommend that you do your research, be in tune to your body, and seek professional opinions if you have questions/concerns or need a guide on your journey! Best of luck!
  • SMOOCH89
    SMOOCH89 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine is also set at 1200, I love food but have always had a problem consistently eating enough for my body to not drop into starvation mode. 1200 is definately a challenge for me (I'm nowhere near small, I am a plump woman and i had a child within the past 2 years and I breastfed) It literally takes me all day to get to 1200 somedays.But as my metabolism speeds up and I increase my activity level I will definately increase my caloric intake to somewhere between 1400-1700 a day.
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm on 1200 calorie also. I don't think i am starving myself at all. Im not suffering from hunger either. I eat 3 meals a day and a snack or 2.
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    1600 minimum my body deserves nourishment and I have lost just fine eating well above 1200
  • mrsieve
    mrsieve Posts: 36 Member
    I'm supposed to be hitting around 1200 calories, too, according to MFP. I think that is if you literally sit on your *kitten* all day without doing anything. Obviously, any kind of walking, etc is going to allow for more calories.
  • jiz35
    jiz35 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm on 1200 calorie also. I don't think i am starving myself at all. Im not suffering from hunger either. I eat 3 meals a day and a snack or 2.

    Agree with this post,
    MFP for me is set at 1200 but I aim for between 1200 - 1400. If I go over by a hundred or 2 I don't beat myself up about it.
  • eschang99
    eschang99 Posts: 16 Member
    5'1" here, I basically aim for around 1200, and always eat back my exercise calories.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I'm 5'1" as well, 142 lbs. When I was trying to lose 1 lb/week, MFP put me at 1200 calories. This worked for me at the time. I lost weight, but at the time I was mostly sedentary. I would go for walks and eat back those calories. My problem came when I had to be more active. My job requires me to go in the field sometimes, and those days are highly active (think being on your feet 10+ hours hauling around heavy things). With a baseline of 1200 calories, I would get lightheaded/fatigued on those days, despite eating more on those days. I upped my calories to 1400-1500 and felt much better. You'll probably have to play around with it, see what works best for you.
  • amyrrich96
    amyrrich96 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'2 at about 147 lbs, just for insight. :)

    MFP has me at 1280 calories a day. I don't have much trouble with it at all. I eat a meal/snack when I'm hungry and I don't feel as if I'm starving myself at all. I also exercise very often (I love running) and I try eat back most of those calories but sometimes I'm just not hungry enough to eat them all back :p I've been losing 1-2 lbs weekly.

    Feel free to add me, my diary's always open:)
  • steph8679
    steph8679 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'1" and was doing the 1200 calories/day for months and lost 10 lbs. I continued to do this for all of February and didn't lose a pound! I was really frustrated and decided to alter something. I increased my calories to 1300 on the days I don't go to the gym and to eat back at least half my calories on the 4 days I do go to the gym. In a weeks time I finally lost a pound and feel so much better. I think my body was going into starvation mode and that's why I couldn't lose anything. I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • eustaciavye
    eustaciavye Posts: 27 Member
    1200 takes a lot of focus and preparation. At 5 ' - 150 lbs I am aiming for that number, but aware it is on the low side and that there will be some off days because it's real life.
  • snoricakes
    I'm 5'3" and ~170lbs. In order to lose 2lbs/week, I'm at 1200 calories/day. It never feels like enough, but I'm a student and work nights so I think I just don't know what to do with myself when I can't snack.
  • Mauigirl62
    I am only 5 feet tall and weighed 172 when I started MFP on January 4 I think it was. I have lost 3 lbs. so far. My 1200 calorie goal is very do-able as long as I don't drink alcohol. That is what usually puts me over - that and carbs if I overdo. I am aiming for 135 lbs., which is still over what they say my weight should be for my height (very frustrating; as I always say, it's not that I'm too fat, it's that I'm too short!). But at 61 I really don't think going much lower than that would be that healthy and besides it would be unsustainable in the long term. If I get down to that I will be much healthier and have more energy and that is my goal. I think if I ate much more than 1200 calories I would not lose. But I don't exercise. (I did go back to yoga this week and hope to gradually include more exercise).
  • nsoss
    nsoss Posts: 34 Member
    5 feet-0. Started at 178 lbs and now at 175.2 exactly two weeks later. That averages 1.4 lbs a week which is optimal for me. Calorie goal is 1400 a day and hitting that most days . Carb goal is 35 g of carbs max but I'm OK with anything under 60. Limiting carbs seems to be the key to weight loss, more than limiting calories. Try more protein and fat and far fewer carbs. You will be less hungry at same calorie level.
  • onlymugwump
    onlymugwump Posts: 4 Member
    At 4'11" the MFP suggested 1200 but my GP said nothing lower than 1400 as you are likely to send your body into starvation mode then pack on the fat rather than muscle. Saying that I seem to lose very little weight despite sticking to 1400 and exercising regularly - must be doing something wrong :\
  • Mauigirl62
    I think at our short heights we can do well on 1200 calories a day. I am not hungry at all and easily stay at 1200 if I cut back on the carbs and don't drink alcohol. The key is to snack between meals so that your body doesn't go into that starvation mode. I love those little mandarin oranges or clementines for a snack, or a handful of whole cashews. If you really feel like feeling full, go for unbuttered popcorn - lots of fiber and filling without many calories. Just stay away from bananas, high in carbs and sugar. If I have any I only have a half banana.
  • DawnPodojil
    DawnPodojil Posts: 12 Member
    5'2" here and also at 1200/day. But, that is set for a weekly weight loss. And I go to Jazzercise every morning (at 545am!) so I get calories back to eat. I still aim for 1200, but if I go over I know I have those exercise calories to fall back on. I also eat a whole food plant based diet so I save a lot of calories by just eating fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Nothing processed (at least I try).