Muffin Top
Has anyone found the best solution to the muffin top? I am actually losing weight, but I think my muffin top is getting worse...
TEMPTATIONS ~ What are your temptations and how did you or how are you going to deal with it?
Are you tempted by certain foods? Breads? Desserts? Evening snacking? Social events: holiday's, birthday, church, relatives house? People you live with tempting you? Munching while doing something: watching tv, at the computer, at work? Is there tempting food at work? Being out with friends? Do you live with another family…
EVENING ~ Please share tips to stay on track in evening (after dinner - before bed)
Tips, Suggestions, Idea's ~ how to stay on track after dinner to bedtime
EXERCISE ~ What exercise are you doing?
Please share exercise suggestions, struggles, tips.
TODAY ~ How's your day going? share, encourage, support, successes, struggles, questions
How's your day going? Look ahead - what's coming?
RECIPES ~ Share your favorites!
Please share your favorite recipes! (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Sticking Together
I am glad to see we are sticking together on this post even with the loss of Teresa. I have been racking my brain to figure out why her Vivofit was so wacky since I also use one. It is not perfect but has certainly focused my attention on my goals. I think I figured out what happened! Vivofit has a "Steps Taken" AND "Steps…
FOOD ~ Please share your food plan, tips, suggestions
What food plan are you using? Sharing suggestions, tips and questions.
Just checking- what are your triggers?
Wanted to see if we could start our own discussions w/o Theresa. Otherwise, the other threads will get really long. I love all food, but my biggest downfall is sugar. Been know to eat an entire box of chocolate.
Motivation ~ How do you stay motivated?
Reading my goals and a long list of why I'm doing this is my #1 way to motivate me to get up and move! #2 is checking in here, reading your posts, knowing we're all working together!