TODAY ~ How's your day going? share, encourage, support, successes, struggles, questions

TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
How's your day going? Look ahead - what's coming?


  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    My name is Teresa or T. I'm on my way to around 130 pounds (started at 307). It's Saturday. I think the weekends are harder to stay on track for me.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    It's Sunday not Saturday. I'm striving to walk 5,000 steps today partly by 30 minutes on treadmill.
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    It's Sunday here too! Lovely day, frosty start, now sunny but cold. Dogs had a shorter walk than normal today as the local "chasse" (hunt) were out and the shots spook the dogs and make them hyper.
  • lilyandree59
    Sunday here as's going to be -3C with a bit of wind chill today but the sun is supposed to peek. I am staying inside, will do my 30 minutes on the treadmill and then clean out more cupboards today and do a bit of housework. Weekends are way to short! I also intend to cook up a big batch of vegetables and a roast for meals this week. I only cook for myself so big batches and leftovers are good. Have a good day everyone!
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Let's make 2015 our year to get move toward and/or reach our goal(s)!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    This is my first time joining a group. I look forward to the posts. It's sunny and warm here in Arizona so I am able to walk outside as my main form of exercise (unless it's summer). I try to walk twice a day - 20 minutes at work, and a half hour at home. Weekends are mostly laundry and chilling out. I should do more, but I don't!
  • Magoo7755
    Magoo7755 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, this is my first time joining a group also. Had to share that for the first time I hit 5000 steps on my fitbit today. I am pretty stoked. Hope everyone is enjoying your weekend.
  • rosemaryk1234
    Hello! I'm 56 and I've had years of losing weight only to gain it back. This time I am trying to look at it as a lifestyle change and not a diet. I can do this! We all can do this!
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome all members! I live in Washington State, here it is mild, cloudy/rainy weather in the 50's during the day and 40's at night. I strive to walk 5,000 steps a day (I have a Garmin Vivofit to track my steps). Congrats to you Magoo7755!
  • Magoo7755
    Magoo7755 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you T, my husband bought this for me for Christmas and then my daughter got me started on myfitnesspal. It has been fun doing this together.
  • lilyandree59
    Weather chat is making me anxious for summer! I live in a city in the province of Manitoba in Canada and it's cold and the snow is still here. Thankful for my treadmill.
  • Theresa6161957
    Hello all, This is my 2nd week on MFP. I'm not good when it comes to navigating around the site and I'm finding it frustrating and truthfully, a PITA. I previously did WW on line and that became cumbersome and I wound up not logging in daily. I'm trying my best to do this daily because I really need to lose the weight. I love reading about success stories, it is the only thing that is keeping me motivated.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Hang in there Theresa, I too am still finding my way around. I found out today that there is no way to "search" for a group! That was after a long time devoted to trying to help a person find this group to join, big sigh. MyFitnessPal said they are working on this feature.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    :) I had an exceptional day, best one ever thanks in part to the motivation here!!! Walked over 6800 steps. That's a first! I am a former non-exerciser and a current "gotta MAKE myself do it" exerciser. Stayed in my calorie range, stayed in my carb range, read my long list of why I'm doing this (also motivating), and accomplished the rest of my daily goals (10 of them). Signing off for the night ~ till tomorrow MyFitnessPal Buddies! :D
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Well I pretty much quit drinking 1 1/2 yrs ago except Sundays. I love brunch and champagne even more. Soo... My day was good. A few glasses of champagne, some crab legs, fruit, salad etc. just itty bits of each but soo good! Then the best part cheesecake!!! Just a couple bites. Stayed under my goal just a little too much fat but that's ok. This is my one day that I can splurge. And it really isn't. Maybe not the best combo of foods but I'll take it. I need to lose over 100 so I have a long road.
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Hello all, This is my 2nd week on MFP. I'm not good when it comes to navigating around the site and I'm finding it frustrating and truthfully, a PITA. I previously did WW on line and that became cumbersome and I wound up not logging in daily. I'm trying my best to do this daily because I really need to lose the weight. I love reading about success stories, it is the only thing that is keeping me motivated.

    I've been here for 3 weeks and short the groups I love mfp! I don't mean I don't like the groups it's just been hard to figure out how to navigate. I'm getting there. Feel free to msg me anyone if you need a little extra support or a kick in the butt. :) I just hope I can stick with it. I finally am starting to understand how food works in your body and I'm finding this really easy. Not like the 50000 "diets" I've been on before. Wish me luck guys!
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Wishing everyone all the best! Let's stick together, share, and support! I have a long way to go as well ~ currently I have 162 pounds to loose. We can do this ~ have a great Monday!
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Plan it, Do it, Evaluate it, Fix it, Celebrate it, Repeat it, GO FOR IT!
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    edited January 2015
    I had an idea... I put Jumbo cupcake wrappers on the wall in my kitchen. One for each pound I have to loose (177 total). When I loose a pound - I move a wrapper under the bar. Now I can see my progress constantly, woo hoo!
  • lilyandree59
    I have also had a great day. My goal is to lose, a minimum the 60 lbs I had lost and put back on over the last 4 1/2 years. I did not get to walk on the treadmill today but was out shopping for 2 hours so I figure that's a good 30 minutes at 2.0 mph. I was within my calories but over in sodium...there seems to be sodium and sugar in everything! My goal tomorrow is to eat less packaged food and more fresh food,